🤚🏻 Five for Friday – 5 TeamCCF Stories

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TeamCCF began in 2016 as a way to raise money through athletic events for the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation. Bibs for this year’s 2023 Bank of America Chicago Marathon are available now.

Hear five stories from community members and learn more about why they decided to join TeamCCF.


“I ran in honor of my mom, who lost her battle with cholangiocarcinoma in March 2017 after a 2.5 year battle. With every run I take, I have my mom by my side. She was my biggest cheerleader growing up, and when I run, I get to have my time with my mom.”

– Diana Park

Diana Park runs the NYC Marathon for TeamCCF noun-running-shoe-783354-FFFFFF

What is TeamCCF?

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Run the Bank of America Chicago Marathon with TeamCCF

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TeamCCF Bank of America Chicago Marathon testimonials

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TeamCCF Member Kirstin Erni’s story

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First-ever CCA patient Jim McElhiney runs Marathon

Email meredith.mcguffage@curecca.org or visit TeamCCF.org for more information.

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