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  • in reply to: future obituary #36966

    I agree this is a good idea. I’m also planning on writing my own obituary. Is that a morbid thought?

    in reply to: Kris’ (devoncat) surgery #36770

    Just got home to get on the computer, but Kris and Hans have been on my mind all day as I travelled home.

    So sorry to hear that the surgeons were not able to do anything. You are both in my thoughts and prayers as Kris recovers from surgery and from this disappointment.

    in reply to: Article about my mom and I #36552

    It was fun doing the interview. I am glad you all liked it. Its good to let people know about the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation and get more publicity about our rare cancer.

    Hugs to you all!


    in reply to: Mom passed on March 5 * Sensitive #36555

    I am so very sorry to read about your Mom’s passing. It is heart-wrenching to hear that she suffered so, and that you suffered with her.

    in reply to: MD Anderson Holding Off #36499

    Jeff, one of the hardest things about having cancer is waiting when you want to get in there and fight. So I hope you keep up your spirits, and Marc’s too, and enjoy the weekend.

    Is it spring down there in Texas yet? Are you all near the Gulf Coast? That’s one place I have never visited but would love to see someday. Up here in the Pacific Northwest we have cloudy weather and cold oceans. I would like to swim in a warm ocean once in my life.

    in reply to: MD Anderson Holding Off #36496

    Glad to hear Marc’s bilirubin counts are down. I hope he is feeling better as a result.

    Good luck with MD Anderson.

    in reply to: Nausea relief… #36270

    I just got a prescription for Marinol today. I’m going to start it on Monday when I have chemo and will let you know how it goes.

    in reply to: Marc and the stress of work! #36259

    Hi Jeff,
    I’m glad Marc hasn’t had any ill effects from chemo. I understand your stress – it’s hard to stand back and see our loved ones work so hard and stress out when they are seriously ill.

    Marc will know when he has had too much. I worked almost 2 years after diagnosis before I decided that my health was more important than my job. But in the meantime it was good to work and have some part of my routine to take my mind off cancer.

    If and when Marc decides to go on disability, he will probably get approved right away by Social Security. The only bummer is that he will have to wait 6 months for the first check. I was lucky in that I had disability insurance through my employer to tide me over.

    good luck!

    in reply to: Date set for surgery #35853

    I wish we could all get together and have one group hug.

    Kris, we are all loving you and rooting for you. Think of us as a bunch of cheerleaders going rah, rah, rah!

    in reply to: Update From Irene in NH #35598

    Hi Irene
    I am so glad to see you posting but sorry about the pain and other symptoms that you are suffering from.

    As you know, I have chosen to have chemo and i really think that it has helped me live longer than I otherwise would have. But no one can make that decision for you. This latest regimen that I am on is horrible, but I kind of put mind over matter and know that feeling sick only lasts one week, then I feel better for 2 weeks.

    Giving you my best thoughts and prayers {{{hugs!}}}

    in reply to: Cholangiocarcinoma and the VA #35814

    How on earth do they expect cholangiocarcinoma to “manifest after one year”?

    in reply to: Nuggets of wisdom, three years into treatment #35632

    Hi Margaret:
    I’m at

    See you there!

    in reply to: Nuggets of wisdom, three years into treatment #35631

    Cards are nice to receive, too.

    I like to keep everyone updated on my Caring Bridge website.

    in reply to: night sweats #35583

    When I had these symptoms, I landed in the hospital for a week with sepsis. This happened about three different times with me. We have to be extra careful and vigilant about fevers and infections in the cholangiocarcinoma world.

    in reply to: Finally***almost #35540

    Hey Lu2 – I’m going on 28 months of survival after diagnosis with a 6 cm Klatskin tumor. Sure I’m stage four with mets to the lungs, but by golly, I’m not ready to die yet.

    I have had 27 months of different chemos, operations, radiation, and hospitalizations but I’m still here and fighting with all my might.

    I just heard a survival expert say that the keys to survival are FAITH and FAMILY. I believe it.

Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 656 total)