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  • in reply to: Question about surgery #31123

    I am so sorry Michelle but I am not understanding what is happening with your father. When Teddy had his drainage tube put in, that was it. One time. It was left in until after his surgery as the bile will just back up again if not drained or problem resolved. Teddy only had temps when he got a blood infection. Has your dad had any MRI’s, CT Scans, ERCP or anything? If so what does that show? I just feel like something important is missing here. Please help me to understand and then perhaps I can answer you with more substance. Don’t think I have heard of exploratory surgery with CC.

    in reply to: Gastrointestinal Conference Philadelphia, October 1 – 3 #30607

    Marion, how great!!!! Oh, I wish we could also be there….but we are waiting for the next one here in Phoenix. I can still feel the joy of meeting you and feeling so much more connected to this wonderful Board. No one can imagine the feeling if one has never met with someone from this Board. Its beyond and way over the top!

    in reply to: New to this board #31111

    Welcome, April and I love your name as that is my birthday month. You are already seeing what a wonderful place this is with so many caring and loving people. My husband, Teddy, had a Whipple Surgery 4 years ago at the age of 73. He had 1 bout with the return of CC last year, had radiation and cyber knife and is our Miracle Man. At 77 he is golfing and may return to work part time. It sounds like your mother is in good hands and with doctors who are dealing with this quickly. Yes, this is an extremely frustrating road to travel but do read up on it as much as possible as that will help in the decisions you will have to make. Hope & Attitude are the key factors for everyone involved. Please keep us posted as we all truly care.

    in reply to: Help again – My Dad #30781

    Michelle, while it is not the words you ever want to hear, at least now you can get on with what has to be done. I really think the confusing part is not knowing where you are headed. Direction seems to give everyone what they need including that little, big word, HOPE. Good luck.

    in reply to: New to the site Please help #30683

    Well, that is good news. My mom keeps getting those UIT’s and they are very uncomfortable and can do crazy things to your whole system. Who ever thought we would all get so excited for chemo to start???? Take the good news and run with it!!! Thanks for the update.


    Elicia, we are so very sorry about your mom. Now she has found peace without
    pain and you must know how fortunate she felt to have you by her side through her journey. Mothers never really leave you know, she will always be watching over you and forever in your heart. Our prayers go out to you and your family.

    in reply to: My Dad #31054

    Absolutely, you should e mail or call him. I still e mail Teddy’s surgeon twice a year to let him know how he is doing. He even mentioned it to friends of ours that just went to the same doctor. If something is bothering you, you need that closure to move on.
    Don’t worry about your post sometimes its just not that easy for “newbies”. Wishing the best for you and hoping the doctor can answer your questions.

    in reply to: My lovely sister #30972

    Kris, you are sooooo right! That’s why T always says, attitude is everything. The doctor had told us, when T had his big Whipple, that all the remarks the nurses made were things like (he never complains), (he is always smiling), (he is such a nice man) and (no matter how he is feeling, in the morning he shaves and gets ready for his wife to come down). Teddy was on the Oncology Floor and people getting chemo used to walk in to his room to see him and he was in awe as he said, “they are more sick than I am and they come to see me”. That after Whipple Surgery! You are the same kind of person and that is what is getting you to where you are. Love you!

    in reply to: My Dad #31052

    Hi Katie and we are so very sorry about your dad. Unfortunately the only thing we know for sure about this cancer is that we know nothing. You can’t go back now and keeping thinking about what might have been, it serves no purpose and your dad probably would not want you to do that. Your family is in our prayers.

    You will grieve my loss, but I have not gone. My body is beyond your reach, but my soul is touching yours. I am the one who enters your dreams. Caresses your face Hugs you. Misses you. I have not left, my spirit is with yours. I am all around you when you call. I am the gentle breeze when there is no wind. I am in the photo on the wall when you blink in disbelief. I am the song that enters your head for no reason, yet it reminds you. Don’t grieve that I am gone. I am with you, beside you, in you. I will be forever.

    in reply to: My Sister was diagnosed yesterday #30954

    Hello Windrose and welcome to our world. We always say that no one has an expiration date printed on the bottom of their feet and with this CC it’s even harder to tell. Where is her CC and did they offer her options? Travel would be OK close to home, not sure I would leave the country or go to far. Just wondering if she feels there are no options for her or was she told that?

    in reply to: Sorry I haven’t written in a while #25810

    I am so sorry David, but if a doctor said that to me, I would be looking at another doctor! But that’s me. Still don’t understand why they are not doing anything.

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed 81 year old father #30902

    Welcome to our world and sorry you had to find us. I can’t help you on the chemo as Teddy never had it but I can welcome you and tell you that you have found the right place. Feel free to come here often to vent, ask or advise. I just know you will get an answer from someone who has been in chemo. You might also type chemo name into our search engine at the top of the page. I know that everything is overwhelming right now but by educating yourself on this CC, it will help you make the best decision and to know what questions you want to ask. The most important thing to know is that 2nd and 3rd opinions are always advised and to make sure (ask if you need) that the doctor/hospital treating him knows how to deal with CC. Please keep us informed.

    in reply to: Sorry I haven’t written in a while #25806

    Not to be an alarmist but I do agree with Darla. If you are feeling that poorly you should not have to wait. Our doctors have never stood on ceremony. Once when Teddy got sick, fever and extreme tiredness, the doctor had him in the hospital in 2 hours time and that was with stopping for a visit to his office.
    It was a blood infection but nevertheless you should see your doctor sooner than later especially when you mention a 3 week wait.

    in reply to: My lovely sister #30962

    There you go girl! Fighting words we love to hear. In and among our various posts you will also see a great sense of humor. I like to hear that you have HOPE as HOPE and ATTITUDE with a touch of humor is what will get you through this.
    It will also rub off on your sister which is the best RX.

    in reply to: My lovely sister #30960

    Dear Lalupes, welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join. You have already been welcomed by some of our “family” and I can only say Ditto for me. It is perfectly normal to be frightened out of your wits but soon that will turn to fight. My only suggestion would be a 3rd opinion and hopefully you can get 2 that match. You have come to the right place though, for support and caring. We are the most awesome people in the world!

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