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  • in reply to: Hello i m newbie #91484

    Hello there, Robert from across the pond. Welcome to our remarkable family and the best place to be for CC support. We are a curious bunch although very caring and helpful, please tell us about yourself.

    in reply to: 1st Check up PET scan #91491

    Hi Scott! Your attitude is going to get you EVERYWHERE! Sometimes a little game playing is necessary to find the cocktail that knocks the heck out of that intruder! Everything seems to work diff. for everyone. I do like that your ONC consults and I know she will come up with a new regime to try. Hang in and hang on as the good news is there are other options to take on and like you say, no new light ups!

    in reply to: Lainy’s Surgery #91381

    Hi Catherine and everyone…….This is 8 days now and yesterday I actually went out with my Robin. Frist to the store and then lunch out then at 4PM to a shoe store for a pair of dress shoes and out to dinner. Feeling pretty ok and today went to the GP. Ha, ha, he told Robin not to let me walk in any intersections while still on the OXY. I dismissed Robin today to go home as I am not weak at all just get a little tired. Stitches come out the 11th.
    My GP walks in the room and says , “so, take off your cap, I want to see your haircut”. He cracks me up! The big question is already starting as to whether to zap the other sucker or let it grow and do surgery again. Will see what the Neurosurgeon has to say next week.
    So, yes, I am popping in and out a little, you just know I can’t stay away. Catherine I sure hope things are getting better in your neck of the woods!


    I HATE that all my CC Family has to go through all this!!!!!

    in reply to: Novartis BGJ 398 Clinical Trial #87989

    Dear Shelley, good news to read that your numbers are heading in the right direction! Sorry about the neuropathy and sure hope it gets better for you. In the meantime I just know you can be the Little Engine that Could and keep on chugging up that hill! I know you can, I know you can!!!!

    in reply to: GREAT NEWS – MERCK DRUG (Keytruda) is WORKING!! #84690

    Dear Rose, what a lovely, lovely post and wishing for your 2016 to keep on shining on! NO Cancer and TWINS! How awesome is that. ENJOY your life and please check with us again and let us know how amazing everything is going! YEAH!!!!

    in reply to: It’s been a while #91396

    Darla, what a lovely Anniversary gift!!! OH great! My poor Daughter had to wake me up as I have been screaming all night in my sleep and having nightmares. I know it is either from the anesthetic or the Oxycodone!!! Think I will have to cut that pill in half at night. WOw, I am exhausted. lOL

    in reply to: It’s been a while #91394

    Oh, my Dear Darla, Happy Anniversary and I hope the lights announced the arrival! We sure do learn how to live our new normal! Yes?

    in reply to: It’s been a while #91386

    Hello, My Dear, Porter! How good it is to see your smiling face with us again! I hope you are feeling good and please let us know how you are doing! We have missed you!

    in reply to: New Surgery for Me #91176

    Thank you so very much, Sandie!!!

    in reply to: New Surgery for Me #91173

    Thank you my Dearest Son from another Mum! I have to be honest in that the last 3 days were awful. Like really scary. Then last night went to dinner, the whole family which consists of 9 here. And somehow all the anxiety was gone with the wind! I am almost done here and will be all set to go! Robin is bringing over Chinese for dinner and probably Robert too! LOL and we will eat and watch the Cardinals game. I hope they fly away with the game and make the Super Bowl. Since the Bears are out, it wouldn’t hurt to give a few bird calls to the Cards as they have never gone to Super Bowl! Then we have to leave here at 500AM for a fresh MRI of the head and Surgery is at 8AM and expected to be for 3 hours. IF I get taken on time. Its all ok and I am thinking…..I just would like to be normal for a change! As if I could ever be normal. Shhhhh don’t you say it! Everyone please take of yourselves! I will miss you!


    Dear Annabel. WELCOME TO OUR REMARKABLE FAMILY and the best place to be for CC support. I have not heard of this in my 10 years on this Board, plus my husband had a Whipple. Why not chemo or Cyber Knife? Just does not sound right and yes, I would seek another opinion post haste. I would ask them where you could go! Doctors just do not give up!!! I am not familiar with Surgeons out of the USA but I know we will have some really smart members chiming in on this. I feel so bad for you and your husband but that won’t help. The weekends are a little slow on here but hang in and hang on, I know you will get some advice. What was their reason that the rest of the tumor could not be removed? I could see if one side went awry but 2 sides? Sending you my very best for you and BTW, we have a search engine at the top of the page and if you type in Denmark you may get some suggestions from older posts. Please keep us updated as we truly care!


    Hazel, I am a firm believer in what ever works to keep one feeling/looking good and mentally up beat about a bad hand that was dealt out. And as always with the Doctor’s knowledge. I have also discovered in my older age that a sense of humor really helps as well. I pre registered today for a surgery I am going to have Monday morning and I tell you, I don’t know where it was coming from, but I might as well have been putting on a comedian’s act! The Nurse’s especially cracked up when I told them I never had hot flashes….only power surges! Sometimes, laughter IS the best medicine! And it does not cost a lot!

    in reply to: My Introduction #80446

    Dear Matt, kind of a good news maybe news day. But, it seems you are in good hands and they will get to the bottom of this. I think CC little monsters love to play these games with you! Hope everything works out for the best. Speaking of games…..a BIG one Sunday night!………


    Hazel, I wish I knew the answer. Perhaps as some say there is not much research on that plan of treatment as it would destroy the Pharmaceutical Companies? I guess what turned me off was when my daughter had a Boyfriend who developed Lymphoma. He went to a well known Naturalist who put him on HEAVY doses of Vitamin C by Infusions. After he spent 50 Thousand in 1 year the Lymphoma returned. That just sticks in my mind. Say, speaking of Broccoli does it have to be eaten raw? I have a real easy recipe for roasted broccoli.

Viewing 15 posts - 571 through 585 (of 10,019 total)