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  • in reply to: What to expect post surgery #18949

    Hi Jesse. My husband had a Whipple 3 1/2 years ago. He gets a little pulling in the stomach but not like a muscle cramp. Could it be scar tissue?

    in reply to: Brain Freeze? #25716

    Very interesting, Pam and thanks for the post. Yes, these moments do seem to drift in and out. Sometimes he has no problem expressing himself at all and other times he just can’t find the right word. And yet, until December 1st he was working at a big produce company doing collections from restaurants and of course math was involved. I can’t do math on a good day! I am thinking it just goes with the territory and I think that nurse was correct that dealing with this stuff could make anyone loopy. Perhaps we will hear of some more with this “symptom”. How did we all get so lucky?

    in reply to: Sorry I haven’t written in a while #25748

    Yes, David, ATTITUDE is everything! And you are doing a great job in that department. Hope things ease up for you and that you continue to be the boss! Keep your spirits up, stay strong and keep us posted.

    in reply to: Heaven has a new angel #25735

    JoBeMe, so sorry to hear about Katie Bug but happy to know she was able to choose her time and place. She will never be far from you. Our prayers and thoughts go out to you and your family.


    Oh my friend Heather, what can I say? OK, I have to talk to you as I would my daughter or if we were sitting having coffee (wait I don’t like coffee). If Lee is yellow why are they not doing something for that? If you are both in a fighting mood, I would pick up my files and go to a totally new Oncologist and see what he says. Yellow means caution, not stop! I wish you could get him in to see James Cashman, who used to be the director of liver transplants at Good Samaratin. Even a courtesy visit to see what he says, we just have to much faith in him and he is not even our doc right now. What I am trying to say in my uneloquent way is how could his doctor just let him go when he is yellow? And by the way what does his tattoo say?????

    in reply to: Discussion Board question re: poss. “spam” mail #25738

    Nope. I have never received any SPAM from being on this site.

    in reply to: New Members #25417

    Thanks Lisa. I think it would be awesome if I just heard from one of these places. I think if I went on TV it would cost me too much. Face lift, hair dye, teeth capped, weight loss!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Miracle Man Comes Through Again #25473

    Our only problem with insurance, Teddy is on CIGNA, was that they wanted the cancer to be at 6cm or less. They also wanted radiation first to shrink the tumor. I was very nervous about it as I pictured the tumor growing while we waited but he radiation starts “burning” it right away. Then I got nervous again as the last radiation was September 7th and the CK was December 19th. The radiologist said that the radiation continues to do its work for 3 months after you are done. He was right and it did its job. If the doctor feels it has a good chance of going, go for it. It’s amazing!!!

    in reply to: New Members #25415

    OK you twisted my arm (not really) but Barbara Walters and the View will be my next package! I just have to copy everything and send it off this week. Again if any newbies want to add a letter as caretaker or patient now is the time. Just send it to my email address and I will send it along with the 35 that I have.

    in reply to: Another prayer request #25481

    Sorry to hear about the extra chemo but great that you still have the options.
    Prayers still flying toward your mom!

    in reply to: prayer request #25526

    That is such great news! Keep it coming and we will keep the prayers going!

    in reply to: Introduction #25561

    Hi Jim and welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join. Yes, it is very scary but you have come to the right place. On this Board you can ask, search, share, care and vent. You will find the most amazing and courageous people here. Where are you located and what kind of chemo are you going to receive? Please keep us posted, we care.

    in reply to: newly diagnosed with cc #24592

    Hi Vincent. Sorry to hear your mom’s BR count is rising. Not sure the stent helps the BR as I thought the BR was a sign the cancer is there. The stent is more for relief of bile build up. Maybe someone can give you a better answer but I also wanted to say it must be so hard to concentrate on tests with everything you are going through, but you sound like the kind of man who will not only get it done, you will come out on top. Good luck to you and to your mom, especially!

    in reply to: Update on my Tarceva Treatment #25689

    Hi Jeff, good to see you and you are looking good to me! I had hoped for better news. Stay strong and know that not a day goes by that we do not think of you as you are constantly in our prayers.

    in reply to: Dad has CT scan tomorrow #25675

    Hi Gavin, good to see you poke around the corner! Best of luck to your dad on his scan and I know you will keep us posted!

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