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  • in reply to: Did you see “Farrah’s Story”? #30346

    I watched it both when it first aired and then again after she had passed. I cried both times. She was such a brave woman and much more than the tabloids had ever described. She had more than just outer beauty. She is finally at peace and with God.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: now cancer #30371

    Wonderful news!!
    Take care and God Bless,

    in reply to: Goodbye my beloved husband, James Bell #29509

    Dear Danielle;

    I have not gone through what you are so I cant offer any first hand advice, but I just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you.
    I pray that you will find comfort and peace.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: Having a good cry today. #28517

    I too am so very sorry for your losses. I have been keeping your Aunt and her family in my prayers. You can have some comfort knowing she is at peace, no more seizures or pain. My thoughts and prayers are sent to you during this most difficult time. God Bless,

    in reply to: hello everyone #29709

    Sending good thoughts and prayers your way for good results.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: Lung full of fluid #28851

    Hi Deb;
    Thanks for the update on your Dad. I am glad he is feeling better but saddened by the progress of his disease. I agree that he needs to get in touch with his first Dr. Having one rare cancer is bad enough but being told that he has two must be devastating. I recently found out my cc is back with a vengence and now have spots in both lungs. I know the devastation I felt just from that news. I will keep you both in my prayers. Tell him not to give up. Each day is worth fighting for.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: Scan Results #29691

    I am sooo happy your results were good. This is what we were praying for.
    I hope you have a great summer. Take care and God Bless,

    in reply to: Neulasta concerns Please Help! #29632

    Well, I got the shot yesterday. No problems so far other than a little pain at the injection site. I’ve talked to a couple of other people and they say the bone pain shows up after a couple of days. I’ll keep you posted. I’m glad next time I’ll get the Neupogen. It sounds like much milder side effects. Thanks again for all your support and information. It has really helped.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: Can anyone offer advice or words of comfort #29684

    Dear Boomgaart,
    Ditto what Lainy and Louise said. I had a resection last year at age 51. I did not have any problems with the drains, but did have a build up of fluid around my lung that needed to be drained (1+ liter) a couple of weeks after I got home. I will keep you both in my prayers. Please keep us posted on how he is doing and if there is anything else we can do for you.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: Just joined from New Zealand #29673

    I am so sorry for what you and your wife are going through. Your wife is lucky to have such a devoted husband. I will be praying for both of you.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: Neulasta concerns Please Help! #29624

    Hi All;
    Thanks for your responses. I cant tell you how much I appreciate your posts. I was able to get my Gemcitabine today. WBC was up to normal. Only by a tenth but still I think its the first time in over a year. I am scheduled to get the Neulasta tomorrow afternoon at my local clinic. I wasnt able to talk to my onc but talked to the chemo nurses at Mayo and she reassured me that she had never seen the spleen side effect. Bone pain and rash but not life threatening. I am still nervous and wish I could get the Neupogen instead, but hopefully this will be Ok and really jumpstart my bone marrow.
    Plan is Dr appt in 2 weeks, lab tests and start another 3 week cycle of Gemcitabine followed by injections of Neupogen on the 2-4th days after chemo. Thanks again and please keep me in your prayers. I’ll let you know how it goes.
    God Bless all of you,

    in reply to: Neulasta concerns Please Help! #29628

    Hi Louise;
    Thanks for your response. I am wondering if we’re talking about the same medication. I just double checked the website for Neulasta and it says it works on white cells not hemoglobin. It sounds like the same thing from where they inject though. The pain I think I could tolerate but when they talk about spleen rupture and fatalities I start to get a little panicked. Thank you so much for your response. I really appreciate it.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: AND THE GOOD NEWS IS…… #29654

    All I can say is Woo Hoo and thank God. This is great news!

    As far as the chemo goes I’ll tell you my experience. I had a resection June 08. I wanted to do chemo for 3-6 months to be sure. My Mayo Dr said that he wouldnt usually do it, but because I wanted to we would. I didnt tolerate it (blood counts dropped) so only got 1 month of Xeloda and 2 of 3 doses of Gemcitabine. I had clear scans up until June 3rd. I now have a tumor in the liver and lung mets. I did not tolerate this first round of chemo.

    I have mixed feelings, on one hand I am kicking myself that I didnt push for the chemo. I consulted with 2 other Drs and they split, one for chemo one against, so I went with the 2 out of 3 for no more chemo. I had a good 9 months off chemo and was able to not worry about side effects, etc. If I had tolerated the chemo I would have done 3-6 months. Would it have delayed this relapse, I dont know. Maybe I’d be exactly where I am now but weaker. Only God knows. But if I had been strong enough to tolerate the chemo I would have done it.

    Take care and God Bless,

    in reply to: Swollen Lymph Nodes #29612

    Been saying my prayers for you and Dave today. Let us know how things went. Take care and know that there is always someone here for you.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: Another set back #29386

    Thanks for your replies. You always make me feel better!

    I totally agree about being around when the next discovery is made. Who knows, maybe a cure is about to be discovered. The longer I’m here the better chances something new will be discovered.
    I did ask about other chemo drugs, mentioned the new standard combo from here. At this point he just wants to get the Gemcitabine in and tolerated I guess. My white counts have never gone back to normal even after being off all chemo for 9 months so I think that is why his caution. I am calling another Dr today to get another opinion though.

    You always put a smile on my face, and we all know how much that helps! Still praying for good news next week for Teddy’s PET results.

    You are a warrior! You have 3 very important reasons to fight, plus a bunch of 4 legged ones. I know what you mean about the fight wearing out. It’s like being hit by a truck not just once, but over and over. In my darker moments, I give in to predictions and statistics…. but then I kick myself in the butt, or something or someone else does, or reminds me that I am needed here. So I get ready for battle again. Now, thanks to Lainy I have a new vision of myself with a sequined robe and rose colored boxing gloves! Lisa, you need to put them on also. I’ll loan you mine or maybe you want your own color :) I’m gonna says extra prayers for you for strength until next weeks scan and for good results.

    God Bless you all,

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 228 total)