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  • in reply to: Urologist Appt #34953

    Hi Christine,

    Wow! I almost don’t know what to say. I know it is easy for others to offer advice about having patience and put yourself in her shoes, but sometimes it is really, really hard. I have not had the experience of having my daughter be grouchy to anyone other my husband, myself, and her boyfriend. You have a real pistol on your hands!! I give you credit for handling things. I know that since Lauren talked to a social worker, she understands that it is ok to be mad sometimes and understands she takes it out on us because we are the ones that will love her no matter what. She is really trying and has been much better lately. I am sure your Mom is just tired of everything, but she needs to understand these people are trying to help her. I think it would help you to speak with a social worker or other mental health care professional and ask them what you can do to deal with your Mom. I’m not sure by what you’ve said, if she would want to talk to someone. My heart goes out to you and your Mom. I hope things get better.

    Love and hugs, -Pam

    in reply to: Is surgery an option? #34968

    Hi LeeAnn,

    I think whenever there is any doubt in your mind, a second opinion is in order. If you still don’t feel satisfied, then even a third opinion might give you some peace of mind. I am very sorry you have had a recurrance. I hope you can find the right doctor to help you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Is it worth it to relocate for treatment at MD Anderson?! #66264

    Hi Nikki,

    Dr. Sonnenday is the first person my daughter, Lauren saw at U of M. He is a great liver surgeon and wonderful person. Hopefully, one day Lauren will be able to have a resection. I know he will want to help your father if he can. I cannot say enough good things about him. I have heard things about Dr. Kato, but don’t feel qualified to say anything. I’m sure others will be along that can answer your questions. If you wish to ask me more questions about our experience with Dr. Sonnenday and U of M please e-mail me . All the best to you and your Dad.


    in reply to: Hello and thank you for this great resource #66323

    Hi Linda,

    I just wanted to welcome you to this site. I am sorry your husband has some new tumors. I hope they can pinpoint what will work best for your husband’s treatment. Please keep us informed as to how he is doing. Wishing you both all the best.


    in reply to: Upate and Checking in #66314

    Hi Christine,

    I am happy to hear things are going better for your Mom. I hope things get straightened out with her kidneys and happy you both weathered the storm ok. Best wishes to both of you.


    in reply to: port question #66300

    Hi Lynn,

    Lauren had her port put in the same day she started chemo. It was very sore for quite some time. In fact, even over a year later it gets sore sometimes here and there, but goes away. She just takes her regular pain meds and might add in a few Tylenol. Like Eli said, if it continues to be really painful, I would get him checked by the doctor. You would want to rule out infection. Take care.


    in reply to: Neuropathy #66239

    Hi Jim,

    My daughter, Lauren was on Gem/Cis for a long time and never had neuropathy. Only hair loss and low platelets. She has been on Xeloda and Oxaliplatin for some time now and did have some neuropathy with Oxaliplatin which is in the same family as Cisplatin. Just this past week she had a terrible allergic reaction as soon as she started getting her Oxaliplatin. We have not spoken to her oncologist yet to see what he is going to do about it. Her neuropathy would mostly be in her hands and her tongue bothered her too. Her feet are bothered more by her oral chemo, Xeloda. Towards the end of her two weeks on Xeloda , the bottoms of her feet are very red, sore, and peely. We put a lot of lotion on them and as soon as she stops taking the chemo they get better. I know Kris on this site had bad neuropathy, so hopefully she will comment. I hope the Neurontin helps and you are feeling better soon.


    in reply to: mandy #66248

    Hi Mandy! Wow, have you been through a lot! My daughter, Lauren is the one with CC and has not been able to have surgery due to size and placement of tumors. I just wanted to pop in and welcome you to this site. What type of chemo are you on and how are you feeling these days? It must be difficult having three children to tend to. I am hoping the surgery has gotten rid of all the cancer and you will be happy and healthy after recovery. Please keep us posted as to how you are doing. Your comments will be helpful to others who will go through surgery as well. Thanks for finding us, but so sorry you had to.
    All the best to you.


    in reply to: Yet another CT scan on Friday Nov 2 #66194

    My heart goes out to you, Kris. You sure don’t need this added stress. Prayers that everything works out for you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Introduction #66044

    Hi Shelby,

    I think you have things covered on what to take for your Mom at chemo. We had five people go to my daughter, Lauren’s first chemo. She has had 26 treatments. Only one person can go back at a time with the patient where we go. At one point the first time, we were all sitting and crying at the same time. It was kind of emotional on the first one because we were scared and because there were so many people there to have chemo that it broke our hearts. It gets easier each time as you become familiar with what is going on, especially if chemo makes your Mom feel better. I wish you all the best. Please let us know how it goes.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Lauren had an allergic reaction to Oxaliplatin #66015

    Good luck to your Mom, Lauren and thank you , Sharon.

    in reply to: Yet another CT scan on Friday Nov 2 #66179


    I’m wishing for nothing but great news from your CT scan. Glad your other problem is finally gone. I will be praying extra hard for you on Friday. Sorry you have to wait the whole weekend for results. That is just cruel. All the best to you, dear friend.

    in reply to: 2 years 10 months cancer free! #66129


    I just wanted to let you know that I am so happy for you. How wonderful it must be to be told you have a clean scan. All the best to you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Xeloda symptoms? #66172

    Hi lost soul,

    My daughter, Lauren takes Xeloda and it is the hardest chemo for her to deal with. She gets body aches, sore, red feet, nausea, and not much appetite. Her PA told her to take Compazine for nausea half an hour before taking the Xeloda and it has helped. She was taking Compazine when she got nauseous, not before and it didn’t help then. Sorry you are having such a hard time with things and I hope you can get it figured out.


    in reply to: Lauren had an allergic reaction to Oxaliplatin #66012

    Thanks so much for your post. Bob and Nancy! I wrote about Lauren’s experience so anyone else taking Oxaliplatin can watch out for this reaction. I think a reaction can happen with any chemo, but Lauren’s doctor said it is not uncommon for it to happen usually around the 6th or 7th time. It was scary, but I knew we were in the best place if it was going to happen and they have handled many allergic reactions before.

    Lauren did not win at Bingo, but her boyfriend did win $200. Yippee!!

    Since Lauren does not read this site, I will be sure to read your nice post to her. I hope Jeff is doing well. Bless his heart. Take care. You two are just so sweet.

    Love, -Pam

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