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  • in reply to: Diagnosed but still awaiting treatment in NS #93331

    Dear Allison, very GOOD choice. You definitely do NOT want to be where there is no experience with CC. Princess Margaret is a good decision. We are our best and own advocates. I always feel, go with your gut and do it quickly, you will not be sorry. Best of luck with your plan!!!!!

    in reply to: 5th Annual Jacques Dupont Cholangiocarcinoma Benefit Wrap up #17944

    Wowser, Barbara! JACKPOT! Congratulations on a job well done. Holy moly! You must be so proud. Also enjoyed the pictures and thanks so much for sending this phenomenal news our way!

    in reply to: Treatment Has Begun // Week 1 #93355

    Dear Joe, try not to think about next Thanksgiving and focus instead on the here and now. Just wanted to mention to have your Mama ‘graze’ on food all day rather than large or full meals. In the long run she may eat more that way. A CC patient will look at a full plate of food and loose their appetite at the thought of eating all that in one sitting. Also I found that comfort foods work very well. Soups, omelets with cheese in them, even buttered noodles, puddings and jello. Turkey sandwiches work well. You get the idea, I am sure. Please keep us updated on how your Mama is doing.


    THANK YOU Billy for reminding us of our benefits from Amazon! So important and a very timely reminder!


    Marion, WOW! Every time I see these articles about Ulcerative Colitis and how bad mine was, I thank G-d I finally did the Colostomy and got my life back. Scary even thinking what could have happened. I know this is not CC and I am grateful for that but would like to say to anyone who has UC, get it taken care of, it sure ‘ain’t’ worth tempting CC.

    in reply to: New doctor and nurse, so disappointed! #93281

    Dear Brigette, how rude of them. Things like this really get my dander up. I would talk to the Manager of the department or the Hospital and tell them what happened and I would switch to a new team. I have never heard a story like this especially at MDA and it is NOT right. You are going through enough without having 2 ‘robots’ taking care of you. You deserve so much better!

    in reply to: PIctures from the Berkeley Half Marathon #93328

    Wonderful race and very proud of you. Great job well done even if you got a little wet! Looks like everyone was having an awesome time! HURRAH for you!

    in reply to: Operation: Celebrate Life #83011

    Dear Megan, YEA!!!!!!!!!! What a wonderful Thanksgiving it will be for your family. Great news and wishing for it to continue all in an upward motion! It truly is a good Thanksgiving!

    in reply to: My 42 year-old husband #93293

    Dear Victoria, welcome to our remarkable family and the best place to be for CC support. It sounds like you are doing all the right things. My husband was Stage one 10 years ago and had a Whipple surgery. Surgery is the only sure cure so far. Surgery is a word every CC patient hope to hear. Your husband has such a great chance as they caught the CC early and his age is an advantage. I am so glad the surgery is so soon. This monster can grow quickly. It is true that the surgeon never knows what he will find until he “gets in there”. With all that said I still feel you have a lot of good things going for you! Try to enjoy your Thanksgiving and I will be sending prayers and lots of good spirit and there will be so many of us from right here in that surgery room. Well, you know what I mean. Please let us know how everything goes and just wishing you the very best of everything. Below is a sight you may find helpful.

    in reply to: Good Scan Results – Diagnosed 2 years ago #93265

    Thanks, again, Carla for clarifying and you and Jeff have a wonderful and delicious Thanksgiving. SO much to be thankful for!

    in reply to: Good Scan Results – Diagnosed 2 years ago #93268

    Ah, thank you Carla, I understand a little better now but that brings me to one more question, Sorry trying to help. Have you thought about or have you had a 2nd opinion?

    in reply to: Good Scan Results – Diagnosed 2 years ago #93270

    Dear Carla, your post is another good news story. CONGRATULATIONS! The only part I don’t understand is the protocol after surgery or just scans is to continue with scans for quite a while at least every 6 months then tapering off to a year. Not doing a scan and or biopsy but letting this tumor sit there and not knowing what it is doing does not sit right with me. Others please correct me if I am wrong but we know how CC acts and let a piece of it sit not knowing if it is dead or not and not scanning would make me feel very insecure. Naturopathic treatment is not going to keep it at bay. It may make the patient feel better but CC may resist. I had to say this and give you my honest feeling. I do take correction well so lay it on me! I really hope for the best for you but I worry too.

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed #46501

    Dear Janet, what a great post. Thank you for making others feel more comfortable about a pot and love, love your attitude. By now you know we love the shrinkage word! Looks like you are sailing along a good course. Wishing you the very best of everything and more good news to come. And you are right, don’t change your life because life is for the living!!

    in reply to: Treatment Centers/Physicians #29975

    Dear Barry, your help is graciously accepted. No thanks here is needed as I assure my reasons are perfectly selfish and that is it all makes me feel so good. Your attitude will get you far and we fully accept any help you are able to give us.

    in reply to: Hello/ Story of Husband Diagnosed November 2015 #23101

    Dear Teresa, that is some good news!! I checked out Steve’s Blog and it is beautifully written. Is Steve a writer? I personally feel that writing things out and talking about it are both very cathartic. Keep up the great work and looking forward to reading some more great posts!

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