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  • in reply to: Fatigue #30598

    Fatigue is finally what drove me to retirement. It can be debilitating.

    in reply to: Want a good laugh! #30579

    In Seattle, when I was told that my condition was terminal, the first question I asked my doctor was “Am I going to lose my hair?”

    Vanity, vanity!

    BTW, I haven’t lost it yet :)

    in reply to: Foreclosure? #30418

    Thanks for the good ideas! I will pursue some of them that will fit my situation. The first thing will probably be advertising in our church that I have a room available to rent.

    I just get overwhelmed sometimes with the decisions that have to be made and the problems that we all have to face with this disease.

    Pet sitting… hadn’t thought of that! I do love my four legged friends :)

    in reply to: what are the known survival rates of CC at five years? #30430

    Just remember that we are people, not statistics. What is true for one person may not be true for another.

    in reply to: Chemo help… #30472

    Maybe a slice of lemon in the water would taste better? Or some of that water that has flavor added to it? Or maybe Gatorade?

    My doctor recommended vitamin B-12 for energy.

    What about cough drops for the icky mouth problem? I get that, too, and after a few days it goes away.

    in reply to: Delays and confusion #30443

    Kris, as always I am sending my best thoughts, prayers and wishes your way. You are an incredible woman and cancer warrior. You remind me of Jeff in a way – always asking questions, and always fighting for the best treatment.

    I like beer, too, and miss it. So I get the “O’Douls” brand of non-alchoholic beer once in a while :)

    in reply to: what are the known survival rates of CC at five years? #30427

    I was diagnosed 2 years ago this month with a 6 cm tumor. After radiation in 10/07, it shrunk to 2.5 cm, where it has remained. I did have a failed resection attempt in 03/08.

    So where I sit now is cancer that has metastasized to the lungs, but not developed into tumors, the same 2.5 cm tumor I had last year, and 2 years of chemo to keep the cancer at bay.

    My doc says I’m doing well, and works with me on controlling my symptoms (neuropathy, fatigue).

    I am hoping for another 10 years of survival, God willing.

    in reply to: New treatment on the horizon…i think! #29778

    I didn’t know that. That is good to know. Would they help someone with bile duct cancer?

    in reply to: New treatment on the horizon…i think! #29781

    Even Farrah Fawcett complained that the glamour cancers received all sorts of attention while the rare cancers don’t.

    I don’t see that problem changing in the near future. Thank God for the American Cancer Society that provides research for all types of cancer.

    I am tempted to call the Susan B Komen foundation and ask for help and lie and tell them I have breast cancer. Why the hell not? I need help.

    in reply to: New scan results #29868

    Hi Kris,
    I’m so sorry to hear the bad news. I hope the new therapy will work for you.

    in reply to: Elevated LFT & Malaise #30053

    Dearest Irene,
    I retired April 30th when I realized that the exhaustion was taking a toll on my health and I was not longer able to give 100% at work. I went on disability and I’m having a very difficult time making ends meet. Of course, I still have kids I’m supporting so that doesn’t help. If it was just me, I’d probably be ok.

    As far as Social Security – apply the day you retire. You can do it online. I was approved with no hassles or even an interview. The problem is that you have to wait 6 months for SSD. It doesn’t really do me much good, though, because any money I receive from SS will be deducted from my disability paycheck. So if I get $2000 a month from disability, then get $500 from SSD, I have to report it so it is coordinated so I still only get $2000. My disability check would be reduced to $1500.

    The totally unfair thing is that it applies to my daughter’s Social Security payment, too, so her SSD will also reduce my disability check so I still get $2000 a month. I wanted to save that money for her college, but noooo

    Take care and God bless,

    in reply to: Jeff G Has Gone to A More Peaceful Place #28639

    I was just thinking of him and Valerie yesterday. He is missed.

    in reply to: Elevated LFT & Malaise #30056

    Hi Irene,
    Good to hear from you. Me too on most of your symptoms, although I don’t know about the AST and ALT. Any exertion brings extreme fatigue. I just want to rest.

    in reply to: New news #30144

    Hi Kay,
    I’m sorry to hear about your dad. It sounds to me as though radiation and chemo are a good plan. Surgery can be tough on people, especially older people. The treatment will make him tired, but if you and other family members are there to support him, it will make a big difference.

    in reply to: Need some feedback #30195

    Hi Mary,
    I have had many of the same experiences that Louise and Jamie have had. I was dx nearly 2 years ago (08/07) and at that time given a few weeks to live.

    I was hospitalized at first get un-jaundiced, then had radiation and chemotherapy. The radiation zapped the tumor to 30% of it’s original size. I was then a candidate for surgery. Unfortunately, the resection was unsuccessful. In the meantime, I continued to work up until June of this year.

    I’ve been on Xeloda all this time, now on Oxiliplatin, and was on Gemzar. I have mets to the lungs. But I still feel well, although I have little stamina and feel dragged out. I also have a lot to live for, with kids ages 16, 21, 22. My goal is to see them all graduate from college. I am a single parent, so it is even tougher than before to make ends meet. But with God’s blessing, I know I can last a few years more!

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