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  • in reply to: Shirley – My Sister #26060

    Dear Teresa,

    God bless you and comfort you. You remind me of my cousin Sharan. At the end, when my husband was on hospice here at home, she fly across the country to be with us at the end. She is my closest friend, and she is a former hospice nurse, and I can”t tell you what that meant to me to have her here for us. I will never forget her kiindness in doing that final favor – I don’t know how I could hae gotten through it alone. You are so right – this is a horrid, horrid disease, and I pray every day for a cure.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: My update not positive #26385

    I,too, an following along, keeping up wioth Sophie’ s trials. I just want to send my love – to all of you, let you know that I am praying for Sophie.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: Semi-newly diagnosed :D #26832

    Welcome to our site – lots and lots of lovely, brave, smart people here to talk with youwhenever you need – or just want – to. You DO have a good attitude, and I love hearing that you were stage 11 at your resection – sounds very promising. Best of luck to you with your chemo.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: Cancer Miracles article #26881

    What a great article – I DO believe that the immune system plays a key part in this, and long for the day when they discover the key to unlocking the door to success.


    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21859

    Hello all,
    You are reminding me of all the trouble I had selling Butch’s old car – a 1996 toyota corolla – he loved that car – we bought it new, and he just kept on driving it! But – by the time I sold it, the engine light was stuck On, it was leaking oil, and I didn’t know what to do. But a friend of mine with a garage put it on his lot, and offered it “as is”. We told the truth, and I still got $1,200.00 – not bad for the poor old thing – Butch would have been proud of me, I imagine! I hope the same thing happens with you two. Unfortuneately, I still have lots of stuff here to dispose ot, and don’t know what to do with it!

    Sue – you are so fortunate to have Sam, as I am lucky to have my Melanie. We lucked out in the daughter department!

    Things have slowed down in the electical department breakage area for me – knock wood – I shouldn’t say it – I’ll jinx myself, I know!

    We didn’t get all that snow that Darla got here in New York, however, it is 9 degrees right now – a tad bit cold, I would say!

    Love – Joyce

    in reply to: VA, Vets & CC Statistics #26801

    Good work, Tess – and very interesting. I used to do an amazing amount of research on CC – it was like an addiction for me – I just couldn’t stay away from it – but I haven’t done much in recent months. I am pretty sure that it DOES have to do with the wars in Korea and Vietnam, and I personally believe that the VA affairs office knows this, too.


    in reply to: our journey #26754

    Yes – I try to warn anyone who is a veteran that they should have their bile ducts checked, because of the connection between parasites and CC. It is important that we make as many of them as possible aware of the danger – maybe we can save someone’s life – wouldn’t that be wonderful?

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: our journey #26750


    Butch served in Vietnam in the early 60’s, and liver flukes are a problem there, too. In addition, he had ulcerativer colitis and primary schlerosing cholingitis which also lead to CC. It has been proven , and accepted by our government, that those parasites do lay dormant in a person, causing cancer in the late 50’s and 60’s. I have heard only 3 specific causes given for CC – 1) hepatitus B, 2) parasites), and 3) ulcerative colitis, HOWEVER, there are many people writing on here who do not have (or -their loved ones never have had) any of those 3 conditions, yet – they have CC. There is just so much we do not know yet about CC.
    About those liver flukes, though – I would love to see our Government post public service announcements, to the effect that Vietnam Veterans should have their bile ducts checked. An early diagnosis might save lives. I would dearly love to see that happen. In the meantime, I pray every day for a cure – or, at the very least – an early detection method, and an effrective chemo regime which would force it into remission.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: talk with doctor #26631

    Kris – you are so sweet to tell us that – I think it is EXACTLY what I needed to hear! Thank you so much.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21853

    Hi Sam,
    It is good to hear from you. Your Mom has become a good friend, and we love hearing from her. We have all received so much from our friends on this site.

    Pauline – glad you are back, and the arm os on the mend. We are all strugling with memory – I guess it is part of the grief process??

    Yes – there are lots of new people posting in the grief management section. We must all try to hold each other up. It is wonderful to have you all to communicate with.

    It was 50 here yesterday – spring is on the way!

    Love – Joyce

    in reply to: Scan Results #26714

    I am so sorry to hear your news. Have you told your family? It is always easiest to bear up if we have people to share our sorrow. Thank God we all have this forum – what would we do w/o it?

    A couple of good things – you are young, and your body should be better able to fight this off. Also, the chemo might do its “thing”, and you could get shrinkage for those tumors.

    Maybe our other UK friends will have suggestions for other Doctors and hospitals where you can seek another opinion? The Royal Marsden Hospital sounds like a good choice. There are things showing up on the horizon all the time, and perhaps you could find a new clincal trial to enroll in.

    I will be thinking of you, and praying also.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: Advanced CC patient – just diagnosed #26602

    Elisabeth, and RoseMay,
    Welcome to our site to both of you. It sounds like both of you have great attitudes about this fight ahead. Elisabeth, the clinical trial sounds promising, and RoseMay – you are so right – staying in the best possible shape is critical. Keep us posted, and we will be rooting for you both.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: talk with doctor #26626

    Oh Janet – I wish I lived near you! I LOVE to garden – I keep thinking if spring would only come and I could get out and work in the flower gardens, it would be very therapeutic. I would love to work in your gardens and straighten them out for you! A spring flower catalogue came in the mail this week and I was poring over it. Naybe when some time has gone by, you will get some pleasure out of working out there in “his” gardens – it will remind you of all the good things about your husband – it is way too soon I think, now.

    I know when Butch 1st passed away, his golf clubs in the garage almost killed me – everytime I climbed out of the car and my eye fell on them – I started crying. Now, however, when I see them , I smile, thinking of all the enjoyment he got out of golfing, and the good times I had, golfing with him. I still cry sometimes, too, but I do remember the good times so much more than at first, when all those bad memories – of him being sick and everything, were crowding into my mind all the time.

    The people who post on this board are really from all over, aren’t we? When Pauline, Sue, Darla and I started that thread we post on, months ago, we said we would love to meet for coffee (and a cry) sometime. To meet in the middle of all us us, we decided we would have to meet in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean! I would love to be able to spend some time with you now, to give you a big hug, and weed your flower beds!

    Love – Joyce

    in reply to: talk with doctor #26624

    Janet and Patsy,

    Janet – I hope you had a better day today – and that your burdons were a bit lighter.

    Patsy – I am so glad that your Mom’s biopsy came back benign – what a relief that must have been!

    It IS very dificult to know what to post when we are not in the Grieving section, but I always feel like I want to try to cheer folks on – they are so brave and are going through so much, and – we never do know – you are right in that this cancer is so different with each person that we can’t base what will happen to anyone else on what happened with our loved ones. I just always feel if I can contribute some info that may help someone, it eases the pain of my loss a bit.

    I have come to feel that this board is my “band of Brothers” (or – Sisters!), and I so want for things to come out well for each single person on it. My thoughts are with each of you tonight as we move toward another weekend.


    in reply to: “Bending the rules” surgery scheduled #26141

    Suzanne (and Terri),
    This great news is JUST what I like to hear – keep the good new coming! How relieved you must feel – have her keep up the laps – every lap around is one step closer to going home!

    Joyce C.

Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 394 total)