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  • in reply to: night sweats #35577

    I would schedule a visit with the doctor pronto.

    in reply to: Widow gets VA benefits due to husband’s death from cc #35404

    I hoped that this story would help somebody. This is such a rare disease, and I remember being surprised a while ago about the number of Vietnam vets who had come down with it. These men served our country with honor, and their widows are entitled to any benefits that come from that service that may have contributed to their death.

    in reply to: Brother with Klatskin tumor #35283

    Reddobbie – there are those of us who have beaten our “expiration date” by years. I have been battling this for 2 1/2 years. There are a lot of factors that go into surviving longer that we don’t know about. I am relatively young and was in good health. I am sure that helped.

    in reply to: Plan set #35374

    Wow. That’s a lot to think about. It is very scary. Sending you thoughts and prayers, my cancer warrior friend.

    in reply to: Stan’s CA 19-9… 519, his emotional score -10 #34913

    My doctor has never told me what my CA19 or bilirubin count is. I’m glad, because that means I have two less things to worry about.

    in reply to: Good News!! #34686

    Best wishes for you and your family. I hope the resection is successful and the recovery swift.

    in reply to: two months on, no plan but a plan of sorts #34919

    Kris, I’m so glad you have an oncologist who will fight for you and be your advocate. It is so important to have a doctor who will look at you as a person and not as a disease.

    You go, girl. We’re all rooting for you.

    in reply to: ERCP Monday #34339

    Results of the CT scan showed a little, tiny bit of progression, but my oncologist calls it “stable disease”. YAY!!! I know that is the best we can hope for, so it is good news.

    I’ll be going back for chemo next Monday with the same regimen we’ve been on for the past 3 months, and in another 3-4 months will have another CT scan.

    in reply to: ERCP Monday #34336

    I overdid it this weekend and ended up with a fever last night. I feel still pretty drained, to tell you the truth. I just got back home from my CT scan. We’ll have the results on Thursday.

    in reply to: The color of urine #34836

    Yeah, I check my pee everytime too, because it really is an indication of what is going on inside. I was telling my oncologist it was dark for a month before I got really sick and had to be hospitalized.

    in reply to: The color of urine #34831

    I thought you were the poop expert! hahahaha!

    Love ya, Kris.

    in reply to: ERCP Monday #34332

    Thanks for your responses. I think for some reason that the lining around my lungs became inflammed. I started some anti-inflammatory ibuprofen for the pain and the pain has subsided considerably.

    Don’t know why the inflammation started… anesthesia perhaps?

    in reply to: ERCP Monday #34329

    My sides and back are still very sore and have been sore since my release from the hospital on Monday. I am wondering if I should worry or if this is normal. The sides of my ribs feel like someone kicked them and taking a deep breath is somewhat painful.

    I thought the pain would be gone by now. I don’t remember feeling like this the last times I had the ERCP.

    in reply to: ERCP Monday #34322

    The ERCP went well. The were able to put the metal stent in, so I should be good to go for another 6 months to a year. The downside is that I’m really very sore today. For the procedure, they pump a lot of air into you and blow you up like a balloon. So I feel very deflated :)

    Taking some painkillers and taking it easy today.

    in reply to: ERCP Monday #34314

    Hi rowena,
    I have a port because my veins are terrible.
    The chemo I’m on now is Epirubicin, cisplatin, and 5-FU.
    Very yucky stuff.

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