🤚🏻 Five for Friday – 5 Episodes of Cholangio Heroes

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The Foundation is pleased to announce its first-ever video podcast, Cholangio Heroes. A wide array of guests impacted by cholangiocarcinoma are featured in each weekly episode. Cholangio Heroes can be found on CCF’s YouTube Channel, Spotify, Podbean, Frontliners TV, HeroGo TV, Local Now, VivaLive TV, and Ebaba.

CholangioHeroes Logo Five-for-Friday-nocovid-transbg noun-couple-1294894-FFFFFF

Jessica Thomas & Michael Griffin


Thomas and Griffin Children


Patty Maxin & Cindy Thomas discuss CholangioConnect


Meredith Shirrell on Campaign for the Cure


Jonathan Whiting on 21 Miles of Hope

Get the most out of this email by contributing your ideas, feedback or questions to Allison Deragon at allison.deragon@cholangiocarcinoma.org.

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