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  • in reply to: Hello. I am a new member in Phoenix. #20717

    Hello Larry and welcome to our site. So glad for you to have joined us. Until others have a chance to respond you might want to use the search function to read up on some of the posts discussing this issue. Be assured though that questions are gladly answered by the wonderful members of this site. Also, at times you might want to re-post as it happens for threads to be lost when others are writing in. Also, having dealt with this cancer for 5 years certainly, there are many things you can share with us. Looking forward to hearing more about your journey with CC.

    in reply to: Cyberknife #20711

    so happy for you having found us although, so sorry to hear about your Dad. Several CC patients have been treated with Cyberknife and you can read up on some of the discussions by entering “Cyberknife” under Search although, I suspect of other members wanting to answer you, personally.
    In fact, you will be pleasantly surprised by the outpouring of help coming your way.
    Wishing for the absolute best,

    in reply to: Amazing Mom passed away on 7/4/08 #20702

    Dear Lisal,
    I am extending to you and your family my deepest sympathy for the loss of your dear Mom. We are here for you, always.

    in reply to: God is good. #20695

    Thank you for welcoming us with such a wonderful and positive story about your husband’s battle with this cancer. Wishing for the surgery to be a success and looking forward to your upcoming postings.
    Thinking of you,

    in reply to: The liver resection not thought possible #14336

    yes, my husband had bile duct cancer. In his case the constriction of the tumor (Klatskin) caused one portion of the liver to atrophy. Although, the resection was successful my husband passed away 6 months post-surgery. Many times I have been asked as to whether I had any regrets in re: to his resection as ultimately my husband did succumb to this cancer. My answer is such: It was my husband’s choice to undergo the procedure and I supported all of his decisions when it came to fighting this cancer. I do believe however, that due to the resection my husband was spared the excrutiating pain so many patients are experiencing although, he had severe nausea and vomiting until the end. April, each and every case is different therefore, staying hopeful and optimistic is the key when dealing with any illness and of course, informing yourself to the utmost. That will help your Mom make informed decisions. in re: to how she would like to continue to address it. You are a great support to your Mom. She is fortunate to have a daughter such as you who is searching for answers.
    Wishing for the best,

    in reply to: Help with Cancer #20694

    Welcome to the site and I am so very sorry to hear about your Mom. I suppose, two opinions have confirmed the CC diagnoses. Have both places rejected a resection? If so, you might want to contact another institution (sending all medical records, scans, MRI, physician

    in reply to: Resection surgery is a “go” #20595

    for your upcoming surgery….thinking of you, sending tons of support and great wishes for a great surgical outcome. Looking forward to Hollie’s report followed hopefully, soon by another one from you, personally.

    in reply to: Barb (thecdr) #20336

    Hi All,
    spoke with Barb. She is feeling much better, today and will try to spend some time on the computer, reading up on your postings. Thanks to each and everyone.

    in reply to: Barb (thecdr) #20333

    When I called earlier, Barb had been asleep. So, I left a message on Barb’s phone sending tons of love and hugs from the entire family. I know that she will appreciate this. Please, continue to send your love to her.

    in reply to: MRI scan didn’t confirm laparoscopy results #20579

    G. So sorry to hear this. When you were mentioning the “special” MRI were you refering to a 3D MRI? Crossing my fingers for a new, great plan of action.

    in reply to: Stepdad with cc #20550

    sg…I am hoping for others to answer some of your questions, also. Generally, over the weekend the postings on this board slow down, significantly. I was mentioning the stint in re: to the jaundice you might be seeing. It is something you would want to mention to the physician. In our case, when my husband was battling this cancer it was the physicians questioning me in re: to any yellowing of the skin or, cornea as it sometimes is not very noticeable under specific lighting. I realize and understand your frustration with the recurrence of this cancer. It is heartbreaking. Supposedly, this cancer is considered to be slow-growing although, I was explained that two years would encompass this concept of slow growth. Doesn’t appear slow enough for me, either. Hopefully, with the help of the physicians and the wonderful people on this board your family will be knowledgeable to make informed decisions in re: to the further treatments of your Dad.
    Until others can respond to you it might be helpful to use the “Search” function. Also, you might want to read up on the description of Cholangiocarcinoma on top of the page. In addition too, you might want to re-post some of your questions as sometimes the threads are lost due to other’s writing in. I am so glad for you to have joined our CC family although, as always, I wish it had been for other circumstances. Thinking of you and wishing for the absolute best.

    in reply to: Stepdad with cc #20548

    sg.. so sorry for having tragedy strike not just once but, twice in your family. The question of chemotherapy in this advanced stage is most likely one being debated, by most. As you have been visiting this site for quite some time now you must have noticed the approaches vary, greatly. Certainly, I would ask for another opinion in re: to treatment as even the medical community differs in their approach.
    A 30% chance of response could possibly include your Step Dad and he might just be the one who is tolerating the treatment, well. So, one never knows until it is tried. On the other hand with this cancer being slow growing possibly, with stints and his bile draining to keep him comfortable he may live comfortably for some time to come. Palliative care encompasses many things. I am sure for others to be able to help you along with your questions.
    My heart goes out to you and your family,

    in reply to: SO……… it has returned! #20536

    Chrissy….so very sorry. Someone described this cancer as a monster lurking, always. Where did it recur? Wondering about other possible treatments to combat this beast.
    Sending tons of hugs to you and Chuck.

    in reply to: Bile Duct Cancer stages #20435

    In the case of my husband the vomiting increased significantly over time. It started with undigested food, then bile, and towards the end his vomit took on the appearance of coffee grounds. Although, none of the physicians were able to identify the cause of the extreme vomiting it was suspected that possibly, the tumor had invaded the nerve endings of the stomach therefore, not allowing it to contract, anymore. This was only one theory as there were others, also. Either way, as the vomiting occurred more frequently we then eliminated all oral medication replacing it with suppositories, only. Belle, you would want to make sure that the Hospice worker is familiar with this cancer by working closely with a physician in order to administer appropriate medication, when needed. In fact, I have spoken with several Hospice nurses and physicians and none of them were familiar with the end stages of CC when nausea and vomiting became the biggest issue. You will have to be very vigilant and address this, beforehand. Going back to 2006, on this site, you will notice of several other caretakers describing the problem of severe nausea with their loved ones. Is your sister capable of explaining her symptoms to you?
    As you may have noticed this being one of my pet peeves, nausea and vomiting although, there are many others who had received adequate care with this through Hospice and other caretakers. It varies, greatly.
    Hopefully, your sister continues to have more wonderful days picking strawberries.
    Wishing for the best,

    in reply to: New CT scan for John #20467

    please, remember that you and John are in the hearts of many. Has any medication helped to control his pain? I so much wish for him not to be suffering.
    You are an amazing person with an enormous amount of strenghts.
    Thinking of you and sending tons of hugs

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