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  • in reply to: Another 3 month check-up….another good report. #27993

    Thanks everyone. I just wish they could figure out why some treatments work for some and not others. Someday, someone has to figure this all out. We just have to hang in there long enough for that cure that’s around the corner!! There really have been improvements in treatment and more options available in just the three years we’ve been dealing with this, so who knows what the future will bring. Have a great day everyone-I hope you have sunshine where all of you are-my daffodils are frozen under an inch of snow!! Mary

    in reply to: I got chemo and good news #27959

    That’s great news Kris. Enjoy you’re cottage. It sounds wonderful. Mary

    in reply to: A little good news for today… #27621

    Thank-you for the good news. We always appreciate hearing it. Best of luck for continued good health!!! Mary

    in reply to: More stent troubles #27373

    When my husband had his first drain put in when diagnosed the Docs told us his bili would probably not go below 5 or so. We convinced him to drink lots of water(we got smart water with electrolytes) and kept him drinking!! His bili went down to almost normal in about a week before his attempted surgery. The docs were really surprised but we just flushed the poisons out of him. I still push water and fluids all the time to make sure his stent stays clear when he has one. Right now he is stentless but I still think it’s really important to drink lots and lots of water!! Good luck, Mary

    in reply to: My Dad is gone… #27194

    Dear Tess,
    I’m very sorry to hear that your Dad lost his battle. He is at peace now and you will have a guardian angel watching over you. He truly appreciated all that you did for him even though he couldn’t say it. You are a very special daughter and I know you tried very hard to do what was best for him. Take care of yourself and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Hugs to you and your family. Mary

    in reply to: Back from the oncologist #26683

    I have a lot of online arguments with people that are against “socialized” medicine. The truth is we already have a great percentage of our population on gov’t based insurance programs- medicare, medicaid, schip , tricare and the VA. Then we have a bunch with no insurance and the rest on private. The gov’t based are the best as far as I’m concerned. I have family members that have been in all of the above and they’ve all received excellent care. It’s the private insurance we’re always fighting with and people here are fighting with. It would just be nice to know you could get sick and not have to worry about losing everything you’ve worked your whole life for. I have insurance but it’s $5000 deductible so I ignore a lot of things and hope they go away. Heres to Medicare for All!!!

    in reply to: not managing well #26525

    I’m sorry Magic that you are having such a tough time. I know I would be in the same shape as you if I am ever in your shoes. When my husband originally became so ill that we thought he would be gone quickly I really felt that I could carry on and be able to manage financially etc if he were gone. He is still doing well after almost 3 years and now I am petrified about what I would do if he were gone.I guess reality has set in and I know I would have a terrible time with EVERYTHING!! WE have a farm and an old house and a small greenhouse and produce business and a son with mental and financial issues and another that wanders the world continuosly and I really can’t imagine dealing with all of it alone either. I just keep praying I won’t have to for a long time and I really hope things work out for you. Do you have anyone you can turn to for some help with things? I always envy people that have children close that are willing and able to help. Everyone is so busy that it’s hard to ask sometimes. I would get some medication if you you can, at least temporarily. A lot of people on here do and it really seems to help them cope. Take care and feel free to vent here. Everyone understands what you are going through and feeling! Mary

    in reply to: It Hurts so Bad #26338

    Hi Valerie,
    Jeff has been an inspiration and good fiend for 2 1/2 years now, when I first found this site in July 2006. We are all deeply saddened that he is losing his battle and that you and your children are watching him slip away.I just pray that he will not suffer and that you and your family will be comforted to know his battle will finally be coming to an end and he will be at peace.He will have a lot of friends waiting for him in heaven. It is so hard for us to be left behind- my husband is doing well right now but I know our time will come eventually and we’ll have to be as strong as Jeff and you have been. We’re all praying for Jeff and you and wishing you comfort. Mary

    in reply to: Am I in the right place? #25938

    I am really surprised any surgeon would agree to do such a major surgery with your Dad in the condition that he is. It’s interesting because we have had several non-surgical Drs. comment about my husband’s surgeon being very thoughtful and not overly aggressive like some others they know of. I guess they feel that there are surgeons that will operate regardless of the consequences if that’s what the patient wants. I don’t really know how to counsel you. My husband needed shoulder surgery 2 years ago and one surgeon pretty much came out and asked(after being told about my husbands diagnosis) whether he really wanted to go through all of the rehab etc if he had a limited amount of time to enjoy life.He went ahead and had the surgery and has done great but he was in good shape when he had it done. Your Dad doesn’t seem to be at all. I’m sorry Ashlea. I can’t imagine all of you young people having to go through this worry and heart ache with your parents. I wish you the best. I guess it will ultimately be your Dad’s decision. If you can I would just somehow make sure these surgeons are aware of your Dad’s condition. Take care, Mary

    in reply to: Our fighter finally went home #26159

    I’m so very sorry for your loss. You and Emilee are in all of our thoughts and prayers. Mary

    in reply to: Why is the jaundice back? #26021

    Hi Tess,
    I would be concerned that the drain is plugged or dislodged. The Drs. should check that out right away. It seems like a lot of people here have Drs. who don’t get too concerned about rising bili levels or jaundice but my husbands Drs always jumped right in to find out what was going on. They have never left him waiting ,in fact have even had him admitted at times if that meant things would progress faster. I have always been grateful for that and I think that is a big part of the reason he has done so well. It is very hard on the body to suffer increased bilirubin levels. I hope things get straightened out soon for your Dad. Best wishes. Mary

    in reply to: I almost ditto Scragots post….. #25908

    No, Tom was just like you and they attempted one but couldn’t do it because they felt they would have to take out too much of his bile duct. He had a klatskin tumor that went into both sides of his ducts above the bifurcation. They explain it to me now saying that the stricture he has is way up in the “tree” just below where the branches start spreading out. It is very high up. He then had 5 weeks of IMRT radiation along with Xeloda and brachytherapy.I sometimes wonder whether surgery actually makes the cancer spread more. Who knows? Best wishes, Mary

    in reply to: Bad news #25864

    So sorry for this setback- but that’s all it is. Kris you are young and strong and can keep up the fight. All of our prayers and positive thoughts are sent your way!! Mary

    in reply to: Update on my Tarceva Treatment #25695

    I just ditto everything everybody else has said. We love you Jeff and pray that you will continue to stay strong until that cure comes. It could be one lab mistake away. I’ve read how often things are discovered completely unintentionally from a mistake that was made during research. So who knows? Take care and keep up the positive attitude.Bless you and your family. Mary

    in reply to: newly diagnosed with cc #24593

    Hi Vincent,
    That is bery puzzling because her bili should be coming down. That exact thing happened to my husband last Oct. He went in to have a stent put in (plastic) and his bili was 3.4. Four days later he was extremely ill and admitted to the hospital with his bili at 9+. The stent had slipped out of place and was actually blocking the ducts. I would definitely question your Dr about that.I don’t know any thing about metal stents. We’ve always dealt with plastic and will continue to do so. I hope they clear up whatever is going wrong because your Mom could get pretty sick if they don’t.I’m actually surprised they are going ahead with chemo. I believe most people on here have had to wait for the bili to come down before they are given chemo.It seems like that would put a lot of stress on her body. I’m sorry you are having ro deal with all of this. It must be very hard for you and your Mom. It gets hard for me to deal with sometimes and I’m 52 so I can’t imagine what you are going through, but your are a wonderful son! Take care and best wishes for your Mom. Hopefully things will clear up soon!

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