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  • slittle1127

    I also do not have an answer. I have just heard that the higher the marker the more indication of cancer. Sorry. Stable is a really good thing. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Colon swollen cant pass stool right #40537

    Look forward to your update. Hang in tight until then as we are thinking of you. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: ISO a poem, encouragement, anything! #45714

    I don’t know where you found those poems, but I am sitting her crying and thinking of sharing them with my son who is a pastor. Thank you so much. My husband is sstill here with me, but I relate them to next year when he will probably not be with me. Thank you so much for sharing – they are so beautiful. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: home for the hollidays I pray #45669

    Dear Mr. J – Here’s hoping that you will enjoy your holidays at home and your meeting with the oncologist on the 20th will be positive. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: ca919 on the result #45769

    Diuretics generally begin working right away. It may take a day or so for good drainage, but if you are not seeing good results, perhaps a different diuretic would be more beneficial. Check with the doctor as one would hope she wouldn’t be getting worse. I’d call the doctor first thing in the morning (I know it’s Saturday, but isn’t someone on call). Don’t let the ca marker get you down, see how mom is doing day by day. As always, celebrate the good days and hold tight on the rough days. Blessings to you and your family, Susan.

    in reply to: MRI results #45775

    What wonderful news. Let us keep praying and keep getting these good results. So happy for you.

    in reply to: Talking With Your Spouse or Partner About Cancer #45720

    Great articles. Great advice. Thanks, Marion.

    in reply to: My beloved husbands passig #45738

    Dear Julie – No one can fullyunderstand your loss, but we share in your pain and carry you in our hearts. There is no replacement for Greg in your heart and in your life, but may his memory bring you comfort. Your years were cut too short and it is unfair, but you did have some great years and those can be held close in your heart. May God bring you the peace that passes understanding and may one morning in the future bring you joy. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: HOLIDAY #45743

    Terry – It’s ok not to say Merry Christmas. You might want to just say thank you. If you choose to sleep through the day – ok. You have to grieve your tremendous losses this year. Take time for you and remember Wayne and your love for him and your mom. I haven’t baked a single thing this year and I’m a huge baker. Just not into it. I think my husband would like the smells around the house, so for his sake, I will try tomorrow. I understand how hard it is to “celebrate” when you feel that there is nothing to celebrate this year. Blessings to you and may you spend the day in the way that best meets your own needs. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Teddy’s Celebration of Life Friday #45584

    Lainy – My heart will be with you tomorrow as you celebrate the life of the amazing man God gave you. I am so glad that the priest and rabbi will both be there for officiate. T would be so happy. I will hold you close all day and be thankful for the positive impact you have had in my life. Love you, Susan

    in reply to: After 11 years……… #45474

    Dear Jena – So sorry for your sudden loss. This disease is so insidious. Everyone reacts so differently. THere are those who have lived several years, a few have recovered, some lose their fight after a few days. We are sorry you didn’t have long to prepare. The problem is that it’s such a roller coaster ride. I am so sorry for your loss and the grief takes time to process. Please visit here often and share your thoughts and feelings with us. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: It’s been just over a year now. #45594

    Gavin – Milestones are so hard. It almost sneaks up on you without notice. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mum. May the days ahead be brighter with happy thoughts and memories of dad. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: my rockstar mom #45452

    Grouchiness is person-dependent. Some appear to be much grouchier than others. We have lived with Grouchy for quite some time now, but the past week we have our regular Randy back and we’re enjoying every minute. Many patients sleep a lot – could be a combination of the energy taken from the body by the cancer and it could be the mental status indicating depression, etc. Celebrate the good days and hold fast on the bad ones. Thinking of you. Blessings, Susan
    P.S. Lainy – They are reluctant to drain just yet as the risk of infection is great (they say). So, we’re trying the draining first. He has had a couple of decent days so we’re happy. Love you and miss you. Susan

    in reply to: My dad #45430

    Dear Shadow – Thanks for posting the you tube on Arthur and cancer. I’ll be glad to watch it and then see about sharing it with my grandchildren. We can watch it together and then talk about it. Thanks, again. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: my rockstar mom #45447

    We are dealing with a lot more ascites right now. On Friday, the doctor doubled the lasix and potassium. I am not seeing any result from that yet. His abdomen is so swollen that his pants are not fitting. He was losing a lot of weight but has stabilized despite the fact that he eats very little – I think it’s water weight. I pray for your mom to feel better and that the chemo will be effective. Thank God that your mom is such a rock star. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Blessings, Susan

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