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  • in reply to: I almost ditto Scragots post….. #25907

    Mary, did Tom have a resection?

    in reply to: If you have face book. #25900

    Oh and feel free to add me as well. Just search Jessica Rockstad on facebook.

    in reply to: If you have face book. #25899

    I just want to spread the word about this cancer and maybe it will help in someway. :)

    – Jessica

    in reply to: Two Years Today #25946

    Sue – Woo-hoo!

    We love to hear good news. It gives us hope.

    Congratulations and best of luck.

    in reply to: Chemo Question #25901

    I’m on the same regimen, and have had few side effects. Speaking as a patient, I would rather be comfortable and not in pain from side effects. I have had the hand/foot thing and the swollen tongue thing happen to me, too, but not really bad.

    Hopefully they can adjust your mom’s Xeloda so that it continues to work with fewer side effects.

    in reply to: Brain Freeze? #25721

    My daughters would tell you of my “chemo brain” moments. They laugh hysterically, but it seems kind of weird to me. The scary thing is that I’m still working at a very high tech job, and I’m afraid of making mistakes during one of those chemo brain moments.

    in reply to: Bad news #25859

    Hi Hans,
    Please send Kris our best wishes and let her know she’s in our prayers.


    Heather, I don’t have any answers, but I’m glad that you and Lee are not giving up the fight. Maybe we can all last long enough for a cure to be found!

    I’m surprised that the CTCA said the same thing as the AZ oncologists without even taking a look at Lee.

    in reply to: New Members #25416

    Lainy, I think it would be awesome if you and Teddy were to be invited onto the View, along with the founders of

    in reply to: New Members #25413

    Barbara Walters is a great idea. Maybe we could link bile duct cancer to pancreatic cancer as twin deadly diseases that need more research and attention paid to them.

    I would also like to thank everyone on this board. You all are truly inspirational and a lifeline for me. I wish we could all connect in person some day… but I know we will connect in Heaven.

    God bless,


    Hi Kris,
    Thanks for checking in. I was wondering how you are doing.
    Thoughts and prayers from me too will be with you. You are not a drama queen – you are dealing with a very serious heath problem and you shouldn’t apologize for your feelings! We are here to support and love you.

    Marion, thanks for posting the quote from Peter. I find myself in that place, too, as I try to lose the business of life. That is why I’m contemplating retirement in a couple of months. Dealing with work on top of everything else is just getting to be too much.

    in reply to: Inquisitive son….. #25635

    Hi Rob,
    So far I’m responding to the Gemzar, and was told the same thing in regards to PDT. We’ll try it if the tumor starts to grow again.

    in reply to: In Rememberance of Peter from Vermont #25594

    I’m so sorry to hear of his passing. He was a brave man, fighting to the very end.

    Condolences and prayers to his family.

    And Jeff, you’re a hero too.

    in reply to: Here’s where I am now. #25591

    Dear Sophie,
    I think of you often and send prayers your way.
    Last week I saw a lawyer and wrote out a will. I am also going to write out my last wishes & last year bought a cemetary plot.
    I don’t think this is jinxing at all. I think this is wise planning in order to put less stress and decisions on my children at a time of grief when I pass. I want to do what I can while I can to make it easier for them.

    Dear Sophie, I think that being honest and talking with your daughter especially before the baby is born, will put both of your minds at ease.

    I hope that the ascites problem will get better. Bazel had a good idea of having a standing order with the doctor to have it taken care of as needed.

    I am so excited for you to see your new grandbaby born soon!

    Love you much,

    in reply to: Update on Charlie #25537

    Hi Carol,
    I will pray for you and your family. My children are about the same ages as yours (16, 20, 22) and I worry about them and their feelings as well.

    God bless you and your family.

Viewing 15 posts - 421 through 435 (of 656 total)