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  • in reply to: Fever therapy #20766

    Violarob…I have heard of and been praticing my own method just similar to what your doing. I use the ole bath tub hot and once in add a little more heat. I look like a steamed lobster. Three time a week good at least twice. rehydrate afterward. Only 20 minute each time in tub. My wife said I reminded her of that coppertone suntan commercial of the kid on the beach and dog tugging at her swim suit. Ha! I feel it hammpers growth of tumors and at thre same time reduce anxiety and stress a couple contributers to the problem to begin with.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Apple peel inhibits growth of cancer cells #20632

    Rank …. I never heard of this one. I’ve heard of other peels from fruits and veggies helping your immune system. Thanks for posting this research infor.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Has anybody tried Chemoembolization? #17360

    Violarob……. You say your on this every day? Are you doing with attached cad pump slow dose daily? That’s quite a combination you got going there. Glad to hear it is keeping all at bay.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Histone deacetylase inhibtors #20833

    Thanks for posting your correspondence with Dr. Alberts. It’s great to know and personally I feel just knowing, supports the reason for hope that I have and will always remain positive to the best of my ability; Despite whatever or however my own personal results may be. The wheels are turning even though slowly,there turning.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Any feedback are greatly appreciated. #20304

    Dear Houstoian76, My deepest sympathies for your lost. May your beloved father rest in peace.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Histone deacetylase inhibtors #20831

    Wayne …. Thank You for this research information. It is of great interest and I also believe the input of studies outside of the cancer research arena is extrememly valuable and could one day, very well be the bullet we are all searching. What’s that saying ” don’t leave any stone unturned” Wayne , just wanted to say how sorry I am for the lost of Valerie. May God give you the strenght during this grieving time.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Dizzy spells? #20738

    High Belle… I sure hope it works out for your sister as progressive tumor grow can cause alot of pain depending on location and vomiting , dizziness, etc. can occur from from depression and suppression of actual pain. I had to actually be hospitalized at one point just for pain management. Because I tried taking only when needed instead of every 8 hours as prescribed and a separate pain med for break through times. Just a constant nagging low grade pain can cause nausea and dizziness. Now saying that there are individuals who with a high tolerance to pain can do fine without. But yes to your question CC can be associated with alot of pain. I remember my Uncle Willis who chose no pain meds. He stayed at home and would literally scream from pain, sweat,vomit, get dizzy and pass out. He was determined to fight all the way. Sorry if I may have over responded with some personal emotions. I certainly hope all works out for your sister.
    God Bless Ya Both!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Please Help with nutritional needs #20494

    Hi Patti….. Yes many people have started on anti -depressants. I myself was takinging zoloft for for a while when first diagnosed. I don’t currently take but do use and anti-anxiety med for sleep or as needed. I personally practice meditation ,visualization,an emotional freedom techniques as I feel the mind and body should work in harmony and be balanced. Every week at my nursing evaluations that is a standard question asked of me. Especially when your doing Chemo Therapy as those drugs/chemicals can alter your attitude toward a depressionable state at times. Nothing wrong with trying them , you can always discontinue if you wish.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: John’s one tuogh guy! #20772

    Hi Alice and John,

    Wish you the best of luck with this regimen of chemo therapy drugs. I tip my hat to you John. This is one hell of a combination with many side effects. I hope and pray your one of the 5%. It will most likely cause wasting /weight loss my friend so diet is cruicial in my opinion. High protien and and calories, plenty of fluid and don’t stop taking the nausea meds. Get rest but try your hardest to at least walk around the house as much as you can. Have your immodium on hand as well and if need be go back to hospital for rehydration. I know you probally already know all I’ve said ,but John I just had to give you a pep talk and let you know I’m rooting for ya!
    I’m on a trio regimen as well but different drugs except the 5-FU. Remember John we have the right to say when! You definitely earning the Tough Guy Award this month.
    God Bless you Both!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Cyberknife #20713

    Karen… Cyberknife is so state of the art. I sincerely hope it takes and knocks them tumors out completely.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Surgery/Sophie #20730

    Thanks so much for letting us know about your Aunts surgery resullts. I’m sure it was not easy to digest this bad news and post. Is there any hope of possible transplant or was that a no as well? Tell Sophie my prayers and support are with her and hope an alternative might be available like a transplant maybe?
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Dizzy spells? #20736

    Hi Belle…. Is your sister recieving hospice care ? If not It sounds like they should be envolved. It amazes me that your sister is not on any type of pain med. If she is mentally and physically fighting the pain involved with this disease without the help of pain medication.; I can understand why she is dizzy and vomiting and retching. She hasn’t complained of any pain? I would certainly get her a prescription for morphine. I can just feel her pain as I post. I’m so sorry to hear what she is going through. If you can advocate for her please get her on some pain medication a soon as possible. Even if she is not expressing it and trying to rough it out , I really think it will help tremendously! I have never felt stronger of my opinions given.
    God Bless and give your Sister Strenght!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Burning pain in skin #20690

    Sorry to hear she is jaundice as that is most likely the problem and I would probally do some followup and let them know she is getting worse. There are other hospitals that can put billary stents in and relieve her agony. Do you have to wait long before seeing MD Anderson? She should get something done as soon as possible. I’m sure you are working on it. Things are just so slow sometimes. Certainly wish your Sisiter the best.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Amazing Mom passed away on 7/4/08 #20700

    Dear Lisal…. My heart felt condolences and prayers. May your Mom rest in peace.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Burning pain in skin #20688

    Double check the side effects of all medication she may be on. Also I don’t me this to be funny, is it possible she ate a tainted crab? I break out and burn when eating crab period, so I don’t eat. I would recommend getting another opinion for sure. Is she showing any signs of juandice? Sounds like some bile duct blockage as well. Hope you get figured out soon. Keep knocking on doors until someone does know.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

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