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  • in reply to: Teddy UPDATE #43423

    Hope your hand feels better soon.

    I am sending warm thoughts and hugs to you and Teddy on your honeymoon.


    in reply to: My sister #43426

    Welcome to the site. Iam so sorry about yoour sister. We are of a similar age and though I dont have children, I do understand the strong will to fight. My sister is my bestfriend too and is in fact one of my biggest worries about my passing. Sisters are so special and the bond between is incredible. It is that bond that will help your sister get through this.


    in reply to: My Dad – Update #43405

    I am sorry the scans are causing so many problems getting a second opinion. I think that is pretty common though.

    I too am looking at some getting some second opinions and wondering if
    I will be strong enough if anything becomes available. I guess at this stage the mental toughness needs to be ramped up…at least in my case.

    I can understand your Dad refusing Macmillan Nurses. It is probably an emotional thing where he might feel he is worse off if he needs their help. You might want to explain that having them their is not just for him, but for you as well and doesnt reflect where he is in the process, they are just there to help. I hope I am making sense.

    Hang in there Andie.

    in reply to: Dave is back in the hospital…..sigh #43396

    Hoping he is out soon and everything gets under control.


    in reply to: Kris #43365

    I am still in the hospital still not doing so great. I am so bloated and the vomiting is terrible. My drain isnt working and they believe it is that the tumor is squishing it closed. The talk now is to put a tube within the tube to give it more structure and hopefully that will work.

    I cant get out because my bowels are not working, I am still vomiting too much blood so I need transfusions every so often, my bloating is so sever it can cause problems for my lungs. Plus all my pain medicines and everything else needs either to be injected or in suppository form. Problem is I am so bloated that I cannot give myself the suppositories because I cant reach! :) There is a really funny story about Hans having to help me….but I will save that for another time. So basically I am stuck here for the time being. I am getting morphin regularly so although I check in often, I rarely reply as I am in some weird mental/sleepy state.

    My oncology nurse came up to visit and give me a pep talk and I am getting regular visits from my psychologist. Mom leaves tomorrow and my sister comes on Saturday.

    So there is the update. Hope everyone is doing well and telling your loved ones what they mean to you.


    in reply to: chemotherapy/clinical trial advice #42747

    You can get some of the chemos available on trial off of the trial if they are commonly available. Some are new agents and are not on the market, so you will not be able to get access to those.

    Finding the right clinical trial is really a guess. Since it is a trial, there is no way to know in advance which one will be best. Go with your instinct. Besides, you might only qualify for 1 or 2 depending on your dads health and previous medical interventions.


    in reply to: Mum just been diagnosed Ninewells #39084

    Nice to hear from you again ScottsMum. It sounds like things are going pretty well and everyone is taking the time to treasure those special moments.

    I am very happy your mothers cancer appears to be easily distracted and lazy so that your mother can just enjoy life as much as possible.


    in reply to: Cholangiocarcinoma and my mother #41358

    I am so sorry for your loss. It must have been a difficult couple of months for everyone involved. Remember we are all here for you if you need us.


    in reply to: Do you have Pink Ribbon Fatigue? #43174

    I remember when I lived in Scotland, you could buy a pink mop and some percent would go to breast cancer charity. In Sweden, the pink is everywhere now too. I think of all the money raised in all these countries in October and just become sick.

    My favorite aunt is a breast cancer survivor, so I do appreciate the strides made there. BUT, I find the whole thing disgusting now. It is actually something that has made me so hot, I have needed to talk about it with my psychologist. I would not doubt that between all the pink campaigns throughout the US and Western Europe and all those breast cancer charities that over a billion dollars is raised annually. Where does that money go? Who knows. That is why I am so proud of the CC Foundation and its first ASCO grant.


    in reply to: New plan, new surgery #43007

    Thanks everyone. Things were looking good, but of course we have had a recent change. I threw up over a liter last night. No one knows why it didnt drain through the tube.

    I have reached the most bloated I have ever been. Even my feet are now swollen, but the real issue comes from the bloated stomach which causes lots of pain. But hopefully I will be getting some medicine for that. I mean what do they expect, I have had 3 stomach procedures in 3 weeks. Anyway, it is very very painful and they have had to up the morphine over it. All the bloat also means it is very difficult to walk and be mobile which just compounds the issue.

    If I understand the nurses, today will include medicine for the water retention and some scans to check out the new drain for problems. And a big dose of morphine to kill the pain enough to get me walking.


    in reply to: Teddy & Lainy Update #43096

    Great news about yourself. What a relief.

    Glad Teddy is getting those showers with a little help. You always feel so much better after you are clean and relaxed.


    in reply to: Teddy Update #43037

    Oh Lainy, your strength is infectious. I love how tenderly you talk about your Teddy. I almost missed your update since I try to stay out of this section since it is a little to close to home for me. I am glad I took a peak in and will definately be checking back to keep tabs on the Miracle Man.

    I am glad his nightmares are down. Talking in his sleep…could be intrigueing. Any good gossip? Does it interfer with your sleep? Hans clacks his teeth during the night and that wakes me up.

    In your effort to take care of your sweetheart, dont forget to take care of yourself. Remember, you are a very loved person here.


    in reply to: This sucks #43134

    I am sorry you are in so much pain. But you are doing wonderful considering everything that is on your plate. You are grieving and have the right to want a different and normal life. Cancer is a beast to both patients and caregivers. You are still trying to process through the practical things and yet you still need time for the emotional healing to begin. Dont be too hard on yourself.

    We are here for you.


    in reply to: Hello Friends…Here is the latest on Dave #43148

    Wishing Dave a quick recovery. Cancer free is indeed music to the ears. When he can eat, tell him to eat for me too! Lets hope he is home soon with his family where he belongs.


    in reply to: confusion #42981

    The drugs for cc, plus the dyhadration and the loss of electrolytes, are often the causes of confusion. You might want to talk to your mother’s doctor about what is happening. I know I have been confused a time or two and I am know where near the age that dementia is considered.


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