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  • in reply to: Our new message board – Bugs/Errors/Troubleshooting #55175

    When replying to a post (such as this one) writing in this box, after you get to a certain point, the scroll bar on the right no longer works and it will keep reverting to about the middle of the scroll bar area and you cannot scroll up or down. Once that happens, then the screen (or box) area flickers and you cannot see what you are typing and cannot scroll or edit what you are typing because the scroll bar keeps reverting to the middle of the scroll bar area. It is very annoying. Once of the things I’ve done to resolve, if I’m posting something that is going to be very long (scroll bar just appeared) is to type my response in notepad and then just copy and paste from notepad into the ‘write message’ box.

    I have only noticed this happening since the page was revamped. Prior to that the ‘write message’ area worked just fine.

    I am certain that others have also experienced this as I’m seeing that others have (Now the page is reverting to the middle of the scroll bar area and in order to continue to see what I’m typing I have to keep typing, else it will show me the middle of my response.

    Hope this helps for troubleshooting this particulular issue as it is very annoying.


    in reply to: Pallative care vs Hospice #54865

    Kathy: Your situation sounds so familiar. Dealing w/my step children when planning my husband’s Tom funeral for instance. At one point I had to say to my step daughter “Who is paying for this?” That put her back into her place. Then within 24 hours of his interrment, she was on the phone asking for things out of my home. I told her that her dad said that she was to get his mom’s china hutch and her brother was to get his truck. End of story, they have what he wanted them to have and the rest is mine to do with as I see fit. If and when I’m ready to part w/something then I will make those decisions.

    Pallative care is pretty much when Home Health comes into the home and they do Physical and Occupational therapy – their goal is to get the patient back to the point where they are able to care for themselves w/little or no assistance.

    Hospice is where they come in and help the patient to be as comfortable as possible until the patient passes. My Tom was so weak that there was no way that he was going to be able to do anything such as PT or OT and the Home Health (Pallative) team realized that after spending 5 minutes with him and they called in the Hospice team.

    The hospice team w/send out a Social Worker who will go over everything with you, ask questions about the needs of the family. They will bring in a Hospital bed, oxygen and will decide what type of supplies are needed. Supplies being medications such as liquid morphine, drops to help dry up the excessive secrections in the mouth/throat, stool softner if necessary. They will make all the arrangements after the patient passes. They will direct you to NOT call 911 but to call them at any time day or night. A RN can be at the patients home generally w/i 30 minutes after you call. They will assist the family in any way possible.

    Once the patient passes, you call the hospice team and they come and do not have to do any kind of examination of the patient other than to observe that the patient is not breathing. Hospice w/take care of contacting the cornorer and reporting the death. The cornorer will tell the Hospice team to contact the funeral home and then the funeral home w/come for the patients body. The funeral home comes at any time of the day or night. They will be dressed professionally suit and tie even if it is 11:30 pm. I only know this because my husband went on Hospice on Friday the 18th of November 2011 and passed on 11/20/2011. The best decision I made was to allow him to pass away at home with dignity and without any pain. Thank heavens for liquid morphine.

    I will add your dad to my prayer list. As for your sister, let her have a mememoral for your dad if she so chooses to do that. But I believe that your dad’s wishes should be honored.

    Go with God,
    Hugs during this difficult time.

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42403

    I want to thank everyone for their support. I ended up in the ER on Thursday night with a blood clot in the left leg. Now having to give myself shots in the belly, three more to go and am on warfarin – probably for the next 6 -12 months. When it rains, it pours.

    I’m doing pretty well. The hardest thing so far has been just getting myself motivated to do something – my brain wants to just sit here and think about Tom and I find myself having to give myself one of my ‘wifely’ talks. I cleaned the entire house one day and between today and yesterday I got the Christmas trees decorated. Tomorrow I go back to work so that will keep me busy during the day. So far the nights are the worse…I find myself just doing anything and before I realize it, it is 2:30 am and I’m still awake. That will be stopping today cause I have to be up and at ’em for work now.

    I am actually handling this better than I thought I would. I think part of me is feelin relief that he is no longer suffering. Part of me is still in shock that we lost the battle. And part of me does not want to believe that I will never see his face of feel his arms around me again. But in spite of all that I am relieved that his pain and suffering is over.

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer.

    in reply to: Miles Krowicki #55246

    I too read Miles FB page, what a moving experience that was for me, having just lost my husband to CC. What a brave man he was to be able to write such words about death, and his cancer.

    WOW is all I can say.
    “Widow of Tom G. Lepp who passed away from CC on 11/20/2011”

    in reply to: Update on my story…… #54907

    I had to chuckle at the ‘reduced brain function’ comments. My Tom experienced that when he was on chemo also. It’s called “Chemo Brain” and you can actually look it up. I remember Tom always asking for “Bounce” when he meant “Boost”.

    “Spouse of Tom G. Lepp who fought CC for 3 years 8 months and passed away on 11/20/2011”

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42400

    I thought that I’d posted this on this site but can’t find it so I apologize, and will post it now.

    I have to let everyone know that the funeral for Tom was wonderful, emotional, sad, full of joy, bittersweet. There were a lot of family and friends for the Wake on Friday, and the same for Saturday for the service.

    The Deacon that did the service said “When I do a funeral service and see such a large group of people in attendance such as I do today, that tells me that this man was a much loved person who touched many people during his lifetime.

    Our grand daughter Kaylah, 16, (from Iowa) sang “Amazing Grace”, our daughter Brianne sang “Go rest high on that Mountain” (Vince Gill) and Tom’s and my fishing buddy Dennis did the Eulogy.

    The Deacon and Dennis are brothers and before Dennis even spoke, Deacon Mike had to get a few ‘digs’ in for his brother with statements such as “Tom must have been a heck of guy to get a guy like my ugly brother to cry while writing the words he wanted to say” and “I have to pick on him so that he gets mad at me so he won’t cry today” and at one point said “Dennis, do I have to pinch you?”

    The words that Dennis spoke for the Eulogy are as follows:

    I met Tom approximately 16 years ago, you know how you meet some people and they have this smile that makes you feel like you could just hug them? Tom was one of those people. He invited me to join him at Whitefish Lake in Canada for a week of fishing. That became a yearly adventure for 14 years. Tom, I am sorry to have to say this but you were NOT the best fisherman. Marge seemed to always ‘out fish’ you. Now we pray that you are fishing up in heaven with the best fisherman of them all: Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

    I pray that I may live to fish until my dying day. And when it comes to my last cast, I then most humbly pray: When in the Lord’s great landing net and peacefully sleep. That in his mercy I be judged big enough to keep. Tom was always there. If that meant driving all the way to Thunder Bay and back for a part for SOMEONE ELSE’S motor; Tom was there.

    Our Lord says to Love thy neighbor as thyself. Tom showed all his neighbors love through his deeds. Look at what he did for his family and friends at White Clay Lake.

    I feel Tom was the happiest when he reunited with Marge. She became his strength through these hard time. Thank you Marge.

    This is a shotened Version of Lina Ellis’s (The Dash) if you have already heart it, please bear with me.

    I read of a man who stood to speak at a funeral of a friend. He referred to the dates on his tombstone. He noted that first came th date of his birth 1947. Then he spoke of the followng date with tears, 2011. But he said, what mattered the most of all was the DASH between the years. For that dash represents all the time that he spent alive on earth. And now we all know what that dash is worth. I believe Tom lived that dash to the utmost as a Husband, Father, Grandfather and Friend.

    After the service, there was a processional out to the mausoleum for his interment. The processional was at least 40 cars long. The Military Honors were beautiful, the gun salute – Three men, three guns and each fired 3 shots.The Taps can do anyone in and the folding of the flag and presenting to the spouse (me) was beautiful. As we watched the casket being lifted into the Crypt I said “And the battery on the lift goes dead” and prayed that it would not. But as they started to lift the stone to place over the Crypt, the battery went dead, and they had to get a different lift to put the stone in place.

    We had a wonderful meal afterwards and told lots of fun stories about Tom and incidents in his life. One of the funniest was the Oyster incident. One of Tom’s friends had given him a can of Oysters, which he’d forgotten was in his truck. We were at White Clay Lake where our cottage is and were building an addition for one of the campers. We had a fire for burning all the scrap wood. Tom saw the can of oysters in the truck and grabbed it and threw into the fire. I told him that I didn’t think that was such a good idea. Needless to say about 10 minutes later, just as Tom was walking past the fire, we heard a boom and there was my poor Tom with stinky bits of oysters all over his hair, face, shirt and pants. He just stood there with such a funny look on his face! And did he smell awful.

    All in all it was a wonderful day, yes, it was sad and bittersweet. My family has surrounded me and although I will have some very sad days, I know that I will find peace and I am proud to be his widow.

    Hugs and love to everyone. And you know my Motto: Go with God and KEEP KCIKIN’ THAT cancer for my Tommy!

    Margaret on behalf of my Tommy.

    P.S. My son Gil and daughter Brianne spoke about Tom at the funeral and I will post their words later.

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42399

    I promised I would write and let you all know the words that my son Gilbert spoke at Tom’s funeral service. He did not save it on the computer, but I remembered that he’d given me a copy and I found it in the car today.

    “I was about 25 when I first found out that Tom was dating my Mother. I was wondering if this man was the right person for my Mom. Was this man going to treat my Mom right? At first, I did not know Tom, I really didn’t understand him a whole bunch, but Mom asked me to give him a chance, well, I did.

    During the time that I have known Tom, he has accepted me, my wife and my children as if we were his own blood, no questions asked.

    Tom has shown me a gentleness and caring in a way that I always thought a real father should show to his family and friends.

    Tom was a very kind, gentle, thoughtful, caring and respectful person. Tom was the genuine “Hey, how ya doing and what you up too, can I give you a hand kind of guy. He would talk to anyone, it didn’t matter the color of skin, height or social group. He just wanted to meet as many people, and do as many new things in his life as he could. He was very intoxicating to be around.

    Tom has touched the lives of many, many people. I’m sorry to say that many will not be granted his wisdom due to his early departure from this world.

    Tom, I want to thank you for teaching me to be a better father, husband and friend. We all will miss you, on this earth, but forever you will be in our thoughts and hearts. But for now, Hey, catch that fish, kick back and have that beer, take a walk in the woods, relax my friend, my father…you have earned it. We will meet again in the future and will play a game of cribbage!”

    Gil’s son, Michael, 12 years old is having a hard time dealing with Papa’s passing. Papa was the FUN Papa (and I am the FUN Grandma) and Michael loved spending time with us. Papa was the only Papa that Michael knew since he was a tiny infant when Tom and I re-united and married.

    Our 4 year old grandson, Alex is going to build a rocket to fly to Heaven and bring Papa back for me. He decided that a rocket would be faster than building a ladder!

    Little 28 month old Thomas does not yet understand why Papa is not at Ama’s house. I gave his Mom a picture frame with 4 pictures in it. Pictures of Papa and I along with some other photo’s so that Lil Tommy will have pictures of Papa in his own house. Each night that Picture frame goes with Tommy to bed, and placed on a chair next to his toddler bed. He and his mom say his night time prayers that end with “Good night Papa, watch over me as I sleep” and Lil Tommy has to give Papa good night kisses and if Mom forgets, he say “Kizz Papa?”

    I cried this morning when I looked out the window and did not see Tom’s truck in the driveway. His truck went to his son Tom Jr. I knew it was gone as he’d picked it up the night before, but it hit me hard when I didn’t see it in the drive. Oh, such odd things that we get all teary eyed about. I’m in no hurry to go through his clothes or to change anything in our bedroom. I know that in time it’s a chore that I will do, but for now, having his clothes in his dresser and in our closet keeps him close to me. I wore his fleece that he was wearing when he passed, hung his cruifix on the wall beside his recliner and it brings me comfort.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Miles Krowicki #55240

    My thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Miles. Having just lost my husband Tom on 11/20/11 after an almost 4 year battle, I know first hand what his family is going through. Words alone cannot express…


    in reply to: Yay! Lauren gets to have chemo. #55130

    Pam: Please let Lauren know that we are with her in her journey! Tom is watching from Heaven and I’m praying for her down here on earth. Have a safe trip to Michigan! How long is the trip from Ohio? Do you drive there? Where in Michigan does she go for her treatments? If you pass through Green Bay, Wisconsin and the weather is bad, you would always be welcome to stop in and have a warm, safe place to stay. I have a spare bedroom for guests and 2 sofa’s! I would love to get the chance to meet your Lauren!

    Hugs and prayers!
    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer! :)


    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42395

    When I first joined this forum, I started on another link (which I just found on page 11) and am so happy to see that it is still on here. I plan to somehow print out all pages from both part 1 and part 2 and perhaps incorporate that into some type of memory book for the family.

    One suggestion that I can think of is that the site would/could offer some type of printable button : Print all pages ? Or offer participants the option to purchase a bound copy of their posts for their loved ones. Something to consider for future upgrades?

    Each and every one of you who have followed Tom and I on our journey have become very special to me, now that Tom has passed.

    I wish you all peace and happiness with the upcoming Holiday season and may God Bless each of you.

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer for my Tommy.

    Love and Hugs,

    Tom is watching over all of us now. He is at peace.

    in reply to: My husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – The fight has ended #55089

    And since the site appears to be messing with me today…..after the service, there was a processional out to the mausoleum for his interment. The processional was at least 40 cars long. The Military Honors were beautiful, the 21 gun salute (which was really a 9 gun salute??) Three men, three guns and each fired 3 shots (gov’t cuts?) The Taps can do anyone in and the folding of the flag and presenting to the spouse (me) was beautiful. As we watched the casket being lifted into the Crypt I said “And the battery on the lift goes dead” and prayed that it would not. But as the lifted the stone to place over the Crypt, the battery went dead, and they had to get a different lift to put the stone in place.

    We had a wonderful meal afterwards and told lots of fun stories about Tom and incidents in his life. One of the funniest was the Oyster incident. One of Tom’s friends had given him a can of Oysters, which he’d forgotten was in his truck. We were at White Clay Lake where our cottage is and were building an addition for one of the campers. We had a fire for burning all the scrap wood. Tom saw the can of oysters in the truck and grabbed it and threw into the fire. I told him that I didn’t think that was such a good idea. Needless to say about 10 minutes later, just as Tom was walking past the fire, we heard a boom and there was my poor Tom with stinky bits of oysters all over his hair, face, shirt and pants. He just stood there with such a funny look on his face! And did he smell awful.

    All in all it was a wonderful day, yes, it was sad and bittersweet. My family has surrounded me and although I will have some very sad days, I know that I will find peace and I am proud to be his widow.

    Hugs and love to everyone. And you know my Motto: Go with God and KEEP KCIKIN’ THAT cancer for my Tommy!

    Margaret on behalf of my Tommy.

    in reply to: My husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – The fight has ended #55088

    I have to let everyone know that the funeral for Tom was wonderful, emotional, sad, full of joy, bittersweet. There were a lot of family and friends for the Wake on Friday, and the same for Saturday for the service.

    The Deacon that did the service said “When I do a funeral service and see such a large group of people in attendance such as I do today, that tells me that this man was a much loved person who touched many people during his lifetime.

    Our grand daughter Kaylah, 16, (from Iowa) sang “Amazing Grace”, our daughter Brianne sang “Go rest high on that Mountain” (Vince Gill) and Tom’s fishing buddy Dennis did the Eulogy.

    The Deacon and Dennis are brothers and before Dennis even spoke, Deacon Mike had to get a few ‘digs’ in for his brother with statements such as “Tom must have been a heck of guy to get a guy like my ugly brother to cry while writing the words he wanted to say” and “I have to pick on him so that he gets mad at me so he won’t cry today” and at one point said “Dennis, do I have to pinch you?”

    The words that Dennis spoke for the Eulogy are as follows:

    I met Tom approximately 16 years ago, you know how you meet some people and they have this smile that makes you feel like you could just hug them? Tom was one of those people. He invited me to join him at Whitefish Lake in Canada for a week of fishing. That became a yearly adventure for 14 years. Tom, I am sorry to have to say this but you were NOT the best fisherman. Marge seemed to always ‘out fish’ you. Now we pray that you are fishing up in heaven with the best fisherman of them all: Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

    I pray that I may live to fish until my dying day. And when it comes to my last cast, I then most humbly pray: When in the Lord’s great landing net and peacefully sleep. That in his mercy I be judged big enough to keep. Tom was always there. If that meant driving all the way to Thunder Bay and back for a part for SOMEONE ELSE’S motor; Tom was there.

    Our Lord says to Love thy neighbor as thyself. Tom showed all his neighbors love through his deeds. Look at what he did for his family and friends at White Clay Lake.

    I feel Tom was the happiest when he reunited with Marge. She became his strength through these hard time. Thank you Marge.

    This is a shotened Version of Lina Ellis’s (The Dash) if you have already heart it, please bear with me.

    I read of a man who stood to speak at a funeral of a friend. He referred to the dates on his tombstone. He noted that first came th date of his birth 1947. Then he spoke of the followng date with tears, 2011. But he said, what mattered the most of all was the DASH between the years. For that dash represents all the time that he spent alive on earth. And now we all know what that dash is worth. I believe Tom lived that dash to the utmost as a Husband, Father, Grandfather and Friend.

    in reply to: My husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – The fight has ended #55083

    I have to also add that after about 10 minutes after his passing, Lil Tommy in his mommy’s arms, looked up at the ceiling – got a great big smile on his face and said “Papa, buh bye Papa” and waved bye bye with his little hand all the while looking up at the ceiling.

    They say that children are suspectible to that type of thing.

    Then my daugher Brianne sang the song he requested to sing at his funeral “Go rest high on that Mountain” by Vince Gil, while kneeling on the floor close to him. It was very peaceful and I’m so very happy that I choose to NOT put him in Inpatient Hospice as it was important to be at home with me when he passed.


    in reply to: My Tom is gone… #54834


    I’m so sorry to hear of your Tom passing, but just like my Tom they are at peace. I know first hand what you and your family are going through.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you.


    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42384

    This is the first chance I’ve finally had to post this on this site. I will continue to grieve for awhile (forever) and I will come back to this site to offer guidance to others.

    Just in the event that anyone would like to send a card:

    Margaret Lepp
    634 E. Frontage Road, Lot 77
    Little Suamico, WI 54141

    I love you all. Go with God and you guys KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer for my Tommy so that someday we get a cure for this cancer!

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 726 total)