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  • in reply to: My Introduction #90996

    Yes, Jack, YES, YES! We are heavy believers in 2nd and 3rd even 4th opinions. I can’t tell you the number of members who did just that as different Doctors see things well, differently. You could get the ball rolling now as it may take some time. It will stop you from ever looking back and thinking I could have, would have should have. BYW, you have an excellent place right in Ohio….the Cleveland Clinic!

    in reply to: My Mum, 49yo in Australia #89871

    YIPPEE!, Tiah, good news indeed! And this gives hope to many others as well. YIPPEE! Tell your Mother her cheering section is getting ready! This is the Happiest of New Years!

    in reply to: Non resectable Cc. #90896

    Dear Tiah, that is such good news about your Mother~! Isn’t it weird how we all hope for surgery? Like winning the lottery! Thank you for your great update and here is wishing and hoping for your Mother to get her surgery. Please let us know.

    in reply to: Complication of latest surgery #91074

    Yea! Julie, persistence does pay off. So glad for you and soon you will be holding those little boys again! I would do one of my cartwheels but not sure where I will land!!! So a BIG YIPPEE will have to do for now.

    in reply to: It’s a long story — I have an ask… #90816

    Dear Jim, I applaud you both. Just like a couple of teenagers you took off with some skepticism and a lot of courage and had your wonderful break where you warmed up and it was good. I love the think, talk and plan method as that is how Teddy and I handled it and when you can be open and talk it out it is beneficial and cathartic to you both. With a plan in place all the fright will turn top fight. I think you might have to get Mary a pair of pink boxing gloves! Wishing you both the best and love your updates!

    in reply to: Dawn E Paddock #91101

    Dear Evan, I am so sorry to read about your Dearest Dawn and please accept my humble condolences. We have been together a long time as you joined this site just 10 days after I did. Dawn was a true warrior and fought with dignity and grace. Below is a poem she may have meant for you:

    If I should be the first to go,
    And leave you alone, my Dear,
    Let not your heart be lonely,
    Nor in your eyes a tear.
    Grieve not for me, my Darling,
    I’ll not be far away,
    With petals of love and tenderness,
    I’ll pave for you the way.
    To join me in our sanctuary,
    And ne’er again we’ll part.
    Grieve not for me, my Darling,
    I live within your heart.
    Take joy again in living,
    As you did in years gone by;
    God knows what of he’s doing,
    And not be questioned why.
    Grieve not for me, my Darling,
    My life with you on earth
    Each moment filled with happiness,
    And love so few be worth.
    I’ll be waiting for you Sweetheart
    Where skys are ever blue,
    With eager heart and open arms
    Patiently, for you.
    Grieve not for me, my Darling,
    May faith and my love keep.

    in reply to: My Dad #90972

    Hey, Irish! What FABULOUS news. WOW! I do think it is very smart of you to still delve further as you want to make absolutely sure that nothing is lurking in dark spaces. In the meantime I would say enjoy! Thanks for the compliments but I really and truly feel I get so much more out of this Board than I give, believe me it is truly selfish. I also always say that our family is so awesome, smart, kind and caring. We have members from all over the WORLD and if our members ran the world what a great place it would be! Please though continue to keep us in your loop about your Dad!

    in reply to: Our Kris. #48043

    Dearest Hans, it is so strange how fast time does fly. Our sweet Kris followed my Teddy by one month. It is always so good to hear from you and I hope you are doing well. Perhaps stars are not stars at all but rather openings in the sky where our loved ones shine down on us to let us know they are HAPPY!

    in reply to: My wife – aged 56 #91030

    Dear Tony, welcome to our remarkable family but sorry you had to join us. You have done the right thing in getting other opinions and Prof. Lodge is especially experienced in CC. What we hope for are the new treatments that seem to pop up every so often. Hoping for the reduced dose of Gem/CIS to work some wonders and so glad you persisted in posting to us again. Wishing you and your wife all the best and please do keep us posted as we truly care.

    in reply to: My Introduction #90925

    Dear Hazel, FANTASTIC! Great news to wake up to on this side of the pond. I am so happy for you and your Daughter. That is all we really want is that little spark of hope and EVERYTHING changes! Now all the fright will turn to fight as your Daughter puts on her pink boxing gloves and kicks that CC to the curb!!! I am crossing everything I own, even my eyes for some good progress reports. Sending you the very best with big hugs as well!

    in reply to: lets pray this is the year for the cure #91088

    Dearest Sallypa, we thank you so very much and so happy to see your smiling face again! I cannot believe it has been 5 years already. I say, Amen to your wishes for the New Year new treatments or a CURE would be fantastic. Take care of yourself too.


    Dear Theresa, I am thrilled you are going to a different Hospital and the best advise I can give at this point is FORGET everything up to this point in time and start anew on Monday and know that you are at a good place! Make a list of questions so you are prepared and I hope 3 of you are going as more ears to listen are very helpful. I also want to send you this helpful site:

    Please keep us in the loop on Dad’s progress and what you find out. Best of Luck!

    in reply to: Not so happy new year #91016

    Dear Sharon, Teddy and I had only been married 10 years when he was Diagnosed. His mind set was always “now we know what is wrong, let’s fix it!” He never lost hope but knew what was to happen. He had an aborted Whipple Surgery, a double e coli infection, the real deal Whipple, Cyber Knife as his too could not be treated with chemo and actually made it through 5 years. The whole time we were like honeymooners. It became a matter of making new Memories and of being on a perpetual honeymoon. He was on Morphine for months.
    My point is to make the most of what ever time any of us have sick or not. I didn’t want to look back and only have memories of CC and he didn’t want that for me either. We even took a cruise around Hawaii. Not long after his “relocation” I began to have only the best of memories that still carry me through today. I know you are angry and you have a right to be but I hope you can climb over the anger as it will also help Phil get through what he has to as well. If you find that this just cannot be done then I would suggest talking to your own Doctor about something to help get you through and take the edge off. It will help. And of course writing it out here helps too. Sending you big hugs!

    in reply to: My Introduction #90921

    AW, Hazel, much better news, I must say! Music to my ears. And I am so glad that your Daughter is feeling more up about it as well. I would say this is a good start to the New Year! Please do keep us updated as you are doing a great job. I have always felt that tapping things out on the computer was very cathartic, When first diagnosed one will start out walking slowly and before you know it your daughter will be running with the pack! Thank you so much.

    in reply to: Home Care #91027

    Dear MAJ, welcome to our remarkable family but sorry you had to join us. This is the best place for CC support. I am so very sorry to read about your Mother and like Catherine said we are not sure that your Hospice works like ours.
    I just Googled this and you might want to give it a try:
    Has her Doctor told her he can do no more for her. Has she had any treatments?
    You never know how strong you are until “strong” is the only choice you have!

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