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  • in reply to: My Husband Lost His Battle #62917

    Dear Peggy, It is with sorrow that I read your post. John and yourself put up a tremendous fight and he surely beat the odds with living 4 years. I am also so sorry to hear that John did not leave peacefully. I hope you can find some peace knowing that he is no longer suffering. Your right, he will be in your heart forever! Much love sent to you and your children. I wish I could ease your pain. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Keeping positive and a little good news does help!!! #62873

    Great news Amy! I hope this news perked your dad up! A family vacation sounds like great therapy for all! Have fun! Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Does anyone have a surgically implanted drug pump? #62930

    Dear Peony, I have known someone that had one and it worked well. Your doctor must think your husband is well enough to implant one. I have also known people to have medication pumped in via a pic line and the pump sits around your waist in a fanny pack (or while lying down you can hang it on a pole). I had one before but it was to pump antibiotics in me after I went septic.
    Did your husband ever have radiation to his spine mets? My husband had spine mets and radiation helped with the pain (though it took a couple of months). I feel for you and your husband; it is so hard to be in so much pain and to see someone in such pain. Sending lots of positive thoughts and hugs for a pain free solution! Nancy

    in reply to: Inconclusive biopsy, but surgery scheduled #62858

    Hi Patti and welcome. This cancer is often hard to diagnose. Sounds like you have a medical team that’s on the ball. Seven years ago when I was hospitalized and in ICU, I hallucinated with morphine. They switched up the drug and no more hallucinations (they were awful!). I can’t remember what they put me on but there are lots of options that do not have the side effect of hallucinations like morphine does. Anyway I am wishing your husband and you all the best on the 1st. I will send special thoughts and prayers that day. Nancy

    in reply to: Email from dr. Javle. #62446

    Hi Tiff, What wonderful news and how blessed you are to have such a rare doctor who obviously cares deeply enough for every patient to answer emails!
    As for all you guys out there with hot, dry weather please send some to BC where we have been deluged with rain causing floods, highway closures and destruction. Hugs and love, Nancy

    in reply to: Not the news we were hoping for. #62515

    Dear Pam, Not the news any of us were expecting. Will pray for the results we all want to hear on Tuesday. There have been others with lesions and such that were not cancer so that is what we wish for! Sending love and hugs from Canada to you, Lauren, and your family as you cross another hurdle. It’ going to be a long week; try to get out and do something fun. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: not quite new, but introducing anyway #62461

    Hi Kim, Yes thank you for supporting the foundation. Although cc is still considered a rare disease it seems to be becoming more common; hence you now know your second person with this disease. I am in British Columbia so can’t help in your search for centers or doctors but I am sure others will have suggestions. Wishing you and your friend all the best. Nancy

    in reply to: Dx CC and surgery 10/10 #62480

    Hi Trish, Sounds like you have a positive attitude and are at peace with whatever comes your way in life and with this disease. I will be thinking of you on July 3rd when you start your new chemo regimen. All the best. Nancy

    in reply to: Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma #62525

    Hi, I understand your shock and grief. Did they say if the cancer cleared from the lymph nodes your mom could be a candidate for resection? CC has it’s common symptoms and complications but it is individual when it comes to response to treatment. It seems the most common drugs used are gemcitabine and cisplatin, but as you will see on this board many other concoctions have been used as well. Some respond to to one type of chemo , some to others. There have been some to have enough success with chemo to qualify for a resection, that is why I would question about that. Sounds like your mom has half the battle won with her attitude. Stay strong, there have been battles won and there are many on here that the chemo is keeping the disease at bay. Sending you positive thoughts for a positive response to chemo for your mom. Nancy

    in reply to: Potential Hope? #61199

    How exciting! Glad someone took a chance on a 15 year old. I hope bureaucracy doesn’t hold back it’s use for years. Thanks for sharing.

    in reply to: One year on #62191

    Hi CM, It’s been 9 months for me. On Father’s day my daughter Tamia, my dog Maggie, and I took Doug ( in a little urn that has the few remaining ashes that were not scattered) for a walk over our new foot/ bicycle bridge that was finished just weeks after Doug’s passing. We had been watching the progress and Doug so wanted to see it finished (he was an avid bicyclist).
    I understand why you say you miss David more than ever. I find even though the intense grief has settled, I miss Doug more and more. Maybe because it is becoming more real?
    I love your poem Lainy and can relate to sooo much of it. How beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
    Deb, I know what you mean about friends and family. I mean, we really want them to go back to their lives and enjoy and be happy but they really don’t understand how we feel unless they have been there. That is why this board is so great because those here understand our pain and they understand cc.
    Love to you all. Nancy

    in reply to: About the Widows Walk #62149

    Janet, Yes thank you for this quote. It is so true how we can’t avoid this walk but must find our own compass through it. It is challenging, and heartbreaking but strangely has it’s rewards as well. ( I am just beginning to see them). My compass has gone from guiding me a day at a time to about a week at a time now. I guess that is progress.
    I read today that the hardest grief you have to bear is the temporary separation of your loved one. It is a nice way to look at it, that it’s a temporary separation, for I believe we will reunite one day. Take care.
    Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: PET/CAT scan next Thursday #62109

    Lisa, Saw your pictures on Pam’s blog. You look wonderful! Sending lots of positive wishes for a great scan. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Susan Wise: April 1951 – May 2012 #61680

    Hi Julia, Glad you had a beautiful day celebrating the life of your beautiful sister Susan. Hugs and love. Nancy

    in reply to: 2 1/2 year scan – clean!! #62121

    Congratulations Randi! I love reading good news! It does give everyone hope and hope is what we live with. Now relax and enjoy! Life is good. Hugs. Nancy

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