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  • katieloumatt

    Hello Linda,

    Please can I join with everyone in welcoming you to the board. A great place for support, guidance and to make friends.

    Wishing you lot of good wishes with your upcoming treatment.

    Come back and update us often…..


    in reply to: Hello after a while away from the site! #36277

    Hi Val,

    Glad you are feeling up to coming back to the board again. I think that is the beauty of this forum, people ‘pop in and out’ depending on the circumstances and their need at any one time.

    Wishing you all the best,


    in reply to: back again #36302

    Hi Amr,

    Welcome back. Not sure if ‘Movicol’ is available in Eygypt, it is a very gentle laxative that may help your Dad’s symptoms.

    ”Each sachet of this medicine contains macrogol (polyethlene glycol ‘3350’), which is a type of medicine known as an osmotic laxative. Each sachet also contains sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride and potassium chloride. The contents of the sachets are mixed with water to make a drink.Macrogol is an inert substance that passes through the gut without being absorbed into the body. It relieves constipation because it causes the water it is taken with to be retained in the bowel instead of being absorbed into the body. This increases the water content and volume of the stools in the bowel, making them softer and easier to pass”.


    in reply to: Remembering Dad #36425


    Thinking of you and all your family as you gather for your meal tonight.


    in reply to: Gone But not Forgotten #36112

    Melissa Ann,

    Thinking of you at this difficult time,your Grandma will always be in your heart….


    in reply to: A Wife’s Grief #26698


    My heart just breaks for you…..

    I joined this site last August after my darling Dad died 7 weeks after diagnosis of CC, he had a failed liver resection and never regained consciousness, dying 9 days after we waved him off to surgery.

    At the time the devastation and shock we felt was so painful and raw, but reading your story I think for my Dad it was the right outcome…..

    Like you said people say you are lucky for the extra time but watching your beloved husband fail in front of your eyes must be devastating.

    Thinking of you and wishing you peace and strength along your journey,


    in reply to: My dad has cholangiocarcinoma #35525

    Hello Marianne,

    First of all can I welcome you to the most supportive, friendly, and helpful board for patients and carers alike affected by CC….

    I read your introduction with tears streaming down my face, what a terribly worrying situation for you all to find yourself in.

    You are clearly well informed and knowledgable and a fabulous support for your darling Dad.

    Wishing your Dad luck for his appointment today, whatever the outcome this is going to be a difficult journey for you all.

    Let us know how things pan out, keep yourself busy today….


    in reply to: Mother, sister, grandmother, greatgrandmother, friend, hero #35128


    So very sorry to hear your sad news. What an amazing daughter you have been, caring for your Mum at the time of her most need.

    Thinking of you all now, this is going to be one of the most painful times of your life I would imagine. I know just how you are feeling, the grief is raw and so painful.

    You will find more strength from somewhere to face the next few days and weeks.


    in reply to: Lastest scan shows mostly “stable” #35140

    Great news Kris,

    Hope you hear from the surgeon soon…


    in reply to: Dad with CC – advice please #35134


    Let me join the others with a big welcome to the board.

    What a rollercoaster of emotions you have all endured these past few months, the worry of such major surgery, the follow up tests and starting chemo, plus now the uncertainty of rising CA 19 levels….

    Your Dad is understandably worried and maybe feeling quite weary after everything he has endured thus far. It is hard to offer support and stay positive whe you are also worried sick.

    Please come back here and update us, wishing you and your family strength as you face the journey ahead.


    in reply to: Please help – starting a long fight!! #35016

    Hi there 2 reasons2fight,

    Firstly welcome to the board and what a powerful name you have chosen….

    Well done on your recovery from major surgery, I’m sure your two children and family gave you everything you needed to spur you on to recovery.

    You have come to the very best place for support and advice, my experience is that of a daughter not a patient.

    There are plenty of people on the board who can answer any of your questions and offer personal experiences.

    Can I ask where you are having your treatment?

    Look forward to getting to know you and wishing you all the very best,


    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma #34419


    Thinking of you and Tom and hoping today brings a better day for him.


    in reply to: My Sis #34935

    Hi Julia,

    Sorry not posted earlier but your post seems to have slipped through the net on my radar!!

    So glad Susan’s bloods are looking good and that she has had a trip to the Marie Curie centre. I did a course for a palliative care module a couple of years ago and my placement was in the day centre of a local adult hospice, I enjoyed it so much.

    The patients enjoyed holistic therapies, massage, hair and beauty treatments, relaxation, and most importantly a drop of their favourite ‘tipple’ pre-lunch!! Above all it gave them an opportunity to talk with others in a relaxed, friendly environment.

    Here’s hoping to more good news in 2010.

    Katie x

    in reply to: No More Pain #34871

    Dear Sad in Chandler,

    I’m so very sorry to hear of your loss. I know just what you are feeling, my Dad died 7 weeks after diagnosis of cc last June. For us it was very quick and the shock was horrendous but like the others have said no more pain and suffering….

    Thinking about you as you face the future,


    in reply to: Rosa & Janet – Kings, London #33914

    Ha ha Julia, he’d love that…..

    As I write I am looking out of my window and there are a snow ‘family’ in the close in front of my house!! 2 of the figures must be 7 feet tall!! No signs of any melting either, apparently -14 in Manchester last night. We just aren’t used to it are we?

    Hope Susan had a good ngiht following her treatment.


Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 259 total)