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  • in reply to: AN EARLY XMAS GIFT!!! #24018

    YES! I am getting ready for Girl’s Night Out and everyone wants to celebrate with cocktails but none of us girls drink!!! Maybe Shirley Temples.
    More than that we do want to meet you. Teddy is so good talking to others that perhaps he can give Lee a huge boost!!! You mentioned that Lee’s has not met to the liver, I am curious then where is his? I must have missed that along the line. Let’s make a plan, I am so jealous of the Seattle crowd!!!! We could throw a date out here to the Phoenix area and see if anyone else answers or it can just be us!

    in reply to: Just joined the group wanted to say hello #24003

    Hi John and welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wants to join! It sounds like you are doing amazingly well. You will find this a great board where you can laugh, cry or vent! We have all done it all. Please keep us posted on you and know you have found the most caring people in the world.

    Lisa: we are all so looking forward to a report on your dinner and it just goes to show how much we would all like to meet!!!

    in reply to: Activities or Things to do during Chemo?? #23987

    Hi, I love Scrabble and it really passes the time. I have a mini set I take on vacations and its no bigger than a purse. I do need my granny glasses but thats ok. Grandkids beat me anyway!

    in reply to: I am new to this site #23701

    Middlesister, so sorry to hear of the bad turn! Your sister is lucky to have you helping her through this journey. Cherish all the memories at this time and all our prayers and cyber hugs go out to you and your family.

    in reply to: Good news from scan this week #23966

    WOW! YEAH! WONDERFUL! FABULOUS! FANTASTIC! OVERJOYED! What great news, Lisa! Who knows why, only the one upstairs knows why! We are so very happy for you. The only thing I may suggest is to try pre-natal one a day vitamins with iron. I put Teddy on those and they seem to be good for him. Only problem is we have to see what pops out after 9 months!!!!!!!!! :):) We love good news!

    in reply to: Time to rejoice? #23957

    Hi Heather: I am thinking thats all good news! We will take it! Teddy gets the chills now and then but with him it is usually followed by a fever. That was going on for about a month then it ended up being a staph infection as we found out yesterday. I don’t know! I just think this crazy CC has crazy things that happen and we will never know why. We see Dr. Kresl Thursday, Nov 6th for the PET Scan results and to discuss what is next. To me the strange part is that he has now been walking around with this mass since April! But he is sure like his old self again since the last hospital bout and that is good. He finished his micro-mini Xmas village already and just went up to see if he could hit some balls. We have begun to relish in the “good” days since we do not know what lies ahead. Take one day at a time and enjoy as much as you can. Don’t give up on us meeting either. That would be great.

    Hi Jeff: You just let them all have it!!! They don’t know who they are dealing with!! We are in charge not them. Now we have to schedule a tube change for T ureter the middle of December. I told him its a good thing he and the Urologist love each other as he will be doing this forever every 2 months. And I did get his ONC changed to the ONC in the same office that I really wanted. Dr. Cavalcant. Have a suggestion for letting out frustration for all. Last night went to daughter’s for Halloween and she got a Karaoke Machine and we all really belted out! Felt so good after. Of course T theme song is “I Did It My Way”.

    in reply to: confused husband #23941

    Hello Dave and welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wants to join. You might want to look up the posts by “Wayne”. He said there is a procedure at Mayo in Rochester, MN for those who have no mets. Perhaps your wife would be a candidate for this procedure. One thing you can count on with CC is that you can’t count on it! We always say to get other opinions and make sure you have an aggressive Oncologist! Not sure what you mean by her bile ducts are shot. This is a great place to find answers and to vent. Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: Meetup in Seattle area #23877

    And we are all looking forward to your reunion report! I think you should each describe what you think the other looks like! Just kidding. I wish we could have a reunion here in Phoenix! Hear that Phoenix?

    in reply to: Question #22439

    So sorry about your Mom’s PET Scan results. Teddy gets his results Nov 6th. Cancer redefines your whole life! Everything you feel is absolutely normal. For us it has just become our way of life. We live for the good days and on a bad day we also look forward to a good day. Teddy believes ATTITUDE is everything. A positive attitude even when things look darkest helps one mentally as well as physically. We have no pity parties. And yes, it becomes your way of life. Its all in how you handle it that makes the difference. As much as Teddy has been through he is still doing very well compared to most. I know that the real tough times are yet to come. We try to be optimistically realistic. We talk about it a lot but never in a negative way. I have found it easier to just be open with everyone about it. It also helps to write things out on this board and I am always sending updates by email to friends and family. The more I can express it all the better I feel. In the end yes, the thoughts overtake your life, its what you do with those thoughts that count. Stay strong!

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21676

    Hey, hey, Joyce. You went through much worse than your job changing computer systems…you can do it!!! I am really NOT a computer person and yet my job is totally computer and during this awful summer we had, we also changed systems. I wanted to cry….but no pity parties are allowed. Now I feel almost like a pro with the new system. I hate it, but I learned it. I have faith in you and the worst part is over, that first day! And, besides, we are all sending hugs your way! :)

    in reply to: Butch passed away on October 9th, at peace and at home #23480

    Hello Joyce, and again I think you girls are doing amazingly well and am a firm believer that Butch is watching over you. You may also want to read Sylvia Browne’s first 2 books. They are extremely soothing, so to speak. Perhaps one day a group of us will be able to meet. I think about that often. I have been telling people that I have all these new friends and that when I come on this site, I just feel so much comfort. Well, got a busy day today as my daughter, her fiance and her 4 kids are coming for dinner for T birthday. She is 46 and calls T her “real daddy”. What a gift we got to have a blended family of grown children who thnk they are really brothers and sisters! Tell Butch to keep those “signs” coming!

    in reply to: Butch passed away on October 9th, at peace and at home #23477

    Hi Darla, I cannot imagine what you are going through as I cannot imagine life without Teddy but it sounds like you are a solid survivor. Perhaps the kind of strong love you had is what is getting you through. As for the favorite light turning on and off I am a believer and for me, that is Jim and he wants you to know he is near you and watching over you! I used to fear death and then I read Psychic Sylvia Browne’s first 2 books and erased any fear I may have had. In the books she talks about things like your lamp episodes and how to look for signs of loved ones. I think you are doing as well as can be expected and we are all with you!

    in reply to: THE MAIL CAME! #23766

    Hi there Heather:) We go to St Joseph’s downtown Phoenix. In fact we will be going Monday for T’s PET Scan. That’s one of his birthday gifts:) I was planning to take some to St. Josephs on our next visit to Dr. Kresl. How are you all doing? Don’t forget we need to meet!

    in reply to: Charlie is a Phenomenon #23843

    Way to go Phenomenon Man(couldn’t you have picked an easier word to spell?) Sounds like Charlie’s credo is the same as Teddy’s “ATTITUDE”. I went to a luncheon yesterday and sat with a friend who has Lymphoma and she was telling me that every time she feels scared she thinks of Teddy telling her that ATTITUDE is every thing. Hey, maybe I should change his name to attitude man! He went through quite a week last week, still has the mass where his duodenum used to be and when people see him they can’t believe he has cancer! Sometimes I feel they don’t really believe me. We are praying for Charlies BC and Teddy’s Cigna to give their OKs or you and I will go together and give them what for!!! Teddy lights a CC candle every Sunday at Mass. Keep us posted. T goes for his PET Scan Monday, thats one of his birthday gifts! :):)

    in reply to: A new chick to the site #23795

    As I always say, welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes they had to join. What you are going through mentally is perfectly normal! Can you tell us a little more about your mom? Please feel free to rant all you want, this is the best place.

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