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  • in reply to: Acne and chemo treatments #22902

    I use it with water to gently scrub my face. Sometimes I let it dry for about five minutes, then gently wash off with a wet washcloth.

    in reply to: Short, infrequent bouts of shaking and an update on my Dad. #23173

    I don’t know about the shaking, but I read today that PDT is the most effective treatment currently available for cc. Hopefully your dad will be a success story!

    in reply to: Veteran’s Administration Patients #22885

    For those men who served in the Vietname War, I think that liver flukes could be an issue, don’t you?

    in reply to: Letters to Oprah Show #22831

    Lainy, have you thought about sending the letters to Ellen DeGeneres?

    in reply to: Hello everyone – I’m new here #23063

    Hi Gavin,
    The stent will probably eventually need to be replaced. However, I have been told that a metal stent lasts longer than the plastic kind. When you have the stents in, you really need to watch for signs of infection – fever and chills. If your dad experiences them, he needs to call his doctor and probably get on antibiotics. Infection is a major cause of complications and death for cc. I have battled infections about half a dozen times now that landed me in the hospital.
    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Radiation update #23017

    I didn’t mention it to anyone in the hospital because I thought they would think that I was going crazy.

    in reply to: Radiation update #23011

    I know this may be a dumb question, but does the morphine give you halluncinations?

    Morphine gave me halluncinations when I was in the hospital. I thought the walls were crawling with long, stringy things.


    in reply to: A Good News Day #22988

    Good news! Thanks for sharing it with us!

    in reply to: Not sure where to post? It’s been over a year… #19446

    I’m also a single parent, and I hear what you say about not being there for your son. My kids are 15, 20, 22, and knowing that I will have to say good-bye to them way before my time makes my heart ache. I’m glad they have each other, but we all still need our moms, even when we think we are grown up.
    I just pray that I’ll be able to hold on until they graduate from college.
    I guess no matter what happens, we have to trust in the hand of God to lead, guide, and comfort them.
    One thing that is good on our situation is that they are very close to their grandparents and see them almost every day. That is a comfort to me.

    in reply to: too emotional to write much #22985

    Sophie, I am thinking about you a lot. You are loved and not forgotten. Please know that I keep you and all of our “family” here on this message board in my daily prayers.

    I’m sorry about the Mayo clinic. That is a blow. All we can do is is all we can do. I find great comfort in my faith in God. This disease robs us of any control over our lives. Yet in this wilderness and valley of death, we can put our faith and trust in Him. He will never leave us or forsake us, and will bring us home to him when our earthly pilgrimage is over.

    in reply to: IF ONLY #22937

    Lainy is collecting letters from caregivers and survivors. Each and every letter is important to us. Thank you so much for your letter and contribution to this important endeavor.

    in reply to: Day 2 of chemo treatment #22810

    I’ve been on Xeloda and Gemzar for a year and never lost my hair.


    Sue, I asked my doctor about the nodules. I started with one a year ago and now have four small spots on my lungs. I read the CT report before the doc came in to see me. I think it’s cc mets to the lungs. He doesn’t seem to be worried about them, I supposed because he doesn’t think there is anything that can be done with nodes that small.

    I had my picc line removed today, and have a fever again because of the baterial infection in the picc and the blood draw that flushed those little bacteria through my system. I’ll be getting a port-a-cath in soon.

    Sue, I agree with you that there are lots of things they never tell us. My mom comes with me to the appointments, and I wonder if the doc doesn’t want to give bad news with her there. The scan report also showed that the cc lesion seemed to have increased. Why didn’t he say anything about it? Because he thinks I’m a hopeless case? Because there is no cure?

    in reply to: On Our Way #22883

    Lainy, you are pretty awesome yourself. It was such a good idea to send these letters to Oprah. I will pray that she and her staff considers them and decides to do a feature on these orphan cancers.

    God bless,

    in reply to: NEW OPRAH UPDATE #22696

    I agree we need to raise awareness. Raised awareness = raised money. Raised money = more research.

    Look what happened when the campaign to raise breast cancer awareness started. Breast cancer is now practically cured when caught in the early stages.

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