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  • in reply to: Good news from scan this week #23969

    I’m not sure if a resection is ever going to be possible, because it is wrapped around the IVC.

    However, as long as it’s lazy and not doing anything, I’m counting my blessings!

    in reply to: TEDDY’S HOME #23402

    Lainy, I love to hear your stories about you and Teddy. You are such a great couple. I’m also Catholic, and remember you and all my friends here on the cc board in my daily Rosary.

    I’m also looking forward to Christmas again this year. Each and every holiday and birthday that we celebrate is more and more meaningful because we can celebrate together as a family.

    in reply to: I had a liver resection in 2007. #22534

    I guess I’m dealing with scar tissue, too, from a failed resection. I’ve been having pain in my liver, and the scans show the tumor hasn’t spread – Yay! – but the pain is probably from scar tissue. I also used to be fit, but now I’m fat, hahahaha!

    in reply to: Great spot to sort out those lab results! #23847

    Thanks! I was wondering what all those abbreviations meant.

    in reply to: Help..Chemo with Gemsitabine and Cisplatin no longer working #23924

    Don’t think you are abandoned – this is just a very sneaky, tricky, rotten disease. It affects us all in different ways. We all care about you and please know that you will find support and information here.

    I’m going for a CT scan tomorrow myself due to increased liver pain. Then we’re going to explore more options.

    sc66ca, I wish this was a disease with easy answers. But, unfortunately, it is not. That is why we must work together and try to raise awareness and funds to help fight it!

    in reply to: Meetup in Seattle area #23878

    How about Chang’s in Alderwood on the 8th? I come down from Stanwood, so that’s about a 45 minute drive for me.

    I’m excited! It will be fun to meet you all.

    in reply to: Has chemo made you lose your hair? #23804

    I let the hair on my legs grow in the winter, then clear-cut in the spring.


    in reply to: Introducin myself… #23864

    Seattle area folks – check out the thread on “General Discussion” about getting together for dinner in November!

    in reply to: Introducin myself… #23857

    Did you have to jump through any hoops to be approved for social security? I’m planning on working another year before I apply. However, if it looks like I’m going to be laid off from my job, I’m going to go on disbility then apply for social security. Hopefully that won’t happen before next fall, and hopefully the economy will be better by then! And God willing, I will still be healthy enough to continue working.

    Sorry for the rambling!

    in reply to: Introducin myself… #23855

    Hi Jim,
    I think it would be great if we cc patients and our caregivers could get together for dinner sometime! I’m about an hour away from Seattle.

    BTW – welcome to the site. You will find a lot of information and caring and heroic people here.

    in reply to: Jeff’s Update #23729

    Jeff, you are our hero. I’ll be praying for you and your family. You are the bravest person I know.

    in reply to: Interesting and comprehensive article #23725

    I did notice that it was written in 2002. I’m not sure how much has changed since then because we don’t get the research dollars and attention that other cancers get.

    in reply to: Interesting and comprehensive article #23722

    The article really addresses honestly all the issues we see with cc. I’ve read a lot of medical material lately and this gives the most information in one place that I’ve found.

    in reply to: My husband is such a brave individual #13858

    Sharlene, your husband is a fighter, and you must be so proud of him. What a battle it is to fight this insidious disease. I agree too, that it is dispiriting to hear about other kinds of cancers being treated so successfully, while ours continues to confound the experts.

    You might be suffering from acid reflex. Try taking a Prilosec or Mylanta and see if that helps your appetite.

    in reply to: Drained and feeling guilty… #23711

    Vent away. That’s what we’re here for. Sometimes it feels better to get it all out in writing. And as Marions suggested, you can Ask Dr. Giles anything you want.

    God bless,

Viewing 15 posts - 481 through 495 (of 656 total)