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  • in reply to: Lainy Update #34802

    Thank you all. I really am not upset just wanted to see if I have company and I guess I have lots. My cholestoral and Tri Glycerides have been high for years.
    That is amazing about Tom. I take 1,000 mg Fish Oil and have for years. It keeps migraines away. The Doc feels it’s from my diabetes. On a pill for that too. Then I take E, D (5,000) Calcium and Zinc. It is what it is and will worry more next year, honestly I don’t have time right now between the 2 of us and our Cancer Dance. P.S. If I go off my counts really jump up. Ah, such is life.

    in reply to: In memory of Darby (OT) #34961

    Dear Bazel, we are so sorry to hear of Darby’s Passing. This always reminds us of how fragile life really is. Our thoughts and prayers go out to your extended family.

    in reply to: Stan’s CA 19-9… 519, his emotional score -10 #34909

    Stan, don’t despair! Teddy’s CA19 is now 375 from 11 in September but his Biliruin is a wonderful .08. MRI next Friday to see what might be the cause.
    What does the Doc say?

    in reply to: New to this #34941

    Hello Maebas2 and welcome to our Family. Everything you feel is totally normal. It sounds like your doctors have a game plan and honestly that is good news. The more you read on our site the more informed you will become and the fright will turn to fight. Be strong and please keep us posted.

    in reply to: My Sis #34924

    What great news from across the miles! Perfection!

    in reply to: First Scans on Gemcis – Great News #32554

    Good news, you indeed have a plan! Good luck flying your way!

    in reply to: two months on, no plan but a plan of sorts #34917

    Kris…First and fore most I want to say you ARE SPECIAL! You are so lucky to have such a wonderful Doctor in your corner. Just like you to end up with a “wild” tumor. Didn’t know they could take on one’s personality! Thanks for the update and you are really a super star. Better tell Leroy to stop messin around because you soon will be carrying more artillery.

    in reply to: Timely diagnosis? #34889

    Hello Kristin and welcome to our Family. Sounds like your step-dad got a quick response from DX to chemo and that is just the way it should be. I don’t feel it should take weeks and weeks if you are with the right doctor, one that knows what he/she is doing and has treated many others with CC.
    My husband found out on a Friday and the next Friday was having his surgery.
    With that said, you will find that the more you read up, the more you learn, the fright becomes less and you become a great advocate in this fight.
    I might also suggest that you re-post under Introductions as this one could get lost in here. Then I am sure you will be receiving lots of advise and responses. I have not heard about the Block Center but if you go to our search at the top of the page and type in Block Center, you may get some answers. Sorry you had to find us but you will be glad you did.

    in reply to: Allergic reaction to Oxaliplatin (part of Folfox treatment) #34902

    Oh, Suzanne I am so sorry for what you had to go through yesterday. How awful. I hope they find a solution for you. Geez, like you don’t have enough to go through? That must have been so scary. Good luck on the next round.

    in reply to: Timely diagnosis? #34883

    My best to tell you is what I wrote above to Jen. Use our search button to locate a good ONC in Seattle or a good Cancer clinic. All this time is time wasted. It sounds like these doctors do not know zip about CC. Jan 2 to now and with his tests is enough time for a DX and a game plan. Can you gather all his paper work and see an Oncology Surgeon? His Primary Doctor can get him a referral. Make a list of questions, it’s your right. The very fact that they are not going to do anything until in to February is astounding. Sorry if I sound clipped, but I am very upset for you with these doctors. When my husband jaundiced he was DX and had surgery in a 2 week time. An MRI or a CT Scan is good or a PET Scan. They certainly are NOT done with a DX.

    in reply to: Timely diagnosis? #34878

    Good work Jen, I knew you would be seen better here. At the top of our pages we have a search site, if you go there and type in Seattle you might get some answers on doctors in that area. I know we have people there but cannot remember who it is. Other wise I know you will be getting some more answers here.

    in reply to: New Memeber – #28980

    Hi Jen and welcome to our Family. If you could re-post this under Introductions I know you will get more answers, it may get lost attached to this long thread that is already running.
    What has been done so far in the way of testing. If this was DX Jan 2nd, what happened to start the testing procedures. We need to know a tad more. Do you mind telling us where you are located? I know when mu husband Teddy was DX he had jaundiced and everything took only 5 days to DX and we were on our way. Personally I would be looking for a doctor who is more aggressive
    and understand the speed for CC. Do you have an Oncologist or just the Gastro guy? Bottom line is from Jan 2nd to Mid February is not acceptable.

    in reply to: Can Cyberknife eliminate tumors? Petscan? #34814

    Hi Margaret. Teddy’s B.R. this month was .08, pretty dang good. Goes to show again that the more we know…the more we don’t know. I had to fight for his PET in December and now the approval came early for the next one! Go figure.
    He is supposed to get one in March according to the Radiologist but the Oncologist just ordered one for February when his last one was December 28th. Also an MRI to check the scar tissue etc. I have to call him today and see if he meant to have it so soon again instead of March. I am having mine the 29th of this month. Since I have never had one and I now have this other rare cancer (GIST) he wanted me to ahve one also. I wonder if they give a 2 for 1??? :):)

    in reply to: Can Cyberknife eliminate tumors? Petscan? #34812

    Adam, Teddy is having that problem now. His CA19 has climbed to 375 from 11 in September. We know there are 2 new small tumors but the PET showed them as shrinking. We don’t know why they are but we will take it. He is having an MRI early next month to see if it is scar tissue in his Bile Ducts as his Bilierubin is better than normal. An MRI will show scar tissue where the PET does not show it.

    in reply to: What cancer center sees the most bile duct cancers? #34837

    Randi, Mayo-MN and I would suggest MD Anderson in Houston. GoodLuck.

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