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  • in reply to: Right shoulder pain and bloated feeling in abdomin #24759

    Hi Michelle. If the bloat is just bloat, Teddy found Mylenta to be the best. If you also have some indigestion, then Brioche (from Walgreen’s) is great.

    in reply to: My sister Anita #15481

    Happy little angels layed down their harps one day,
    As word arrived that Sister was coming up to stay.
    All the little angels and all the big ones too,
    Remembered how they watched on earth, things that Sisters do.
    Many a little angel had tales he could tell,
    Of the many little hurts that Sister somehow made all well!
    And Sister’s lips were smiling and her eyes were full of mirth—
    For she knew she’d be as happy in Heaven as on Earth!

    in reply to: newly diagnosed with cc #24542

    Hi Vincent: Your parents did a great job of raising their children as you are all amazing!! Just a suggestion. As we get near the holidays, perhaps some people may cancel an appointment here or there and I would call Dr. Lenz office and see if you can put your mom on a waiting list for cancellations. Keep up the good work!!

    in reply to: new diagnosis #24760

    You have come to the right place. We live in Sun Lakes and my husband Teddy has had CC for 3 years. You can look up my posts under lainy. We feel we are with the very BEST here. Teddy goes to Dr. Jack Cavalcant for Oncologist. He goes to John Kresl for radiation/cyberknife and the best one we know of for CC is Dr. James Cashman. He is almost downtown right near St. Joseph Hospital. He was director of liver transplants at St. Joseph. If you would like to call me just send me an e mail and I will send you my phone number. At the time of diagnosis there are so many words to describe what one goes through it is a nightmare. Read all you can, We don’t listen to survival scores as so many on this site have proven the first prognosis wrong. We thrive on hope.

    in reply to: Grandma’s itching… #24747

    Hi Tonia, just in case you are not a web surfer I will give you some quick suggestions. When Teddy had itching from jaundice we found that Sarna from Walgreens was best, however it is pretty strong and only recommended to use for 2 weeks. If there is a certain spot that itches more than anywhere else we did ice bags. He even gets a tad itchy now from radiation and he will use a body wash then some cream like Jergens. Hope it works as itching like that can become so unbearable! Oh, and the radiology nurse suggested anything over the counter with Benedryl.

    in reply to: newly diagnosed with cc #24536

    Hi, Linda and welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join! My husband, Teddy (you can look up my posts) has CC in the bile ducts not in the liver but he is being treated by a fabulous ONC, Dr. Jack Cavalant and a great Radiologist at St. Joseph, Dr. Jon Kresl. We were referred to Kresl by a Dr. James Cashman. He is the best. He was director of liver transplants at St. Joseph. They are the absolute tops. If you care to e mail me personally please do and we can talk. You have come to the right place!

    in reply to: LainyA #24733

    We are very sorry to hear of the passing of your beloved wife and mother. How fortunate you all were to share something that many people never come to know in a longer lifetime. With strength and honor Lainy smiled at the uncertain future. I like to think she has just left the room and is still right there with you and Isabel. Our heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. From another Elaine A.(Lainy) & Teddy.

    in reply to: Once thought spread now disappeared! #24738

    That is such good news and it shows once again that the best thing we have going with this CC is HOPE! Thank you for sharing that with us and we pray your good news continues!

    in reply to: newly diagnosed with cc #24522

    Sounds like a plan. Perhaps you can all use the intermission! Keep us posted.

    in reply to: newly diagnosed with cc #24520

    Vincent, if you look up Cyber Knife Los Angeles on the web it should tell you who offers it. The one thing we have all learned is that this disease is not uniform. Everyone reacts differently to each treatment. That is one of the biggest problems. I have had 5 top Oncologists tell Teddy that chemo will not work but radiation/cyberknife gives a better chance. Chemo seems to work better when it has met to the liver. You mom and Teddy’s is different. It is in the lower part of the bile ducts. I don’t believe they charge to look at a medical records but you should ask. I think traveling 2 hours would add more stress to the situation and there has to be someone qualified in LAX who can see your mother. When you call these doctors you need to ask how much experience they have had with bile duct cancer. As I told you Teddy had a Whipple and one of the doctors we saw here does a large amount of Whipple surgeries as well as liver transplants. You need someone experienced with this cancer. I wonder if you called the local Cancer Society if they could help you find a doctor? Just thinking out loud.

    in reply to: Peter is recovering from surgery and is back home #24710

    That is such good news and thans for keeping us informed. Give him a big cyber hug!!! :::::

    in reply to: “Flatuance” #24282

    Thank you so very much. We have reached a point when Teddy has the “feeling” he goes in the garage!! I assume it will get worse with the Cyber Knife this month. We will stop tomorrow and get the Yogurt and Acidophilis. Thanks again especially my nose says thanks!!!

    in reply to: newly diagnosed with cc #24517

    Always keep her in a good place that you trust. City of Hope is one of the best.
    It certainly cannot hurt for her to go in early. I still say good work! You are doing fine.

    in reply to: newly diagnosed with cc #24515

    Good to hear it Vincent, and it was so good talking to you. You have a good and hopeful attitude. I hope mom is adjusted to her “bile” bag, or as I used to call it Teddy’s shadow! Please keep us informed as we all care.

    in reply to: newly diagnosed with cc #24507

    Nice going, Vincent!!!! You just keep asking questions until you are totally satisfied! You have the right attitude. There is always hope.

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