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  • in reply to: Searching for Information #28485

    Dear Ron, Could any task in life be more hard that the job we do? Hooray for us! Sounds like you need a little Ron time as well. Go for a drive, take a walk. Honestly, as much as we love someone it gets to be a very bitter pill to swallow. We really do need some alone time. While you see the test outcome as mostly good, Lucille probably sees it as mostly bad. Usually after one has had a few days to think it over they tend to think more clearly about it. And remember, a lot is to be gained in your approach to her. Us girls are funny that way! Maybe do something different, together over this weekend. Good luck! Stay strong and we are so glad that you come to us to vent or to give your good advice. We care!

    in reply to: Resection #28893

    Hi Ron and we are so sorry you are having to go through this mental suffering.
    Cancer really redefines one’s life. Sometimes the waiting is worse than what the doctor has to say. Know that you are not alone and we are all praying for good news.

    in reply to: Hi, I’m a new member #29015

    So sorry you had to find us but welcome and glad you did. My husband had radiation last summer and he was fine until the very end of the treatments and then he got so tired I thought he was hibernating. But, after about 3 weeks his strength came back and he is fine. Like Marion said it depends on the kind and dosage. I think that because of your father’s age with this, I too would get a second opinion and I would ask them exactly what they feel you should expect.
    This CC is crazy and all we have learned through the years is that we really know nothing as each person has different reactions to what they are going through. I always go with my gut feeling. Right now I am thinking if he can wait 3 months maybe he doesn’t need it. Did the doctor say they got all the cancer or are they suspicious there could be more? You will learn very quickly that you become the fiercest advocate possible and ask away until you are satisfied! Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: Finally heard about Avastin #28012

    Thanks for the post , Hollie and give our best to your Aunt Sophie. We hope she has an enjoyable visit with your mom and I just know that baby makes her smile!!! Have a great weekend yourself!

    in reply to: More good news…. #29003

    Mary, that is just wonderful news. I just think we all have to go with our gut feelings. This “CC” is so hard to understand. Ya think you got it right and it is wrong or ya think it is wrong and its right. I think the one thing we know for sure is it keeps us on out toes. It certainly redefines ones life! Love the good news and look for more in August.

    in reply to: Hello everyone – I’m new here #23074

    Dear Wendy, you are truly at the very beginning and it is scary and frustrating.
    If I may make a suggestion don’t settle. If you feel uncomfortable with the decision that is being made then gather the records and seek another opinion.
    Remember we are our own best advocates and we can persevere until we are satisfied. I hope the new stent works wonders and that your mum is feeling much better in a day or two. Never feel you are asking too many questions of the doctors or of us, ask away. My biggest question to the Specialist would be
    “will the chemo help?”. And what other alternatives are there? When you have 2 doctors who are both disagreeing as to treatment then go to a 3rd. Good luck to you and I too hope mum will be soon sitting in her garden enjoying the summer air!

    in reply to: New Memeber – #28952

    Hi Jim. I would like to add to the comments here even though I already posted to you. Teddy had a double Whipple (almost 4 years ago)as the first one was aborted after 4 hours. He is 76 and doing fine. He never got nauseous with either one. It is a lengthy recovery so gather up your patience. He takes Prevacid every morning, retired last December, golfs 2 times a week and when people see him they cannot believe what he has been through. The cancer returned where the duodenum used to be last April. He had radiation during the summer and in December had cyber knife and the little monster is gone, again. We keep a watchful eye with monthly LABS and visits to the ONC every 2 months. Bloating is the biggest problem for him but then if he would be more careful with how he eats he would not bloat as much. Stubborn Sicilian you know. Please feel free to e mail me if you have any questions. And please let us know how you are doing.

    in reply to: No tumor growth in ten months #28993

    That is truly a Miracle Story! Just what everyone needs to hear. Please don’t ever feel guilty as I learned with Teddy that everyone needs to know there is hope. Without hope we might as well all give up. The good news puts a smile on the whole CC family. Just keep it coming, Kristin. Keep it coming!

    in reply to: New Memeber – #28948

    Hi Jim and welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join! My husband, Teddy, had a Whipple August of 2005. We are nearing our 4th anniversary! He is now 76 and doing quite well. You can find out all about Teddy by going to our search button and typing in Lainy. If you have any questions I will try to answer them for you. We don’t have too many Whipple’s on this site but its still all part of CC. You have come to the best place and we look forward to hearing more from you.

    in reply to: Liver Transplant Survivors Symposium in Chicago #28940

    What can I say? You know how I feel about you! That’s my girl! I am so proud that you are only 3 weeks out from your own heartbreak and still you attended the very thing that could make you feel worse. You are something else. What you experienced was the same as we did at the Convention here. Its almost like they just don’t know enough about it so they don’t want to talk about it. But, I really feel one day someone is really going to listen to us not just hear us.


    Angela, the post you are referring to at the top has appeared in some form or other before. There is quite a bit of info about liver flukes around. Not sure I had ever seen anything about the toxic exposures either. You might try our search button at the top.

    in reply to: Resection #28888

    Not a good position to be in. I guess I am wondering why the “former” is suggesting what to do. My gut feeling would be to gather up your information and have a 3rd non biased consultation done at a place where they are very familiar with this kind of surgery.

    in reply to: Message to you from Jeff #28872

    There are no words. What can one say. Again, the proof of what an extraordinary human being Jeff G was. We loved him before, we continue to love him now.

    in reply to: 16,726 yard run #27535

    Hi Angela. Last October I collected 35 letters from Care givers and patients. I submitted them 2 times, with return receipts. Never heard a word. I then e mailed the show as you say along with e mails to Bonnie Hunt and Barbara Walters. Nothing. Oh and a letter to the Walter Payton family. It’s just not that easy and gets very frustrating. But go for it and see what happens. Any fund raising or representation must be on our own. You cannot represent the CC Foundation. We have also talked about a mini convention where we might all have a chance to meet. That could draw some publicity. Other than that we need to come up with a really big attention getter.

    in reply to: More good news #28867

    Very good, indeed! Love to hear good news like that.

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