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  • in reply to: The Liver Meeting #90563

    Great pic of you both! :)

    Love the pics!

    Hugs to you both,


    in reply to: New Member #90537

    Hi Sherry,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and I am sorry also to hear about your husband. But glad that you joined in with us here as you are in the best place for support and help and will get a load of both from everyone as well. And, you will learn tons of stuff too from all of the posts and info on the site posted by the members too. If we can help ask and we will do what we can. Please also check out some of the webinars that have been done as they will be of help to you as well.

    I am real glad to hear that your husband was able to have the surgery as so many newly diagnosed patients are not able to do this, and great to hear that it went so well for him. Excellent news. We have a great chemo board here on the site as well and plrease feel free to check that out as well.

    Looking forward to hearing more from you in time. Keep on coming back, we are here for you.

    My best wishes to you and your husband,


    in reply to: My wee dad #88132

    Hi Carol,

    Great to hear from you again and I so know how tough these recent times will have been for you and your mum. That is great that you and your mum are attending the group at marie Curie as I know that they do so much good work there. And what a great idea to have the fund raiser for them at your mums house, I’m sure you will manage to squeeze everyone in!

    Looking forward to hearing all about it and you know that we are always here for you as well.



    in reply to: New Scan Report #90556

    Real sorry to hear this latest news from you Julie, big grrrrr to this to say the least. If it will help, I’ll join your cheerleading crew and even dress up if it really helps mind!

    On a serious note, it does sound like you are in very good hands and I know that what ever decisions you make will be the right decisions for you, and you know as well that we are all here for you as well, always.

    Hugs for you,


    And a cheerleading dance as well!

    in reply to: Hello and initial advice #90526

    Hi Nicg,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry to hear about your mum but glad that you have joined us all here as you are in the best place for support and help and will get loads of both from everyone here.

    I can’t say too much right now as am in a bit of a rush but wanted to give you some stuff on SIRT in the UK. Yes it can be done under the NHS for ICC but there are some conditions for it being offered and it has been approved by NICE now for ICC, your mums consultant may not know this. Some links for you

    Where in the UK is your mum being treated and has she thought about a 2nd opinion into treatment options etc?

    Ah just noticed that your mums situation has been reviewed by Oxford, I take it by a specialist in CC?

    And don’t worry about the duplicate posts, I removed them for you.

    My best to you and your mum,


    in reply to: My 2nd dose tomorrow. #90494

    Lainy loves bacon…. shock horror!!

    Hope it goes well tomorrow Tom, positive thoughts coming your way.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: What should you know about palliative care? #90506

    Thanks for these Karen. I know that they will be of use to many.

    in reply to: Enormous genetic variation may shield tumors from treatment #90487

    Thanks for that Marion.

    in reply to: New Member #90361

    Hi Jack,

    Yep, got to agree with Marion on this in that you are definitely in some of the best hands in the UK with much experience in treating patients with CC. The stent you have, metal one, is I think the same one that my dad had fitted and these are less prone to clogging than the plastic ones. This stent helped clear my dads jaundice up pretty quickly and as such he felt so much better once it started working as it should.

    As to stats for UK, the last figures are for 2013 and there were 1965 new cases which was 3.4 per 100k of population. for 2010 – 2013 totals it was incidences 3670 males and 4217 for females. These are totals for the last 4 years.

    Another stat….. 1-1 with Spurs on Sunday?? What was going on there?? Your bitter rivals as well, bet that hurt!

    My best to you,


    in reply to: End of life #90443

    Dear Susan,

    Thinking of you all right now as you go through this time and hoping as well for comfort for everyone. Please do not knock your self about any of the decisions you all have to make or have made throughout all of this. I know for sure that the decisions that you make are so right for you both. Please know we are here for you.



    in reply to: My Mum, 49yo in Australia #89860

    Fingers are crossed for your mum tomorrow Tiah and I so hope that you both get some good news about everything. Please let us know how it all goes.

    My best to you and your mum,


    in reply to: Internal bleeding, is this related? #89295

    Dear Ali,

    I am so very sorry indeed to hear of Brian’s passing. Please accept my sincere condolences. I too am glad to hear that he passed peacefully in his sleep. Please know that my thoughts are with you and all of your family and please know as well that we are all here for you as well.




    From Agios Sunday investor presentation today –

    Agios Extends Reach of Cancer Metabolism Drug into Solid Tumors.

    “Another 20 patients had intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, a type of liver cancer. Here, there was a single partial response durable beyond six months and 11 reports of stable disease.”


    in reply to: ‘Designer cells’ reverse one-year-old’s cancer #90466

    Thanks for that Marion. This news was all over the UK media the other day for obvious reasons. Much hope and good I think will come from immunotherapy and advances in it etc in time but as always we are a very impatient lot are we not.

    I’ve always thought and said that one day we will get there with the cure and nothing has made me change my mind on that front. It will take time, probably much much longer than we would like but we will get there.



    in reply to: NCRI cancer conference UK – Summary #90464

    Thanks for that Marion, glad to be of help as always! And hope that the links I post are of use to people.

    Hugs back at you,


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