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  • in reply to: Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) #49240

    Gavin, Sending healing thoughts and prayers to your mum. Hope she is feeling better soon. Nancy

    in reply to: methadone #50234

    Dearest Jen, Hang in there. Try to take comfort in and cherish the good moments. I like how your dad has connected to Mark. Another proof that we are connected with the world that lies beyond. Hugs to you all. A special hug to your mom, tell her I am here for her. Nancy

    in reply to: Need some advice for this weekend #50536

    BZ, I will echo the girls above. There are times when Doug’s ammonia is so high it changes him. He gets confused and there is changes in his personality. His best friend Brian always comes by every week and no matter where Doug is at on this roller coaster he rises to the occasion to visit with his friend and Brian treats him as he always has.
    I understand the fear of losing someone else close to you. All the raw emotions come flooding back and you probably wonder if you can hold up. You have already proven what a strong, loving person you are.
    I think once you arrive everything will fall into place. Enjoy your camping trip and enjoy your friend. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Clean so far (sort of …) #47911

    Sending positive thoughts and good wishes your way Jim. Hope to hear from you soon. Nancy


    Hi Crissy, So glad to here David is doing better. The energy is a big thing! Enjoy the sunshine and that precious little girl. You have beaten the odds; keep kicking that cancer butt!! Prayers for you and your family. (you are right when you say “Never underestimate the power of prayer”) Nancy

    in reply to: methadone #50233

    Jen, Your strength and your families strength amazes me. I know how hard it is to let go but how you want no more suffering for your beloved dad. It will help to tell him it is okay, it will bring him peace. Your dad is leaving this world far to soon, but be certain he will not be far from you. He will be in you and surrounding you. He will be that gentle breeze, that shining star, the voice that comes out of nowhere to comfort you. As I write this I shed tears for you and hope that us all being here will give you comfort now and the difficult days ahead. My blessings to Herb and all of you. Love Nancy

    in reply to: My Story… #50516

    Hello lovemom, So sorry to hear of the passing of your mom and so quickly. This cancer does that sometimes and for others it’s years, and for some a cure. Not sure why the doctors did not tell you it was cholangiocarcinoma, except maybe they did not know until autopsy. It took 2 months of testing for my husband to get a diagnosis. It can be tricky to diagnose at times.
    A mother of 5 and grandmother of 2 will make a perfect angel! I am sure she is watching over you all right now. Take care. Nancy

    in reply to: Very high CA19-9 numbers? #50433

    Hi Paul, No progression sounds great to me! Interested to know why they changed chemo after 1.5 rounds? Here’s to the new concoction shrinking those tumors!! Nancy

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42244

    Hi Margaret, You and Tom are an inspiration. Doug and I are right behind you, fighting all the way! Let’s kick some cancer butt!!
    Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Hello All :) #50334

    Dear Aimee, Praying for you and wishing you and your family all the best.
    Definately seek other opinions if you do not feel you are getting your questions answered. My husband is stage 4 with mets to his liver and bones and has done well on gem/cis. At one point he had spots on his lungs but they are gone now. I would ask if the lungs clear can you then be a canditate for resection?
    Doug also receives naturopathic support which we believe has improved his quality of life and has extended his life. All the best to you, your little sweethearts and your husband. Nancy

    in reply to: Just got the news…. #50116

    Hi Debrah, I would get a second opinion on inoperable. I am sure you will have people come on here and say they were inoperable and then found someone who would operate. Unfortunately, an operation is the best bet for survival. Since the cancer has not spread, I would push for the operation. Yes, radiation is a funny thing – gives cancer and used to kill cancer. Some people have had good success with it. If the chemo and radiation shrink the tumour it may be deemed operable by your surgeon. Best of luck to you and your grandma. Nancy

    in reply to: methadone #50228

    Jen, You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers a lot right now. I am so glad your dad was able to come home again. It is much nicer for everyone. I too am surprised they are offering chemo now, but they must believe it could be of benefit. Chemo has stopped the spread of Doug’s cancer since Feb. He had his last session yesterday after 16 times. Scan on June 23rd – our fingers our crossed that it’s held at bay as long as we can.
    Interestingly enough the chemo has helped Doug’s pain immensely. Before this I never knew it was considered a pain killer. Probably what they are offering your dad has been successful in pain suppression.
    I find the constant sleeping a catch 22 situation. I worry when Doug sleeps so much, but it is peaceful and restful for him.
    Sounds like your dad is coming to terms and is at peace with his situation. I feel for you and wish you all some peace in these the hardest of times.
    Tell him there is a family in Revelstoke praying for him and his family as we walk the same path. Your family is strong. Love to you all. Nancy

    in reply to: Is the end near? Update on my MIL #49959

    Mark, I am also sorry to hear of Lori’s passing. You both fought heroically to the end. I know it is hard to let her go. Sending healing thoughts your way. Nancy

    in reply to: Very high CA19-9 numbers? #50431

    Hi Paul, I think the CA 19-9 numbers are on a different scale here in Canada. We don’t look at #’s in the 1000’s here so not sure how to gauge those numbers. I can tell you that me husbands markers at first went up with chemo and then started coming down. His CA 19-9 is now in normal range after 7.5 sessions of gem/cis. The stage 4 cancer is still there in his liver and bones, but has not progressed since Feb. (he started chemo in Dec)
    What did your brother’s new CT show? Wishing you all the best. Nancy

    in reply to: “tubeless…” update #49749

    Wow Bob, you are a trooper. I have gone septic once and ended up in ICU for 2 weeks; I can’t imagine 3 times! Sounds like it was meant to be finding your surgeon! I believe you are a living miracle and sounds like you are doing well. God bless you and keep getting better. Nancy

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