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  • in reply to: Question: biliary catheter & erratic drainage… #25064

    Hi Tess. When Teddy had a biliary catheter it was also erratic. Sometimes we thought it was from laying versus sitting. Honestly we never figured it out except it bothered us more than the doctor!

    in reply to: Cholangiocarcinoma #25088

    Sorry to hear about your Aunt, Angela. We have no bracelets yet but we went out and bought the Live Strong yellow Lance Armstrong bracelets. Those were the ones that started the whole bracelet thing and they do stand for Cancer. You can find them on line under Lance Armstrong.

    in reply to: We Have A Graduate #25057

    Thank you all for your wonderful congratulations!
    John, we live in Phoenix and all this has taken place at St. Joseph Hospital, well
    actually with a Dr. John Kresl whose office is at the hospital. He is very cutting edge (no pun) and so far the only side effect has been a little tiredness, nothing like radiation was. Of course we realize this could come. But to think that in 3 days this monster was shot dead!!!! They will call us with a follow up date for the next PET Scan. Good luck, this is absolutely the way to go!!!

    in reply to: Grandma passed away this morning #25041

    Dear Tonia, so sorry to hear about your Grandmother. While the loss is great the good part is that she did not spend a lot of time suffering. She ended her short journey in peace and with dignity. She will never be far from you as she is in your heart forever. Our prayers go out to you and your family.

    in reply to: Insurance Driving Me Nuts! #24198

    They are absolutely crazy!!!! PET Scan showed the best results for Teddy and he has had 2 in the last 6 months. In fact his cyber knife was based on the fact that the PET Scan showed no other cancer!

    in reply to: My Grandfather #25023

    We are so sorry to hear of your loss and know that the many fond memories you have of your Grandfather will live in your heart forever. Our prayers go out to you and your family.

    in reply to: CT reveals more than we bargained for #25018

    Sounds like you all got the wind knocked out of you!!! Not quite a Christmas you bargained for. If you would like to talk at any time please e mail me and I will send you our phone number. Is Lee staying in town part of the week or does he commute? I am finding the commuting downtown daily rough but am not complaining. Just rough. I am sure Em will be the brightest star on the tree tomorrow! Please stay in touch.

    in reply to: CYber Knife #24988

    Hi everyone. 2 down 3 to go and all is well. This was an interesting day as I got a demonstration of the whole cyber knife thing and then was talking to the receptionist and 2 other gals came out and I was telling them about the Urologist story and one of them said, “Oh, I worked for him for a few years and you are doing a wise thing to go to another doctor!” Wow! I will call one they recommended in the morning and see if he takes CIGNA. I always say the bigger the world gets the smaller it is!

    in reply to: No more treatment for Charlie #24964

    Dear Carol, so sorry to hear about Charlie. We will pray for a a peaceful, painless journey. He is so very lucky to have all of you with him. Our prayers and thoughts go out to you and your family. The Moravian Lovefeast sounds like a lovely tradition.

    in reply to: Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers #24917

    Pam, how wonderful that the big day is almost here and all will be there to see it!!! A SPECIAL THAN-YOU to your new son-in-law for protecting us all and our country. May you all be very blessed with with the wedding, and a quick return of the groom!!!

    in reply to: newly diagnosed with cc #24554

    Great work! You cannot ask for anymore than that. Now mom can spend 2 weeks getting her strength back, you get a little mental break, and your family can have a nice Holiday all together. Keep us posted.

    in reply to: Radiofrequency Ablation is in the cards for Gale918 #24053

    You go girl! Not that I am so smart but I would have made the same decision.
    How dare they play god with our lives! You do what ever needs to be done and don’t worry about it. You will not be the first nor the last to do this. Excellent decision. Keep us posted.

    in reply to: Moved Grandma to Residental Hospice…feeling guilty. #24961

    Hello! You have no reason to feel guilty you are a wonderful grand daughter and think about all the wonderful times you and your grandmother have had. I was thinking when I read your note, isn’t it too bad that we cannot also become a little “out of it” to numb our heartbreak? One thing really stood out in your letter…..Grandma was fine with moving! She IS really fine and ready to go to a better place in every sense of the word. Please keep in mind that when that time comes she is only leaving the room. Our heartfelt prayers go with you and your family.

    in reply to: I’m about fought out… #24944

    Hi Carol. So sorry to hear about Charlie and also BC. As for us care takers, who has time to be sick! I have been attributing everything to stress but I know better. Then I say when we have everything settled I will go see about my aches and pains. Perhaps we could go back to the old days when people picketed companies like Blue Cross. Just think we could really get noticed if a bunch of us Care Takers hit the streets! I do not think there is anyone as courageous, strong, caring, empathetic, giving, lets throw in smart as a Care Taker. And we have to watch the most important person in our life suffer so inhumanely. With that said, all I can say is stay strong and our thoughts and prayers go out to you.

    in reply to: Ascites set in; I’m so frightened. #24929

    Dear Sophie, I have been thinking about you but this is not want I want to hear. Not sure what ascites is about but why don’t you send Jeff a private e mail. I know someone will know but somehow I remember that once they are drained you feel much better. Stay strong and have hope and you will see that grandchild! Our prayers go out to you!

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