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  • in reply to: My husband has CCA #86617

    Hi Amy,
    I am glad you are here…..the support is like no other! Please lean on us and know that we will be here to support both you and Matt. You are both in my prayers!


    Oh my goodness!!! What an amazing conference! I was so in awe of all the brilliant minds in one room, I felt smarter for just being near them!! What HOPE!! It gave me so much hope for the future to see the enthusiasm and momentum created at this conference….to know that these brilliant minds are willing to put forth the effort to make a difference in research and treatment for all Cholangiocarcinoma patients!!

    I was so happy to finally get to meet in person Marion, Stacie, Rick, and Donna. Thank you guys for all you do for all of us!! …..and of course all the volunteers that I didn’t even know were behind the scenes of this group…..Rob, Laurie, Meg, Marie, Karen, Heidi, Barbara, Linda, Lauren….I know there are so many more I am forgetting to name… are all so awesome!

    The part that was very special to me was getting to know three people who were there searching for answers for someone they love…..a husband for his wife, a mother for her son, and a wife for her husband. Their stories, like all of ours, are so full of love, emotion and fight. I also was so humbled of the stories of the family members who have lost a loved one. Pretty much every volunteer there had lost someone they love to this disease. They are now wanting to carry on the memory, legacy and love for their lost loved one, by helping others. So selfless, caring and kind!! I was so honored to be able to hear their stories and get to know each of them.

    It was a blessing to be able to tell my personal cc story at the conference. As scared as I was, and as much as I dislike public speaking, I would do it again in a heartbeat in order to bring hope to others and awareness to the public. It was extremely important to me to put a face and a family to the statistics and numbers. It is my hope that I represented all of the patients of Cholangiocarcinoma….I did my best to lay it all out there, the good, the bad and the ugly!!

    I was also able to meet Helen from AMMF, wonderful lady!

    Love and prayers to all,

    in reply to: What next? #85957

    Sandie….that is so awesome and I am so happy for you! Create a million memories and enjoy!!

    in reply to: 5 count em 5 #86369

    Congratulations on such a great milestone! I love the hope you bring to others and I agree wholeheartedly with all you say!! Keep up the good work and keep posting the great news!

    in reply to: update on my sister #86348

    Dear Sally,
    Thanks for the update on your sister and I am so happy there was no growth. Continue to enjoy living life with her everyday and enjoy the next 3 months without chemo!!
    Hugs and prayers,

    in reply to: My first week of dealing with the loss of my wonderful Dad #86354

    Sending you hugs and strength. Thank you for sharing this post with us and continuing to help others in this position….you are one amazing daughter!

    in reply to: End of cycle 22 #86234

    Congratulations!!! STABLE is so awesome!!! Keep up the good work……and by the way aren’t we all supposed to gain weight in the winter??? That is my excuse…anyway! Hugs….Melinda

    in reply to: Coming to the end :-( #86088

    Dear Sammie,
    Thank you for sharing the beautiful story of your father and the love you have for him. I truly felt it coming through your words as I read this thread from start to finish….blessings to you! You are an amazing daughter…..thank you so much for sharing.

    in reply to: Overwhelmed with grief over my mother #86284

    Dear Silverkitties,

    I am so sorry for the loss of your mother…..and for all the pain and hurt you are going through. As a mother of six children and fighting this cancer….that has always been one of my worst fears…leaving my children feeling sad and hurt. I know things happened fast for you, and that you really didn’t have the time to process all the traumatic medical changes, where as my children have been dealing with my fight for the past five years.

    I know that I would not want my children being so hurt, angry and sad. I would want them to know that I loved them with all my heart and soul…..and that I will always be with them and a part of them. I would want them to be happy and have joy in their lives. I would imagine that your mother would want the same for you…..please find a way to heal, forgive, and move past the “what ifs”. My heart hurts for you and I will be thinking of you and sending prayers to you for peace, strength, comfort and joy. …..hugs to you.

    in reply to: I am a CC survivor! #86243

    I also want to welcome you and thank you for sharing your incredible story! I will be keeping you in my prayers for good results. I hope you have had the chance to slow down and catch your breath with a second resection and a wedding all going on! I am a 46 year old 5 year survivor….never lose hope! Stay in touch and keep us posted…..take care!

    in reply to: My Introduction #80241

    Dear Matt,
    Sending you encouragement, good thoughts and prayers for a clean scan! Hoping you can have some peace and calm leading up to it……that darn scanxiety gets the better of us all at times!! Hang in there….I will be thinking of you and looking forward to your excellent report!

    in reply to: My dad’s fight came to an end #86154

    I am so sorry for the loss of your father. Sending prayers for you and your mother for strength, peace and comfort…..lots of hugs.

    in reply to: To give up or not #86047

    Sending my prayers for you and Ron for peace, comfort and strength. We are all with you in spirit to support you in this difficult time. God Bless…..Melinda

    in reply to: New to Discussion Boards #85730

    I am so glad you are on top of it and paying attention and seeking answers. I would guess that I have the same hearing loss as you describe……my kids laugh at me because we have this thermometer that beeps when it is done taking your temperature and I can’t hear it at all!! But, in the big scheme of things, this is definitely something that I can live with. As Marion mentioned this is the response of the cisplatin and other platin drugs. My biggest complaint is still the neuropathy in my feet….but once again, I can live with it!! Take care and please keep us posted! Hugs to you!

    in reply to: Neil #81125

    Dear Kirsty,
    I too, am so sorry for the loss of your husband. Sending prayers for you and your children for strength, comfort and peace. Love and hugs to you…..Melinda

Viewing 15 posts - 346 through 360 (of 500 total)