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  • in reply to: melatonin #29648

    WOW! We have our own little red headed mice in the LAB!!! Interesting & good news.

    in reply to: I have a concern also… #29542

    I have never heard that about B.R. before! That’s interesting but a little strange. As long as you are keeping a close watch that’s what matter most.
    Teddy has had a few of those nasty infections that go with the territory, but, they never increased his B.R. The one thing we all know here, is that we must be so alert. Good thing too as the world needs more lerts!

    in reply to: Sorry I haven’t written in a while #25802

    Well, I don’t hear the words “bad news” here! I know I am more comfortable with Teddy seeing the ONC every 2 months as he does, just a little more security. Teddy now has 3 hernias as well and both the ONC and the Radiologist (guess I could call him the RAD Man) do not want to venture into his tummy again! He went through enough with the double Whipple. Cancer marker of 17 is not bad and sometimes it can fluctuate. Try to enjoy a good summer as a positive attitude helps. Like I always say we try to remain “realistically optimistic”.

    in reply to: Another set back #29385

    Lisa, take some big deep breaths because I know you are a fighter. Just remember you need to be around to buy that next washer and dryer when these wear out! :):)

    in reply to: Another set back #29383

    Jamie, sorry about your body having a mind of it’s own, but you GO girl! I still am a firm believe that if you are not satisfied with what your doctor is saying….just get other opinions. I don’t like when doctors roll their eyes. The Urologist that Teddy went to was an eye roller. I did the best thing ever by switching doctors. He was giving up on the ureter damaged by the cancer, and the new guy says ,”oh its not as bad as I thought it was going to be, we can work with this”. Listen to your gut feelings. I can see you now putting on those rose colored boxing gloves with the sequined robe!!! You go girl. You know we are all sending you our best thoughts.

    in reply to: New Member #29569

    Vicki Jo. I just want to say you are and will be strong. Remember this has all just happened but in a few days this strength will appear that makes you want to fight. I do my crying in private as I never want my husband to feel he failed me and I know he would as he has said as much. It is just all an incredible nightmare but you will be strong for your Grandma as that is the one gift wrapped in your love, that you can give to her.

    in reply to: New Member #29564

    Hi Vicki Jo and welcome to our distinguished club. We never want to loose anyone to this horrible disease nut in my humble opinion your family has made the right decision. I would never make any loved one at the age of 87 go through this awful journey. The best suggestion I can give you is to contact Hospice and they will tell you everything you need to know. Like how to make her comfortable and what to expect. Hospice is the best there is in situaions like these. Yes, use these 2 weeks to make lasting and loving memories. One idea would be to go through your Grandmas” pictures and make a special album with her help, if she can. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

    in reply to: I have a concern also… #29537

    I guess my best layman’s guess would be that something maybe is blocking the flow in the new bile ducts? Please keep us posted and play some nice music for the baby!

    in reply to: I have a concern also… #29535

    Can cancer come back into the bile duct? The surgeon told us originally that it wouldn’t come back because she has all new bile ducts.

    WOW! That’s a good question. The one thing we know about CC is that we know nothing for sure. I know it can come back, but have not ever heard if it can come back in to new parts. I would say you should ask the doctor.

    in reply to: good bye to my mom #29584

    Carrieann, we are so very sorry to hear of your Mom’s Passing. What a wonderful daughter you are to have fought right along side of her through this unbelievable journey. Mom’s never really leave us as they remain in our hearts and minds forever. Our prayers are with you and your family.

    in reply to: New Member #29560

    Welcome, Diane to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to have to join. We are glad you found us. Sounds like you are right on top of things and MD Anderson is one of the BEST. Feel free to come here to ask, vent or advise. We are all in this together and you will find the most loving, caring and courageous people in the world right here. Never in our lives did we wish for surgeries more than on this board. Please keep us posted and glad to meet you.

    in reply to: I have a concern also… #29530

    Sorry Amy, but dark urine, itching, something needs to be tended to. Did they not put her to sleep with the ERCP? Please let us know what happens.


    Hi Bugsie! Teddy has developed 3 lumps in the area of his radiation, cyberknife and Whipple. I asked the doctors about it and they are in agreement that the lumps are small hernias from scar tissue and etc. With that said, I would ask the doctor. Teddy’s PET Scan is tomorrow so we will know more. We have enough in our lives without more “lumps” along the way, yes?

    in reply to: Haven’t been here for awhile but need to talk #27604

    Charlene, God DOES work in mysterious ways, does he not? Sounds like a win, win situation. Good luck on all of it!

    in reply to: Rose Barlow has passed on to Heaven #29397

    We are sorry to learn of Rose’s Passing. A good mother is never far away as she lives on in mind and heart. Our thoughts and prayers to Rose’s Family.

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