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  • in reply to: 6 months later and a trip to Orlando #26229

    It is wonderful to hear from you, and that you had such a wonderful trip. It sounds like a great idea to me! My cousin Sharan came and staed with Butch and I for the last couple of weeks of his life, and she lives in Dallas. I plan on flying out to see her soon – just having that in front of me helps me cope right now!

    Joyce C

    in reply to: talk with doctor #26620

    I know – people don’t know what is on the inside – what we are REALLY thinking, and how we are really feeling, do they? We have talked about this before amongst ourselves – I even stopped saying “I’m doing pretty good” to people when they asked – I said – “well , I have good days, and bad – this is difficult” or – something like that, because it drove me crazy that everyone thought I was fine, and I WASN’T fine!
    It also seems like there was more to cope with than we could possibly handle, but – we have – one task at a time. Maybe one of your children could mow for you? Where ARE you located? It is not mowing time here yet in NYS – we fought the battle of the snow removal all winter – poor Darla gets the prize – the most snow to remove. So many electronic and mechanical things went wrong, it was kind of funny, in an awful way!
    You can do it though. I am so sorry about your sister’s diagnosis, and know that this is so difficult for you to cope with. I will be thinking of you.

    Joyce C

    in reply to: most difficult phonecall I have ever had to make #26641

    Barbara and Pam,
    I am so sorry that you both have to be in this place you are in right now – I know the sadness is almost unbearable at times. I know in my husband’s case, he wanted to stay at home, and not go back to the hospital, so I had the satisfaction, at least, of knowing I was following his wishes. It is very difficult as they slip more and more into the next world, but, we do have the comfort of knowing they aren’t in any more pain. Thoughts and prayers for both of you.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: Back from the oncologist #26671

    This treatment plan sounds very well thought out. I agree that surgery sometimes makes tumors take off – it certainly did in Butch’s case, and it is so important that you remain strong to be able to fight this beast. I am so glad that you are feeling well – they are right – you go, girl!

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: A Wife’s Grief #26690

    Dear Carol,
    I remember feeling like it was never going to end, and wanting it to be over at the same time I was feeling guilty and, also, wanting to keep him by my side forever, BUT, only if he was whole and well. It is so difficult to stand back and watch someone we love so much suffer. You are doing a tremendous job, and you can be proud. We are thinking of you and your family.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: talk with doctor #26616

    Hi Janet,
    I know what you mean. At the beginning, when Butch first passed, I was, for the most part only able to visit the grief section – actually only the posting that Sue, Darla Pauliune, and I still write on (Anthony). Everything else was just too much for me, and I WAS worried I would be a “downer” to other people. As time has passed, however, I like to check on the others here, and I rejoice at their good news, and, yes, feel sorrow at the bad news. I find it helpful, though, and it seems to help me with my healing process. I imagine that – in the future – you will also. Please join us on our “thread” – we would love to spend time with you.

    Love – Joyce C

    in reply to: not managing well #26526

    Dear Majic,
    I understand how you feel. My husband passed away 4 1/2 montrhs ago, and , although it is getting better, the pain is still quite fresh and hard to bear. It does seem overwhelming, especially in the beginning. Now we have all the things we were always responsible for, and all the things our husbands took care of for us in the past. We have to cope with out children’s grief (andm in my case Grandchildren), as well as our own. My thoughts are with you as you navigate these dark waters. Any time you feel the need to vent, just come on here and say whatever you want – it does help. Someone told me – just put one foot in front of the other, and keep moving through the pain. Eventually, the burdon does lighten.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21848

    Marion – absoutely, CC is the reason I will be receiving the benefits – Butch was drafted in the early 60,s, even though he had ulcerative colitis. he served 7 months in Vietnam, became ill – near death, as a matter of fact – from the ulcerative colitis, then spent a year in two different army hospitals – 1st in the Phillipines, later on at Letterman in San Francisco. After that, they gave him an honorble discharge, and he received 30 % dbl benefits for the remainder of his life. I have medical records from 3 major hospitals which give the diagnosis last year as 1)ulcerative colitus, 2 – shlerosing cholingitus (darn – I can never spell that!), and 3) cholangiocarcinoma. Since the link went straight back to the colitis, which they were still paying for at the time of his passing, and his death certificate said cholangiocarcinoma – they acknowledge that his death was service related. Unfortunately, they don’t mention the parasites in the water supply, which I also feel is partly responsible, and I wanted that for other veterans to be able to refer to, however, I am very happy that I am to receive benefits, as you can imagine.


    in reply to: feeling your pain #26515

    We will all be thinking of you as you go through this painful time. Yes, reading the posts on this board has gotten many of us through the worst times. I have made many freidnships with people here, and I know it is one place we can just be ourseves – good day or bad, and we will always be understood.

    Much love heading your way,

    Joyce C

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21846

    Oh Pauline, I am so sorry that you banged yourself up. I hope you are feeling better today, and can only imagine how that must have made you feel – missing Anthony, in pain – not a gogod situation. I am glad you are amongst kind, helpful people though – that helps so much, I know.

    Yesterday I order the stone for the cemetary. They will put it in in early May, they said – they have to wait for proper ground conditions. I was dreading ordering it, and glad it is done. I have been visiting the site, but there is only a little flag there – I need a proper marker to feel like i have done my job correctly!

    We went through a warm spell – the “January thaw”, and winter has returned. Not for much longer, I hope. Today is my daughter’s 35th birthday – we are all going out to eat later on today.

    I did have some very good news this week. My application for survivir benefits was reviewed and accepted by the veteran’s administration. They acknowledged that Butch’s death was service connected (from his service in Vietnam), and I will receive that benefit for the remainder of my life. It is very welcome news, as you can imagine. I will be receiving a retroactive check, as the benefits begin from the time of his passing. Now we just have to hope that the same thing hapens to Darla’s application.

    Work has been better – I have cut back a bit, and that has helped me. I am working on a very interesting problem at the moment, and I like that.

    Eveyone, take care – Spring is on the way.


    in reply to: My beloved husband #26502

    Dear Lulu,
    I am so sorry for your loss ,and for all that you and you family have had to go through, including this terrible time of grief and heartache. We who have lost a loved one can empathize with your pain and sorrow, having recently gone through it ourselves. And all the other caring, loving people here on this site will be here for you also, tring to ease a burdon that , really, is almost too difficult to bear. But you will gain strength as time goes along, and you have your family to help you through, and most of all, you need to remember that your husband would have wanted you to move on, and get on with life. That has helped me so much, knowing that my husband wanted for me to get to a place in my mind where I could enjoy life again someday, and – though I am not there yet, I strive toward that goal. My husband reminded me – very often – that life is a gift from God, and we must live it accordingly.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: Today has been a very bad day #26360

    Dear Patsy,
    I know exactly how you feel – that is exactly what I went through. Many times, I never figured out what triggered the grief. It does get better, though, I can assure you, It has been 4 1/2 months since my husband passed and I am still sad – I think I always will be, but the pain isn’t as agonizingly bad as it was early on. I am enjoying my Grandchildren again, and enjoy my work (well – sort of!), and I still think of him very, very often, but now I can think of the good times, and the happy years more often, and not those terrible last few weeks. Thse terrible images kept popping up in my mind in the early weeks following his passing, and those memories were not good. I hope you have a better day tomorrow.

    Here is one more poem —


    The span between life and death
    Can be as quick and sudden
    As a puff of wind
    That blows out a candle.
    But the candle doesn’t suffer
    After the darkness comes
    It is the person
    Left in the dark room
    Who gropes and stumbles.

    Helen Duke Fike

    I will be thinking of you,

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: My update not positive #26362

    I am so sorry to hear that report , Sophie – I will continue to pray for you, and all my friends here on this site – that God will comfort you in this, your time of need.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: Saying thankyou and goodbye #26299

    Dear Stephanie,
    I am so sorry for your loss. I know how that feels, and how hard it is to work through the grief, but I also know that I was glad my husband was at peace, done with that horrible disease, and that helped me to cope. Some day I hope we will hear there is a cure for this monster. Until then, God bless you.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: It Hurts so Bad #26343

    Dear Valerie,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and Jeff as you move through this devastating time in your lives together. I have admired Jeff for being such a wonderful, caring human being who has brought comfort to hundreds of people on a daily basis. I know what you mean – toward the end, I would often just sit and watch Butch as he slept I actually slept out in the living room – in the recliner – after they put the hospital bed in there for him. I think they are right – this is “pre-grieving’, and we all go through it, if we have time to think about what is happening. Just know that we are all here for you, whenever you need us.

    Joyce C.

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