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  • in reply to: Aloha for now #51761

    Hi Rose, Funny, I thought the same as Lainy; the house is crying. So many daily reminders how much we miss our loved ones. One day the tears will turn to smiles; not because you don’t miss him but because you’ll know he never really left. Take care. Nancy


    Interesting. Comforting to know all the research being done and hope this will inspire more. Thanks Gavin.

    in reply to: Nearly four years survivorship #51609

    Charlea, Nice to hear from you. You are an inspiration to many on the board here. Would love to see some of your pictures! I am sending positive thoughts and prayers for a good CT. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42277

    Dearest Margaret, Sorry to hear how tough the roller coaster has gotten for you and Tom. My heart is with both of you. We are not there yet but will be one day and it scares me. I hope those nutrients kick in and that Tom is able to come home again. These men of ours keep surprising us, you just never know. I want you to know Doug and I are here for both of you every step of the way no matter where the path leads. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Are there any young mums out there? #51967

    Dear Chrissy, I too am not a young mom but have been at one time. My children are now 29, 27, and 24. My heart breaks for you. I did not lose a spouse at a young age but I lost my dad suddenly at 18 and I remember thinking I would never be the same happy person again and not wanting to be. It takes time, but time does have a way of healing and if there is any support groups for you in your area that would help. Melanie71 is another young mom on the board who lost her husband in April. She has not been on since but may respond to an email. She may also be looking to connect with someone who truly understands your pain. Hugs to you and your precious little girl. Nancy

    in reply to: strange symptoms? #51975

    Anp, Nothing to add to the wonderful responses and suggestions, just want to let you know I am thinking of you and your family at this time. Nancy

    in reply to: Introduction #51909

    Hi Suzanne, Cholangiocarcinoma is often unpredictable. Yes, it can move very fast but also it has been known to move slowly. Doug was diagnosed with cancer in October last year, cc in December, he had 8 rounds of chemo ending in May. He has had no progression of disease since February. His cancer is all through his liver, spine, ribs, pelvis, lymph system; so quite extensive. So we enjoy stable and live one day at a time. He is doing much better than expected. Sending postive thoughts that the chemo works. There have been people able to get resection after chemo when the cancer is just in the liver. Hang in there, stay positive, all the best to you. Nancy

    in reply to: Marc Mecklenburg #51946

    Dear Jeff, I am so saddened to hear of Marc’s passing. I am glad he was another one to beat the odds and outlive his prognosis enabling you to spend more cherished time together. Our members are fighters and are so courageous. We will keep fighting and we will find a cure in memory of Marc and all our cc friends and families. May you find the strength to get through this most difficult time. Nancy

    in reply to: My friend #51800

    Sending positive thoughts and healing wishes to Linda. We are here for you. Nancy

    in reply to: Advice about food and taste #51924

    Hi Lourdes, I agree with Maria and Lainy. When Doug had no interest in foods I could get him to drink homemade fruit smoothies with whey protein powder added. Like Lainy and Teddy we moved to homemade soups and moved up from there. Now that Doug is 2 months past chemo he is enjoying the tastes and varieties of food more.

    in reply to: Enzymes #51926

    Hi Jackie, Nice to hear from you. Looking back at your posts I would say everything was done to help your sister and you were an amazing advocate and support for her. We still have a long way to go to find a cure for all. I hope the days are getting easier for you.
    Sorry, I have no good suggestions about the creon. I imagine it is a prescription drug? I know it seems like such a waste to get rid of them. I suppose you can ask the pharmacist if there is a way to donate them. Of course they would have to have been sealed in a way that no one could have gotten into them. The logistics are complicated I would imagine.
    Thanks for thinking of us; we are still fighting. Nancy


    His “new way of life” certainly extended his life expectancy of 6 months! He lived 20 years with a brain tumor. Sorry to hear of his passing. Great humanitarian; one of the co-founders of Doctors Without Borders with himself serving in many underprivileged countries.
    Thanks for passing on this information.

    in reply to: 5 years post diagnosis… but bad news… #51098

    Mary, We are here for you and Tom. Doug and I have been together 35 years and married over 33 and I have a very hard time imagining life without him. I know I will survive but I am scared of the grief and loneliness. He too is my best friend and soulmate. I will rely on my friends on this board to help me through when the time comes because I know they will understand.
    I am sending positive thoughts that they will be successful with the stents and Tom will be feeling better and you two can go home to enjoy time together. ( Hoping your heat wave cools off as well!) Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Gemzar/Oxaliplatin treatment #50640

    Hi Kris, Sorry to hear the neuropathy is getting worse but so glad to hear the tumor has shrank!! My husband was on gem/cis and experienced worsening neuropathy throughout chemo. He had 8 cycles which he completed on May 18th. The neuropathy has improved steadily since then. How many cycles are they doing for you? Is the lesion in the liver? Hopefully your doctor can give you answers about that. My guess if they said “indeterminate lesion” they are not thinking it’ cancerous. Chemo is definitely hard on the body, my husband and I like to blame lots of things on the chemo -lol. Take care and keep kicking butt! Nancy

    in reply to: 3 month MRI #51896

    Great news! Glad the chemo regiment is going well, too! Take care. Nancy

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