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  • in reply to: Toughest 24…….. #26280

    Pam, I know it is difficult but you are doing the right thing. You are a marvelous daughter. Your parents are fortunate indeed to have your loving care.

    in reply to: waiting for a liver #26264

    Hi Cathy,
    I hope and pray that you can get the liver transplant! It must have been so disappointing to find out that the liver was not acceptable. But don’t give up hope. You can be a success story.

    in reply to: Living with the after effects of surgery!! #26209

    Carol, I don’t think that you are the only one who has experienced difficulties after resection. Resection is major surgery, and any time you mess with the digestive process, I think you are bound to have problems. I hope that your doctor can figure out where the problems are coming from and is able to help you.

    By the way, I got diagnosed when I was 44, so you are not the only “young ‘un”.

    in reply to: Thoughts about this experience #26186

    Thank you, hopeandgrace. That was beautifully written. Truly your mom is in the arms of Jesus even right now. My faith gives me comfort and peace, knowing that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. I grieve not for myself, but for my loved ones who will miss me when I’m gone.
    I pray that their lives will be transformed by faith as yours has been.

    God bless you,

    in reply to: FEVERS and CHILLS #26181

    My strong suggestion is to get him to the doctor or the hospital!

    In my case, fever and chills were a sign of infection, and that’s obviously bad.

    I ended up in the hospital for a week recovering from sepsis.

    in reply to: Deciding To Continue To Do Nothing #25510

    Hi Irene. I’m glad you posted as I have been wondering about you.

    Everyone here would respect your decision as to what to do regarding treatment. I just want to put my 2 cents worth in. Although the experts say that chemo is only pallitive, I think that for some people it really does work to keep the tumor at bay for a while. You just have to decide if its worth it.

    in reply to: Our fighter finally went home #26164

    Heather, I’m so very sorry for your loss. Lee was truly a fighter. Words can’t express the sorrow I’m sure you are feeling right now. Know that you will remain in our thoughts and prayers today and in the days to come. As Lainy’s poem expressed, although you cannot see Lee now, he is in Heaven watching over you and Emilee.

    God bless you,

    in reply to: “Bending the rules” surgery scheduled #26115

    Suzanne, I hope your resection is successful and you have many, many more years to spend with your family.

    God bless you!

    in reply to: Whipple surgery #25853

    me, too. I’m also kind of numb where the nerves were cut.

    in reply to: Question about myself??? #25459


    A baby would make your mom very happy.

    in reply to: Bad news #25876

    “One thing Kris is very clear about is that false hope is nothing but a burden”

    How true that is. I feel like if things start going bad, I will be disappointing their faith in me or in God.

    Hans, thanks for the update. Please continue to tell Kris that she is in our thoughts and prayers. I’m glad she is up and moving around.

    in reply to: Sophie is a Grandma!!! #26075

    Congratulations to Sophie! What wonderful news. Thank you for sharing it with us. Give her our love and best wishes!

    in reply to: Shirley – My Sister #26042

    Teresa, I am so sorry for the loss of your sister. May she rest in peace, and may God comfort you and your family.

    in reply to: Oasis of Hope? #26032

    Before you spend a lot of money on alternative therapies, I would recommend that you read

    I am leery of “alternative” therapies and cures that promise hope to desparate people. People who prey on seriously ill people with quack scams are despicable, IMHO.

    in reply to: Salty Taste In Mouth… Try a Lemon #26019

    The day after Gemzar treatment, I have a icky “diet Coke” aftertaste in my mouth all day. Altoids help.

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