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  • in reply to: New’s on Rose May? #27882

    Thanks for the update, Rose! I’ve been there and done that, although your pain seems like it was much more severe than mine.

    I wish you well on exploring alternative treatments. I will be trying to take better care of myself, too, in the future.

    Don’t give up hope! It’s been over a year since my attempted resection, and I have stage IV, but I don’t feel any worse than before the resection attempt. It’s just this nasty cancer wants to grow. Die, cancer, die!

    in reply to: Missing my best friend :( #27866

    It’s clear how much you love your mom. How unfair for her to be taken so quickly while you are so young! It pains me to read your post, because I too have cholangiocarcinoma and have three kids (ages 16, 21, 22). My only regret and concern is how they will feel, who will be there for them, and how will they go on without me. I need them and they need me.

    in reply to: Newbie from UK #27730

    Thank you for the good news. I hope that you have a successful resection and enjoy many cancer free years!

    in reply to: Question about SS Disability #27795

    Timely subject. I just applied for Soc. Security Disability yesterday.

    In my case, I have STD and LTD through my employer. They will pay me $2700 per month.

    I am required to apply for SSD as part of my insurance disability.

    The disability payment I received as an insured will be reduced by the amount of SSD that I eventually receive, so I will not be making over $2700. The $2700 is the cap. Definitely not getting rich here.

    Also from what I understand, any SSD money I get for my daughter will also reduce my private insurance amount.

    If I want to work part time and stay on disability, I can make up to $980 per month. The $980 applies to everybody for the year 2009.

    in reply to: New Little Addition is Drying Some Tears #27711

    Wow, I missed it too. Congratulations Tess! That is wonderful news.

    Advice time – saltine crackers always helped me with nausea.

    in reply to: Blah. #27741

    You hang in there, Kris. You’ve been through so much over these last few months you deserve to have a pity party. I always found that acknowledging my pain and hurt for a day helped me pick myself up the next and go on with a smile.

    Did the doctor say if there are any medications or herbs besides milk thistle that will help your liver out?

    We love you!

    in reply to: New to the site #27786

    Thanks for the great info, Jamie. I’m going to have to start trying some of those supplements you mentioned.

    in reply to: New to the site #27779

    Hi Jamie,
    What happened to the metastasis to your lymph nodes? Was chemo able to cure or were they surgically removed? BTW – congrats on clean scans! that is what we hope and wish for.

    in reply to: Good news today!!!!!! #27681

    Hooray! I’m so glad for you. I hope and pray that you will never have to go through this cancer again!

    in reply to: My liver was declared unresectable today. #27677

    Hi Rose,
    I’m really sorry that the surgery wasn’t successful. I hope and pray that you can recover quickly from the surgery. It will be good to get the stent in. Don’t give up hope yet… My surgery was over a year ago and I’ll still alive and kicking!
    God bless,



    PDT is also available in the States. I will be sure to ask about it on my next appointment.

    in reply to: A little good news for today… #27623

    Sue, I’m so glad to hear your good news. I sympathize with the IV pokes. I had the same problem, so I got a Power Port.

    in reply to: 16,726 yard run #27533

    How about RV’ing across America? Driving across America? The reason that those things are successful is that they stop by every podunk town and talk to the local newspaper.

    in reply to: 16,726 yard run #27531

    I’m thinking of those people who bike across America or walk across America to raise awareness & money for one cause or another.

    Do we know anyone in shape? :)

    in reply to: Recovering ahead of schedule #27558

    Glad to hear your good news! I don’t have any answers to your questions, but I’m happy that you are doing so well.

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