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  • in reply to: My good news #27256

    Oh my gosh – I am so happy for you! There is nothing like a new baby to perk things up. I am also happy your Mom is feeling well. Now you will have the happy event to look forward to, and much planning to do. What wonderful new.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: tragedy and more trauma #27264

    Hi Janet,
    You really HAVE “been through the mill” – I am glad things are settling down with your son. It must be very difficult – dealing with all this. It is one of the most difficult aspects of our situation now, I feel – our “aloneness”. Even though I have a wonderful , supportive family (my Grandchildren are here with me this weekend, as a matter of fact), and great friends, I still fell the “aloneness”. I am sure that you (all of you who have lost a loved one) do also. I do hope that your other son is supportive of you, and that you can all 3 hold each other up, along with God’s Grace.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: My Dad is gone… #27183

    I cannot tell you how sorry I am at your news. Truly, heaven has another angel now, and your Dad has joined our loved ones in a place where there is no pain. Did I ever tell you that when I picture Butch in heaven, I usually think about him playing golf on a perfect green somewhere up there, under a perfect blue sky. Did your Dad play golf? If so, I can picture them playing together! I am sure that your Dad knew all the things you were saying in your letter, and he will watch over you and your family now.

    Love – Joyce

    in reply to: I Hate Anniversaries #27155

    Yes – we ALL hate anniversaries – they are very difficult. I get a little depressed every month around the 9th, and I can’t seem to get past that date. And the year ago thing – it happened for me too this last week – I guess it is the same for all of us, and we will have to commiserate with each other, and band together to fight the depression that alwaysdescends, won’t we?

    Joyce C

    in reply to: What’s this? Good News in the Grief Section?? #27172

    That IS wonderful news. Especially that Charlie is eating a bit more – that is very encouraging – he can maybe build up some strength as a result. Keep the good news coming. I can imagine how good you and the boys must feel about this.

    Joyce C

    in reply to: Am turning into the worst mother #27036

    Dear Barbara,
    Talk about messing up at work! I have been at my job 31 years – it involves software applications for a long term care facility – we own a number of them (Facilities) around Ny and Pa. Well – good thing I have been there that long, I will tell you. They held my job for me (and paid me to be out) last year while Butch was ill, and I have been back awhile now, however, I have the attention span of a gnat, and my concentration is – not so great. I am a shadow of my former self, but – I forgive myself – I know that after what we all go through, we can’t escape with full mental capabilities intact! I consider myself lucky to be running on one engine! So – you are not alone, and – you are in the midst of it right now, so – God bless you.

    Joyce C.

    PS – glad your Son got that cell phone!

    in reply to: Bummed out #26855

    Kris, and Lisa –
    I am just sitting back, reading this thread (and many others), and pulling for both of you. Of course, my thoughts and prayers are with you both – go xeloda, go (oxalplatin, also)!

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21863

    Hello everyone,
    Today IS a sad day for me – it started about 2 days ago – I felt the depression coming on, slowly, and I have had a hard time fighting it off. I did have a dream about Butch – I think it was Thursday night – that IS very rare, and I know what you mean , Pauline, it was a “normal” dream, and we were together someplace, and I felt “normal” – which in the past did mean happy. When I woke up and realized that it was a dream, I was very sad, BUT , at least for that time he was with me , and I felt good.

    I do try to act like I always did around the kids, and I am always surprised when my daughter says things like “I find it so difficult to see you like this, Mom – sad all the time”. I think I am doing a good job hiding it, but I guess I am not. It IS sort of like we are just shells of the former people we were, and I don’t think anything can change that – at least not at present. I have been thinking a lot more about Butch the last few days, and remembering all the good times we had – and, there were so many.

    Well, enough grumbling. I hope you are all well, and coping with life .

    I was just talking to Darla about one year ago – on the 6th, when Butch had his pulmonary embolism (blood clot in his leg travelled to his lungs), and the 7th, when I was told the biopsy was positive and that he had CC (I didn’t even know what the heck that was), and he was in ICU from the blood clot – and, it all began then. Unbelievable – all that happened in a year, and he has been gone from me for 5 months!

    Love to you all,


    in reply to: meditation #27066


    I think that is an excellant idea. I hope it works for you both. I think we should be open to anything that offers the possibility of helping us through these terrible times. Are you going to try a more traditional support group, also? I found that SO helpful in this healing process.

    Cyber hugs to you – Joyce

    in reply to: I can’t let go #27041

    I know what you mean – I check this site a lot, too. It is sometimes hard to know what to say, but we do so desparately want to help other people in the same situation as we have been. I think it has helped me to try and help others, but I sometimes wonder if I need to stop visiting it so much, and get on with my life.
    Charlene is right – it does continue to get better – the grief is easier to bear, or – we learn how to bear up. It’s not good, by any means, but bearabler most of the time. Coming up Monday is 5 months. and I am already a bit depressed. How can we help it. I, also, went through an 8 week support group, which was very beneficial, and I subscribe to a free service called “A season of Grief” , a faith-based service which sends you an e-mail a day for 100 days – it is very good. The address is http://www.griefshare.org:80/, if you are interested – take a look.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. It is so nice to know that we are not alone – we all have each other, and, we have prople to talk to who can understand exactly what we are going through.

    God’s Blessings,


    in reply to: Mom battling cc for over a year and dad dies #27010

    I am so sorry for the loss of your Father. I, too, believe in predestination, and also believe that God has a plan for each and every one of us, although we can not always see what it is with our little, human pea-brains! I hope he will give you strength now as you nurture your Mom through her illness.

    Take care,


    in reply to: Dear Mom- #26982

    What a wonderful. expressive poem. In my grief management class, we wrote letters to our loved ones (in my case my Husband), and I did find it helped, but your poem has all the elements of thoughts I have wanted to express to him at one time or another over the last months.

    Well done, and God’s peace to you,

    in reply to: New User-Bereaved Daughter to GBC #27017

    Dear Jennifer,
    I am so sorry for your loss. I know that the ache in your heart is hard to overcome, and that this site can be a Godsend for people like us, who have lost someone so near and dear to us. I am sending thoughts and prayers your way.


    in reply to: Am turning into the worst mother #27024

    Dear Barbara,
    I know how bad you feel about your relationship with your son right now, but try not to feel too bad. I am sure that you are a great Mom, and that your Son knows how much you love him. The problem is, we only have so much emotional strength, and yours is all focused on your Dad and his situation right now, there just isn’t anything left over. I know how hard it was for me to fous on ANYTHING besides my Husband’s illness, and I didn’t have a child to think about, at home with me. When you are feeling stronger, emotionally, talk to your son and try to explain a bit – tell him that you love him so much, but that , right now, you are so worried about Grandpa, and busy trying to spend time with him, and that makes you short-tempered, and sad. Do try to take some time for normal life activities, even if it is just going for ice cream with your son, to celebrate his birthday. I found, when Butch was sick, that a few minutes of “normal” time helped me to bear up under the stress. No matter that whenever I was away from him, I felt guilty, and worried about him, it still helped, I think. I found that this illness is almost all-consuming, and , Darla is right – if you also just take some time just for you, it will help you, in the long run, be a better daughter AND Mother.

    Big cyber-hugs to you,


    in reply to: you think you’re doing ok and then the dam breaks….. #26903

    My Grandchildren have told their Mom (my Daughter) that they want their “old” Grandma back – the happy one, who took such pleasure in life, and I do feel like this disease has stolen our joy from us. After 5 months, I have recovered a bit, and I can occasionally see beauty in the world again, and have moments of fleeting pleasure, but I have changed forever, I fear. I understand what all of you are saying – between us we have shed enough tears to fill an ocean!

    Joyce C.

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