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  • jeffg

    Lisa…… Please do apply. It does not take that much of your time to get what your entitiled too. The day you started Chemo is enough reason to apply. The SSDI approval works extremely quickly with a diagnosis such as this. Less than 3 weeks from the day I applied I was approved and payment retroactive was in my bank account today. Don’t torture yourself anymore than you have to. They will establish your retroactive payment base on when you stop working. I worked over seven years before I said to myself I’m entiled to a break after working and contributing for 30 years. If you feel you want to work to stay busy then that is surely an individual choice. Some people may not be financially in a position to quit work immediately. I guess it all adds up to how your retirement portfolio will support you and/or children. SSDI can figure your monthly entitlement.
    God Bless You!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: What a relief! #18220

    Sue… Glad to hear the good news. Sorry you have to have surgery on the knees though. You just might have fun playing the director’s role. Merry Christmas and God Bless Ya!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Hello to Many Wonderful People #18178

    Hi Kath….. Stan the Man, Love it! He reminds me of my Dad. So dog gone set in his ways, he would have mutiple mini strokes and just keep on going saying it’s all in your head. Ha! I finally had to call an ambulance in the state of Maine from Kansas to get him to go for treatment. It all came down to love for my Mom. I had to promise to take care of her and keep them together as she had late stage parkinsons. He was the primary caregiver with some day time help and he wasn’t going to abandon his post! Well after a couple weeks I managed by begging and praying to get them both in a nursing home same room and matching recliners with a beautiful view. He passed on about 7 months later as surgery was out of the question with his congestive heart. Peacefully in his room with his loving wife holding his hand. He knew he could let go only after he knew my Mom was in safe hands and would be looked after. I kinda went in to a story here but the bottom line is your post brought back some memories of how wise my Dad was and like you said, it is sometimes the way you don’t look at it that makes a difference. Tell Stan the Man to keep on trucking, He reminds me of a remote control truck with energizer bunny batteries in it. Ha! Loved your post. Wish you both the best!
    Bless You and Stan the Man!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Happy Birthday Mark! #18219


    I just want to take this opportunity to say Thank You ! This tribute to Mark is certainly shared in memory and heart by you and your kids. I think I can say it has been a trying and emotional year for many, but with the love, kindness, and support of your family and friends it has been one amazing journey this year. May God Bless You all ! Let’s keep God in our hearts forever, as he will remind us of the loving memories he has given and will hold for eternity. Happy Birthday To you Mark!

    Love From Us All!
    Jeff G.


    Recieved telephone call and letter of my SSDI already approved. Very quick. They basically said with a diagnosis of cancer of this type is approve due to the terminal prognosis. They asked me why I did not apply sooner. Well any hoot it’s applied for and your payed retroactive up to 12 months max. from date you apply. They said I should see funds going directly to bank account within days. Well, I say we payed in to it we deserve to be paid out of it. I should have applied at least 3 years ago when I actually started treatments. Oh well.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Dr. Jerome Canady #17787

    Tom, can you provide an accurate link to the information you have on Dr. Canady from John Hopkins. I don’t seem to be able to retrieve.

    in reply to: SIR spheres vs. chemotherapy #18024

    Kris , That’s a great Idea. I’ll sprinkler near the the little birdie house I make this summer. I suppose if I put some food out I might get some company don’t ya think? You can say it Daa! Ha I’ll have to go get some today. I built one in N. Dakota and printed on it Nesty Hotel and Vancy sign. Have nesters in three days. Of course I made a nice balcony for them to eat and drink on. I guess I just forgot. Chemo Brain excuse. I been using it a lot lately Ha! They just laugh and say it’s more old age than any thing; the gall I tell ya!
    Jeff G.
    P.S. Yes she got the pictures Sunday. She call and asked if anyoone had cancelled. They said no and I could hear her from the next room saying or I should say begging but he is on chemo and his hair is starting to fall out Ha! I just had to laugh. They said come in at Noon and we’ll fit you in between lunch breaks Ha! I just Don’t know, How ya gonna act? Like a Fool !

    in reply to: SIR spheres vs. chemotherapy #18022

    Well chemotherapy yesterday after almost 4 four months off. Day two as usual hiccups and a little more pain in the liver and lungs. That tell me something is working. In my opinion anyway. Two more days I start filgrastim injections and antibiotics to keep my white cells from depleting (Nuethropenia). About the same time my hair should start falling out and the shiny head shaving ceremony again. Otherwise doing Hunky Dory!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Off to ercp #18187

    Kris.. Praying for the best results possible! Yo-da-lay-de-ooooh ! A red head head is ready to let it blow! You can handle a couple stones I’m sure. Scare tissue is my middle name from bow to stern both sides with cannon ball scares in between; I haven’t sunk yet! It makes us happy to see you keeping that positive upbeat attitude!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: My amazing wonderful husband died in my arms 3-12-2007 #18200

    Fran … My sincere condolences. My you shine bright through this time of grief. Sounds as Jacqueline may be watching you for some guidance as well as provide you with support in her own little way.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: cachexia #18192

    Bluesea…. Here is a web site of different cachexia treatments. Also provides foods and supplements to avoid and some to use. Always run treatments by your doctor before starting is my suggestion. Sorry this is all I can provide as not experienced first hand .

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Has anyone experienced blod cluts as a complication to CC? #18167

    Julie I don’t recall off the top of my head anyone with blood clotting in the brain, but there are a few members who have mentioned clotting to the legs and lungs. You might want to look under experiences or I think Family Blogs the Stoufer Family I think had some problems with clotting in the legs that she was able to manage with blood thinners. Sorry I couldn’t be of any further help. Blood thinning and clotting is common with this disease depending on the treatment and the individual as well.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: my beautiful mother and best friend #18161

    Julie ….. My sincere condolences. May you have comfort knowing that your Mom is resting in loving and lasting peace now. It is sad Julie, that this disease sneaks up on us and a lot of the time we don’t even get a chance to put up a good fight. Then again others battle and suffer continually for months or years just to hold on to life and their loved ones. Don’t feel guilt Julie as this disease has a mind of it’s own. You did what a loving daughter should do; and that was being there when your Mom needed you the most. God Bless You!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: My beautiful Patty is at rest #17981

    Ted ……We love You and Patty also. She is in a place of everlasting peace and joy! A big hug and pat on the back too you from me. I close my eyes and see the beautiful smile that you described… so serene…. Thank You so much for sharing such precious moments.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: China study on Green tea #14377

    Jadine….. As peter mentioned in abovve post is about all I know. I have been drinking a cup oor two for a few months now. I use to drink it a while back foe a couple years ago along with essiac tea home made from a lady out in the country but not since she passed away. I guess the antioxidant and anti flammatory effect is what I’m looking at the most.
    Take Care, Jeff G.

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