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  • in reply to: Radioembolization Y-90 sirspheres procedure completed #31043

    Thanks for sharing your experiemce with this treatment. Glad to hear you are feeling well.
    Take care and God Bless,

    in reply to: CT results today #30918

    Hi Lisa;
    That is great news. I know exactly what you mean about graduation and grandbabies. I would love to be around long enough to see at least my first grandbaby. First I have to hang in long enough for my daughter to graduate from college. I also feel the same way about the weight. I wouldnt mind being 10lbs lighter but I want to have a cushion just in case. Congratulations again on your good news. Take care and God Bless,

    in reply to: Surgery #30827

    I had a 65% liver resection at Mayo. Was discharged on the 6th day. Pain the first 2 days was pretty bad but tolerable after that. Was up and walking the day after surgery. Had to have some fluid drained twice from my chest a couple of weeks after surgery that was around my lung. Felt pretty tired for a couple of months but for me certainly better than the alternative would have been.
    Like Kris had some weird sensations around incision but nothing couldnt tolerate. Hope this helps. Take care and God Bless,

    in reply to: Taking my daughter to college today! #30816

    Congratulations Lisa!! What an accomplishment. I love that your daughter is going for equine courses since I love horses. You have done a great job with your your children. Have you found anyone to rent a room yet? Take care and God Bless,

    in reply to: Missing my hubby #30783

    Just wanted to say that I am sorry for your loss. I know that it must be difficult around those special days. Take care of yourself.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: Good news, but not out of the woods! #30696

    Hi Nathalie;
    It was such a blessing meeting you and Terry. I am so thankful that your tests results were so positive. Thank God you can just be an “honorary member” of our group! You still need to take good care of your liver and stay healthly. We will keep in touch. Take care of yourself, say hello to Terry from Don and I, and God Bless,

    in reply to: Elevated CA 19-9 in setting of PSC #30556

    Just wanted to know how you are doing? When are you going to be at Mayo? Have you found out anymore on a diagnosis?
    Take care and God Bless,

    in reply to: gemzar and cisplatin together #29061
    mimi9999 wrote:
    I was diagnosed in June with Stage 4, Intraheptatic CC, no certain mets determined. Had first appointment at MDA with Dr. Javle Aug. 3. I had first gem/cis treatment last Thursday, Aug. 6. I’m on a schedule for same treatment every 2 weeks for 6 treatments. Will have CT after 4th treatment at which time a decision to adjust the treatment could occur.

    For now the gem is 1020 mg over 60 minutes. Cis is 51 mg over 60 minutes. The total time was nearly 6 hours because of the fluids required for flushing…for 4 hours before the chemo started. I have had some mild reactions, but it is day 9 and I have felt very good for 3 days.

    Thanks for all the wonderful information I have found here. It is very encouraging to read your post, Jamie. It seems I have the same type of Cho you have. I pray for the remission you experienced and that you may experience it again!

    Hi Mimi;
    Just want to say welcome. Keep us posted how you are doing. Feel free to email me. I will pray for your remission as well. One thing I think is important is to try and keep your body as healthy as possible with this. Also, look into milk thistle seeds as they help with liver health. Anything I can so just let me know. I’ll be praying for you that you have good results when you get your scan and few side effects from the chemo. Take care and God Bless,

    in reply to: My next Scan on August 18th #30625

    Hi Deb;
    You are an inspiration! What a miracle! I’ll keep you in my prayers on the 18th. I had surgery with clear margins and they did not do any chemo. A year later it is back with mets to the lungs. I am praying for clear scans again. Thank you for sharing your story.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: Chemo help… #30481

    Hi Elicia;
    Just a thought but is your Mom on any meds for nausea? I found that if I kept them by my bed and took one when I first woke up BEFORE I got up and then waited awhile to get up it helped. Then I was able to get up and eat. I think I’d let her Dr know about the dizziness and dry heaves. It could be something totally unrelated and simple like fluid in her ear? The Dr or his nurse would be the best one to talk to. Just my thoughts hope she is feeling better soon! Take care and God Bless,

    in reply to: Fatigue #30593

    Hi Kay;
    I’m not sure what chemo drugs he is on but you can get fatigue from chemo. It varies from person to person. I have some fatigue most of the time although 2nd and 3rd day after chemo I think I am the most tired.
    They would be testing his red and white cells and platelets because one of the side effects of chemo can be a decrese in blood counts. You can have fatigue from lowered blood counts also. It is great that his are “beautiful”!!
    Not sure if this helps, but I’m sure others will respond.
    Take care and God Bless,

    in reply to: Elevated CA 19-9 in setting of PSC #30553

    Hi Rick;
    Sorry I don’t have any info for you on cystic duct cc but I also am going to Mayo, have been since Oct 07. If there is anything I can do just let me know. It is a really good sign that they have found whatever type it is early. I am going to pray that it is not cc. You have 2 very good reasons and soon a third to fight whatever this is. As others have said attitude it really important. You have much to live for. Just remember to always keep hope alive and a fighting attitude. Just my opinion. Again let me know if I can help in anyway.
    Take care and God Bless,

    in reply to: diarrhea and zinc #30548

    Hi Kris;
    I was just talking about you to the Dr I see for accupuncture. She just got back from Finland visiting her Dad. She is the one that started me on the Guar Gum for diarrhea. Have you been able to find it yet and try it? She said that if you couldnt find it locally you could order it. She is from Europe and I believe she lived in Sweeden also. I have been amazed at how much better my gut has been. The other supplement I take for my intestines is called GI Integrity. Main ingredient is L-glutamine. A nurse from the health food co-op uses it is another form (protein powder from pea protein). I used to have to stop in middle of accupuncture because of diarrhea. Since I’ve been using both of these regularly I have been able to have a full treatment and I can go shopping without fear where the bathroom is! Woo Hoo!
    Take care and God Bless,

    in reply to: Introduction and my story #29739

    Just wanted to send good thoughts and prayers for your drive and appt on Monday. I hope you aren’t driving yourself!! I will be at the Mayo clinic on Monday for my chemo appt. Sorry I didn’t respond to your post earlier but I’ve not been online much this week. Family stuff going on. Let me know if you’d like to maybe meet when you’re at Mayo. I’ve gotten to know my way around there pretty well! I first went to Mayo in Oct 07 and have been getting my treatment there ever since. Take care and if there is anything I can do just let me know.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: Foreclosure? #30411

    Hi Lisa;
    I will add my 2 cents for what it’s worth. First I would talk to the mortgage people and see if they can work with you, even if only 6 months, thats 6 months you can stay in your house and see your horses and pets and the views. At the same time I would see about renting out 1 or more bedrooms. Depending on how much you could get for rent and how much you’d need for the mortgage could determine how many bedrooms you’d need to rent. You could use that when you talk to the mortgage co to explain how you would be able to afford it later. Also, what about talking to people at your church maybe there is someone there that could move in and help or they might know of someone. Could you have another horse on your property? Then you could have someone that wants to have their horse where they live, maybe get more for rent because its also board, plus you have someone around that could help with horse chores if you need it. What about calling the Cancer society and see if they know of anything? These are just some ideas off the top of my head. I know that for me having my pets around, especially my horses is a real positive in my life. Keep me posted and if there is anything else I can do please just ask. God Bless,

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