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  • in reply to: Ryan #30527

    I am so so sorry to hear Ryans story. It is just heartbreaking for his family. This disease is so unfair. I send my sympathy and prayers to you and the rest of Ryan’s family. God Bless,

    in reply to: wanted to update everyone #30520

    Dear Carol;
    I am so sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless,

    in reply to: Multiple Tumors returned – Not what I expected to hear #30456

    I think Kris said it beautifully. I too know the devastation of reoccurance. Mine was in June. I have a couple of tumors in my liver and multiple spots in both lungs so they rule out chemoembolization. I am back on chemo and fighting. It is harder this time, my bone marrow doesn’t seem to want to work so I am only on one of the drugs I was on before. It has been 2 months now and I try to stay positive and hopeful. My faith has gotten me through these days. You are a strong woman, you have a supportive family and I believe you will get your fight back once you get over the initial shock and devastation. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: Almost the end now #30497

    I am so sorry that your family has to go through this. Your Dad is blessed to have such a devoted daughter. I will keep you and you Father in my prayers that he is at peace and comfortable. God Bless,

    in reply to: hair loss….gemzar cisplatin #29767

    Hi Kris;
    I was on Gemzar/Xeloda the first time. I had thinning (luckily I had really thick hair). After the 7th month my hair was pretty thin compared to what it had been but still Ok and no need for wig/hat. This time I am just on Gemzar so far and getting Neulasta/Neupogen injections. I dont know whats happening but I am thinner now after 2 months than I ever was before. Washing my hair is always a reminder because my hands are covered with hair. I have not been on Cisplatin yet, but I get scan results tomorrow so that may be next. I was told that you usually dont lose your hair with Gemzar. Depending on what others say about their experience with Cisplatin/hair loss maybe you could try the cap and see how you do with it. Maybe you won’t feel it’s that bad or if it is you can stop using it after you try it. If I had been given an option that would have prevented the hair loss I probably would have tried it at least once and then made a decision. Just my thoughts!
    Take care and God Bless,


    What a touching post. Anthony sounded like the kind of man that anyone would be honored to have know. I am sorry for your loss. Take care and God Bless,

    in reply to: Dad Is At Peace #29795

    Dear Ashlea;
    I too am so sorry to hear of your father’s passing. What a blessing though that it was peaceful and you were able to be there with him. My thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless,

    in reply to: My Mom #29872

    I am so sorry for your loss. Losing your Mom is never easy. It sounds like she was a remarkable woman.
    Take care and God Bless,


    What wonderful news. I too believe in the power of prayer. God is good. I am pleased that your Dr is so supportive of you. Take care and celebrate!
    God Bless,

    in reply to: New scan results #29861

    Hi Kris,
    I am so sorry that these latest results weren’t what we were praying for. I can only echo what everyone else has said. Don’t give up hope. Maybe this new cocktail will give you the desired results and then surgery will be an option. I am going to say lots of extra prayers for you. Take care of yourself. God Bless,

    in reply to: Treatment Centers/Physicians #29894

    I am being treated at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota.

    My oncologist in Dr Tim Hobday.

    My surgeon for resection was Dr. David Nagorney. (Great guy, gave me the oportunity that others would not)


    in reply to: Blood clots caused by cancer (How common is this?) #29884

    Hi Cyndi,
    Haven’t heard of that before but I wanted to offer my deepest sympathy on the loss of your husband. Thank you for sharing the information with us. It is always helpful to know what others have experienced so hopefully we are more aware. Thank you again for the info and again my sympathy for the loss of your husband, Take care and God Bless,

    in reply to: Husband (37) with a reoccurence of cholangiocarcinoma #29891

    Donnie & Dawn,
    I am glad you found us also. I was diagnosed in Oct 07 and did chemo as surgery was not an option. After 7 rounds of gemzar/xeloda the tumor shrank and I had a resection in June 08. My Dr did not want to do follow up chemo. I had clear scans until June 09 when they found a 2cm tumor in my liver and multiple spots on both lungs. I have been on gemzar only for the last 2 months. I have been having to get Neulasta shots and cant take those with the xeloda so they stopped it. I go for my first post reoccurance/on chemo scan this Friday so I will know more on Monday when I get the results. You will find alot of support here and lots of information. You can do a search for specific drugs or treatments to see past posts. Also, if you post a question I’m sure you’ll get someone that will have some info.
    Many of us also use alternative supplements/treatments to battle this disease. Is your husband doing anything with supplements/nutrition? Try and keep a positive attitude. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: gemzar and cisplatin together #29050

    Hi Mel;
    Yes I was diagnosed Oct 07 with Stage 4 intrahepatic cc. I had an open and close surgery and was told resection was not an option. Started Gemzar/Xeloda in Nov 07. I had a resection in June 08. You can do a search of my previous posts to see whole story. Don’t give up. Miracles do happen. I had clear scans up until this June. I am back on chemo and battling this monster again. I am not giving up. Don’t you. Where are you getting your treatments?
    Take care and God Bless,

    in reply to: acne from steroids #28752

    Easy for him them to say it doesn’t matter in the short term!! I hate the wait. I go for my first scan after being back on chemo on Friday and see the Dr for results and get chemo on Monday. It will be a long weekend for me. I would just like to know where I am at, better, worse, no change. I hope you do get your GOOD results this Thursday.
    Take care of yourself and God Bless,

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