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  • in reply to: New and need help with mom’s condition #32184

    With the nature of this monster I strongly suggest another doctor. We cannot be with a doctor who does not understand the urgency of what our loved ones
    are going through. Just a suggestion but if you tell us where you live perhaps some members here can steer you to a good doctor.

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32317

    Carlos, glad you have the appointment. Remember in the end it is really your mom’s and your decision. If it was my parent, yes, I would take them to the appointment. When your mom is fully aware she will be able to discuss it all with you and make decisions with you. But that is my humble opinion. As for the chemo/rad I am sure you will get some more answers on the board. There is a lot to take into consideration.
    I am not versed on Chemo as Teddy had radiation and then cyber knife. You are headed in all the right directions.

    in reply to: What a difference a couple of days makes! #32674

    Oh, Kris, I am so very happy with your post! Congratulations on the brown as long as it doesn’t turn purple! Crete, how lovely! You so deserve it. Our favorite Greek restaurant here is owned by a lovely young couple from Crete! Maybe you will find some great scarves in Crete. Now you behave! On the other hand, nah, don’t. Have a blast!

    in reply to: Bilirubin levels are not dropping #32632

    Dear Michelle, we are very sorry to hear of your dad’s turn of events. Have they suggested doing any Scans, MRI or PET? That would be my suggestion. You also might want to get a second opinion on what they think is going on? Have you sat and talked to his doctor? I am not a doctor, seem to have my own brand of medicine and it’s called my gut feeling. I would ask the doctor, “if you are finding nothing wrong why are his counts climbing?” Just come right out with it. One cannot prepare if you don’t really know what is happening. Please let us know.

    in reply to: XELODA #32623

    Welcome Joseph to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join. I can’t help you with the chemo as my husband, Teddy cannot use it, he can only do radiation or cyber knife but I am sure someone on our wonderful site will chime in. Can you give us a bit more information like where the CC is? Is it in his liver or the bile duct. Where are you located? My first suggestion would be to read up as much as you can from some of our posts. Go to the upper right of the page and just put in any subject and past posts will pop up for you, then make a list of questions for the doctor. If he cannot satisfy you with his answers you may want a second opinion. Come here as often as you want to vent, ask or advise. You never have to apologize!

    in reply to: April’s mom – update #31373

    Hi April! I agree with Louise. I came home from my recent surgery and 5 days later my daughter brought dinner over along with 2 of the 4 teen grand kids and it was a total blast! The best RX in the world. There is nothing like a grandchild to make you laugh, and feel good all over and show so much love.
    Cannot wait for Halloween to go their house.
    We are talking cyber knife again. Went to Teddy’s radiologist last Friday and we know something is brewing but after the words PET Scan in Dec. followed by cyber knife we totally relaxed again for the first time in a long time. Looks like Teddy’s pattern will be new tumor, zapped by cyber knife. We can live with that. Perhaps part of Thanksgiving is that all of us in all of our families will be giving thanks that we can get together. P.S. before dinner I go around the table and everyone has to say why they are thankful. Interesting through the years how the kids values change!

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32310

    There is no rhyme or reason, Carlos. For awhile we had quite a few men who had served in the Korean & Nam wars coming down with CC and it was thought that they picked up a parasite in Asia called “liver flukes”. I have also noticed a lot of people from the East Coast States versus other areas. The most frustrating thing for me right now is the amount of “younger” people we seem to be getting. And then the frustration that there are not enough of us to get attention. But we are working on it. To some your 3 months would be an eternity to others not a lot of time at all. Sounds to me though like you are doing quite well as mom’s advocate and care taker. Side note…I am a travel consultant and about 15 years ago took 400 people from Time Insurance to Marbella and Morrocco. Spain is just beautiful both the land and the people. I loved it. We stayed at the Don Cesar and also took a side trip to Casablanca. Stay positive we need a lot of positives in our world today.

    in reply to: New and need help with mom’s condition #32177

    That is just terrible! Once in a while we get a doctor and no matter how good he may be its the office staff who play games with our lives! I guess being as tenacious as I am I would demand to talk to him TODAY! If he does not call back then I would have a new doctor in 30 minutes and have all records sent to the new doctor. The one time this has happened to us it was a blessing in disguise. Hope you can get to him now, its your right and I love your feisty mom!!!

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32308

    Thank you so much for the good news! What a relief, yes? Perhaps mom could just sit outside in the fresh air a bit. Keep that good news coming!! Recovery takes a long, long time and it sounds like she is really trying!

    in reply to: Frustration Reigns in Sweden #32622

    Hi our fighting angel!! No you are not expecting too much and yes he most definitely should have not only read your file he should have made notes. This is a tough call. While he seems to be knowledgeable I feel it very remiss that he had not read the chart. On the other hand you are an expert on the doctors. I hate to say this but, I would not give him to long to set up that PET> Just my humble opinion and Teddy jumped in on this one too!

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31790

    Good morning Gavin. You are so right about not seeing the Jaundice as we are too close to the situation. Teddy was itching for 2 weeks and we were thinking he developed an allergy but nothing was helping. We were going to visit our kids in Milwaukee and I told him he should probably get a blood test and that was on a Wed. we left that Friday. That night his doctor called us at my son’s house and said his billi rubin was elevated and to come see her when we got home (2 weeks later) The very next day he bloomed totally yellow. So, here we are 4 years and 3 months later and today is his 77th Birthday. I felt bad as I cannot drive yet so couldn’t get a card or anything. So, I wrote him a letter about his being the love of my life and what a good man he is. Oops I forgot to write how annoying he can be some times also!!! :):):)
    Sounds like dad is doing ok and if the itching starts again we found that ice bags helps. We also found a cream called Darma, over the counter at most pharmacies. You should not take it for more than 2 weeks as it’s very strong.
    Hope dad keeps up the good days.

    in reply to: is there anythink I can do #31625

    Congratulations on the new little girl in your family! What a great Joy! And how wonderful Grandma was able to be right there.
    Also very glad mom is getting a second opinion. I am glad you left the original doctor, I get so angry when I hear a doctor give up! Never give up!!!

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31784

    Gavin, this is not the kind of news I want to wake up to! I feel so bad about dad. That jaundice is nasty stuff. If I may make a little funny here. Teddy had totally jaundiced just before DX and when the doctor confirmed it I said, “honey, you know I don’t like you in yellow!” enough of that. Is dad itching?
    Please let us know as soon as you can what they decide to do, we will be sending good thoughts your way.

    in reply to: Dad #32604

    Dear Michelle, we are so very sorry for your loss. Your dad was so lucky to have you by his side on this monstrous journey and you should be very proud of yourself for being his strongest advocate. We know he is in a more peaceful place. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

    in reply to: pain and mental fatigue #32589

    Our dearest Kris. I don’t know what to say. I have yet to encounter anyone going through what you are and you know we love you to bits. Kris, not to be maudlin, but do you have anything like Hospice where you are? I think something like that may be of help to you physically as well as mentally. I don’t know a soul who would not be angry and scared. Please don’t feel guilty about who you are hurting. There is no such thing. We talk about you and think about you all the time. I am picturing a cottage so full of flowers in the yard there is no room to walk. Our prayers are with you to be strong to the best of your ability through Gods hands.

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