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  • in reply to: Off to Germany for treatment #45635

    Good luck Kris, I hope the treatment is a great success! I will be thinking and praying for you and Hans during the holiday season!! Safe travels!


    in reply to: Can’t get head round it all #45527

    I can’t really comment on having the same experience, but I am so sorry for what you are all going through.

    Please know that I (and so many others, I’m sure) will be sending very positive thoughts your way, and praying that you will have an amazing Christmas with your Mom by your side…

    Hugs and well wishes…


    in reply to: When it rains… #45461

    Congratulations Bob – the EXACT same thing happened to Dad when my sister had an emergency c-section last week when he was in the hospital… these things happen when they are meant to :)
    I LOVE the name – absolutely gorgeous. Enjoy Christmas with your beautiful new Granddaughter!! What a blessing!


    in reply to: Visitors #45152

    I hope you had a wonderful day with your dad today Andrea… another milestone that he wasn’t expected to make it to is a great thing!! Next…. Christmas!!!

    in reply to: My Poem TO Teddy #45338

    So beautiful Lainy – it perfectly describes the love we all know you shared with Teddy… what a wonderful tribute to him…


    in reply to: Teddy is at PEACE #45221

    All my thoughts are with you Lainy – you and Teddy have helped so many of us here, and the miracle man will be missed by us all. I’m glad the end was peaceful for you both, but sorry to know he’s gone…

    All my love and prayers….


    in reply to: Mom diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma #45157

    I’m sorry Michelle – it’s a tough diagnosis to hear, but once a plan is in place, you will all get into a fighting mode and things WILL get easier.

    Where in Canada are you and your Mom? I’m in Calgary, and very happy with Dad’s oncologist… she does everything she possibly can to help Dad. There are also a few members from the Ontario area. I’m assuming you are also East, since your mid-morning nap was at about 7:30 my time! My daughter was 4 months old when Dad was diagnosed so I understand the lack of sleep as well… a nap is VERY deserved.

    Thinking of you and your family.


    in reply to: Visitors #45142

    Hi Andrea,
    I hope you have sorted things out with the visiting situation, and that your Dad is feeling a bit better and less depressed today. Thinking of you always…


    in reply to: HOSPICE Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm #45041

    Oh Lainy, I’m so sorry they are not taking care of Teddy the way they should be. I hope you rested last night and got things sorted out today. Worried about his liver??? Really???? Praying for a MUCH better day today… all my thoughts are with you…


    in reply to: Hospice Here We Come #45069

    I am sending love, positive thoughts, and all the prayers I can muster to you and Teddy tonight, Lainy! I hope you manage to get some rest, and that Teddy has a peaceful night at the hospice. They will take great care of him!!


    in reply to: Dad… #44813

    Thank you all for the well wishes, the thoughts, and the prayers… I am sure they were heard!! Baby (Alex Joseph – Joseph being Dad’s middle name) is wonderful. I spent some time with him today and am so in love…. he is too precious and beautiful for words. They are monitoring him closely in NICU, but he is doing very well.

    Dad found out today and we videotaped it so my sister could see his reaction. It was fantastic. He just kept saying “Oh my, Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my”…. then he said that life was perfect and nothing could be better. It was such a great moment. He looked into the camera and said a little message for my sister, which I’m sure she will cherish always. Not 2 minutes after hearing the news, they came to take him for his procedure. I’m sure it gave him a bit of fighting spirit.

    The procedure – they decided to try to put a drain into the gallbladder, much the same as the one he already has in the duct. They were hoping this would drain much of the bile and infection, rather then doing an operation since they will have to open him up and the recovery is difficult for a healthy person, let alone someone in his condition. It didn’t seem to be working very well by the time I left, but hopefully is by now. If not, they are willing to do surgery and Dad is willing to take the risk to have it done. According to his oncologist, the cancer is very stable and his scans have not changed in the 3 months since stopping chemo. She believes if it wasn’t for his current problems, he still has some quality time to be had at home. This was good to hear, and we hope that should surgery be required, the recovery isn’t too difficult on Dad. I guess we’ll see tomorrow how the new drain is doing.

    Lainy — how is Teddy? Was last night peaceful for him? Hoping and praying for another good night. So glad the fentenyl is working. It’s finally helping Dad, although he is on an incredible amount of it. Seeing him sleeping because he is on so many meds is much better then the pain he was in, so we’ll take it!

    Andie – thinking of you and your Dad, always. Hope he is still doing okay.

    Everyone else – again, thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers – you all mean so much to me, even though we’ve never met.

    Thinking of you all…


    in reply to: Dad… #44802

    Surgery will not be tonight, which is okay. He is sleeping peacefully with little pain, and a little button to push when he needs a bit extra medication. I love my nephew for the joy he will bring my family right now – so wonderful.

    in reply to: Dad… #44800

    Healthy baby boy!!! 4 pounds, 5 ounces… pretty good for 6 weeks early. He will be in ICU for a few days to watch for infection (meconium was present in fluid), but they are both doing great. God sure works in mysterious ways :) We will have the proud Daddy tell my Dad tomorrow – rather then make it news that will scare and aggitate him, we will make it something to celebrate. Can’t wait to meet my nephew… our little miracle during a time of adversity.


    in reply to: Dad… #44799

    Must be quick, I am at the hospital. They figured out the pain – massive infection in the gallbladder, and fluid (infection) behind the gallbladder and into the abdominal wall. Sounds like they are willing to do surgery, may be tonight, may be tomorrow. WE don’t know what the outcome will be, but I am trying to be hopeful. He is so drugged up that he is finally comfortable, so I am happy and thankful for that.

    My sister (due Jan 12) just went in for an emergency c-section – we haven’t told Dad, we’ll wait until we hear GOOD news (I refuse to believe it will be bad)! No idea what happened, but stress does a lot to a body. God may have played a little part – Dad will now have the chance to meet his Grandson, and possibly (hopefully) spend Christmas with him. Just waiting for the phone call to hear that my beautiful nephew is here, and healthy.

    Love to you all.


    in reply to: Dad… #44793

    Things are so very very awful. Went to see Dad last night and he was in a lot of pain – even taking the maximum amount of meds he was allowed (which is way more then ever before), he could not get up or move at all without yelping in pain. I left the house very sad, hoping that they would give him something better at his appointment today, and knowing that the nurses would be coming in tomorrow to help control it.

    I got a call on my way to work this morning from Mom saying that I needed to meet them at the hospital. They had to call 911 last night when Dad’s pain got so bad that he was saying he wanted to just die… to hear that from a man who has never said his pain was near a 10 before is heartbreaking. The ambulance came and they gave Dad fentynol(sp) which helped for an hour and a half, and the pain came back. It was a long night for my poor Mom too.

    He went in today, and after he couldn’t get out of the wheel chair without all of us helping, and screaming in pain the entire time, it was decided that he needed to be admitted to the palliative unit for pain control. He’s had an absolutely ridiculous amount of fentynol, as well as oxycontin and oxycodone, he is still “beyond a 10”, and just wants it all to end. No food or drink (basically) for 2 days. They can’t figure out what’s wrong, since his scan from a week ago doesn’t show much change. He’s being treated for an infection (not sure what – need to talk to the doctor), and they are wondering if he has organ failure that started within the last week… more tests and another CT tomorrow… not looking forward to having to move him from his bed again… the thought makes me want to cry.

    Right now, I just want him out of pain. I don’t care what it takes, the pain is just too unfair. I hope for a better day tomorrow. They are still saying “when he gets home in a few days”, but at the moment, that seems like an impossibility. Maybe once they figure things out and get it under control it will change, but right now I don’t see it.

    Dad may be the first at the table, holding spots for your loved ones… it’s a sad thought for me, but it’s better then the life he is living right now, because it’s not much of a life at all.

    Thinking and praying for you all… feeling so lucky to have you.

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