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  • in reply to: Hello From Mississippi!!! #60214

    Hi Brenda, I was just reading through your posts and your story is very similar to mine. I lost my husband Doug last September 14th after being together over 35 years. I have 3 children, too. I am sorry you lost the love of your life, Don. Just wanted to let you know my heart goes out to you and your children. I am glad you have some good support. The days ahead will be a fog, but somehow we make it through. So sorry to hear of the loss of your brother in law as well. We wonder sometimes how life can be so cruel, but take comfort in the fact they are together again. One thing that helps me is believing Doug is in an awesome place, where there is no physical or emotional pain. I picture him saying ” Wow, this is beautiful, wait till you get here!” You will laugh and you will cry. This is a tough journey we are on and not one of choice, but in some strange way I feel Doug helping me through like he always has.
    Hugs to you and your family. Nancy

    in reply to: UTI #61327

    Just lots and lots of fluids. Nancy

    in reply to: Psychological question also #61332

    Hi Melissa, This is a tough one. My husband went through denial too. Everyone is different and reacts differently. I would say that this is her coping mechanism at this time. Maybe give it a little time and gently ask her about her feelings when you have some alone time with her. Sometimes the patient is afraid of upsetting those they love with their feelings so hold them in. My husband found a confidante in his chemo nurse and expressed some of his fears to her. Sending hugs to you and your mom. Nancy

    in reply to: Bad news #61343

    Dear Pepehorse, Cherish these last moments and remember your dad will be with you forever. Love and hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: “You promise us this moment…” #61361

    What an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your story. Keep enjoying every day. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: My Lovely Sister #61252

    Dearest Julia, I have nothing more to add to the previous posts. Just want to let you know my heart is with you and your sister at this time. May you both find peace. Love Nancy

    in reply to: How to take this #61293

    Hi Tiff, Definately the dropping of the ca 19-9 is reason to celebrate! Not sure how your bilirubin numbers work in the states so not sure how high that reading is. Did you ask your doctor about it? As bilirubin goes up it indicates the liver is working harder to rid the body of toxins. Chemo can cause higher than normal bilirubin numbers, so may not be indicative of the disease. Hope this helps. Have a great weekend. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Are we really making the right choices? #61292

    Hi Pepehorse, My husband had abdomen swelling (ascites) throughout the last stages of cc. My understanding is they don’t like to drain it unless it is causing great discomfort because draining can lead to infection and other complications. Doug never had the fluid drained and we were able to manage his pain. Hope this helps. Sorry that you and your family are going through this trying time. I empathize. Enjoy the time you have with your dad and continue to make memories. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Surviving against the odds #61241

    Awesome Susan! Congratulations for surviving colon cancer and having a successful resection! I am so glad you are feeling so well and back to all your usual activities. You do give hope! Nancy

    in reply to: Uncontrolled anxiety #61287

    Hi Jose, As Marion said have your sister’s ammonia levels checked. My husband went through similar situations of anxiety as your sister and it was due to high ammonia levels. There are ways to keep the levels in check and therefore help with the anxiety. Hope you and your sister get some relief from the anxiety. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Good news!!! #61194

    Yay Tiff! Sounds like you have a great Doctor and he is on top of things! Keep us posted on the Y-90. Sending lots of healing hugs! Nancy

    in reply to: Update on my dad #61181

    Boy Narinder your dad has done well since his diagnosis nearly 7 years ago! Hope he can get home soon to be in the garden with his grand kids! I think that’s what keeps him going! I hope he is feeling better soon. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Lauren’s Theraspheres #60840

    Pam, So happy to hear everything went well for Lauren! You guys really do have a great upbeat team there! As I speak I am visualizing Lauren’s tumors shrinking and shrinking. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: New to the site #60576

    Hi Wilma, This dreaded disease has no rules. Some pass quickly with no response to treatment, some respond to treatment and do well to have it return, some live a number of years, and the few survive. Everyone is working hard to better the prognosis. Getting mad is not a bad thing! Getting mad is better than being in apathy! Many of us here have walked your road and I feel for you. It is not easy. Sending hugs to you and your husband. Nancy

    in reply to: 6yr Anniversary #61062

    This is what we love to hear! May we have many more success stories like yours! Hugs. Nancy

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