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  • in reply to: VA, Vets & CC Statistics #26799

    WOW! That is interesting. Could the increase be from the Viet Nam and Korean wars?????? Mmmmmmm

    in reply to: Scan Results #26726

    Good Morning Tom, or afternoon across them miles. It sounds like you have “it” under control and it’s wonderful that you have family and friends to help. I always say I like to be realistically optimistic. Your attitude can help get you through everything. We love hearing from you so let us know about that darn hip. You go on experiencing you are too young not to take it all in!

    in reply to: My update not positive #26378

    Hi Hollie and thanks for the update. Please tell Aunt Sophie that since I never heard from Oprah I sent the letters to Barbara Walters. Its been about 3 weeks now. Sophie was so hoping someone would give us an ear. Also tell her I am thinking about her and sending prayers her way.

    in reply to: Pain after Stent Placement #26771

    Rose, Teddy had a stent with the bag. It should relieve you rather quickly. Yes, cancer re-defines ones whole life. We must have hope, so remember that cancer is a word not a sentence.

    in reply to: our journey #26752

    Hi Janet, however you were when you came to us, it is still bittersweet to have you. Glad you found us. Teddy was in the Korean War and there have been Korean Vets on here too. I am sure his walks in the rice paddies didn’t help! Unfortunately no one is hearing our pleas as of yet. I collected 35 letters from patients and caregivers and sent them to Oprah last fall. No response. So in February (last month) also sent them to Barbara Walters. The only celebrity who has had this is Walter Peyton (that we know) and they have their own foundation and hospital. When I came on this site in January of 2006 there were about 120 people on it and now we are at 850! We all wish someone would hear us!!!

    in reply to: Scan Results #26721

    What Marion says is very true and important, Tom, about having someone lift some of your burden. I make all the appointments, gather all the information, do the research. When Teddy goes to a doctor I take notes and ask questions.
    One might say you need a medical secretary and advocate?

    in reply to: Yet another newly diagnosed cc #25304

    WOW! We are from Milwaukee and Teddy had his surgery at Columbia. I knew another man who went to University in Madison and was extremely happy with them! Stay warm……

    in reply to: Scan Results #26716

    Hi Tom. Wow! That stinks. I agree with the others that you may have age on your side. Perhaps subconsciously you steeled your mind for the worst and now its fighting time and I believe fight takes over all other emotions. Which is a good thing. I would definitely get other opinions and tackle each issue one at a time. If I am correct the “other” spots have a better chance to be beaten so it’s a very good thing the liver is clear. Don’t carry the burden yourself, let others help. And please keep us posted! We care.

    in reply to: Yet another newly diagnosed cc #25301

    Hello Rose and welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join. It sounds like you are already doing the right things, especially in your attitude. Attitude will really help. This CC monster just crops up out of nowhere
    and it has a mind of it’s own. We are glad you found us and please use us to vent, inform or ask. When my husband itched we used ice bags and Sarna Creme. Not sure why your stent hurts so bad but certainly inform your doctor.
    I just know you will get some more ideas on helping the itching. Please keep us informed we are truly care.

    in reply to: Back from the oncologist #26668

    Red heads are unstoppable! I know, my best friend is a red head and was born on Valentine’s day, to boot. If you are not the cat’s meow I don’t know what!
    You sound great and we are so glad you are feeling so good. Watch out world, here she comes!

    in reply to: A Wife’s Grief #26686

    Dearest Carol, have you not earned the right to feel the way you do? There is nothing more I can say except to let you know I am thinking of you daily and sending love and prayers your way.

    in reply to: talk with doctor #26618

    Hi Janet. Where ever you want to read, where ever you want to post and what ever you want to post, we are here. The most caring group of people in the world. We are so sorry you had to come here but to know us is to love us. Take a few deep breaths and you will be surprised when all of a sudden your strength will come through. Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: most difficult phonecall I have ever had to make #26638

    Hi Kid, I already emailed you this morning…you know how I feel and down the road when you need to get away you come see me and Robin! Love you!

    in reply to: the journey continues……….this post will be a long one. #26611

    Dearest Pam, I am just crying through your post. Not tears of sadness, but tears for the beauty of your story at how loving and caring your family is. What a great legacy your mom is leaving all of you. And the humor. Its like I wish I could have known your mom. You are a very strong woman, think I have said that to you before, and have certainly eased this painful road for your parents.
    Keep each other close and create memories like you have at this end of the journey. Prayers are coming your way.

    in reply to: Advanced CC patient – just diagnosed #26594

    Hi back at you and so sorry you have to join this best little club in the world that no one wishes to join. You are so right that attitude plays a huge part. Sounds like you have hit the game running and hope your clinical trial is a success. Please visit us often with updates, suggestions or to just let off some steam. This is a wonderful, courageous group of people ready to help in any way they can. Thinking of you.

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