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  • in reply to: My Mom #56477

    pak001, welcome. It is really hard on a person when their mom has health problems. Please accept my prayers and thoughts as you and your mom start this journey and please come back and share.

    in reply to: Austin Newly diagnosed (stage 4) #55556

    Austin family,

    Sorry I haven’t posted before now but I guess you started this conversation in December while I was not feeling well and not online much. My prayers and thoughts are certainly with you. when I started this journey, I was kind of upset with the way doctors seemed to drag things out instead of jumping right on treatment.

    Just know that this experience will strengthen all concerned. If I were closer, I’d visit and make sure everybody got a good dose of laughing.

    Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: Update on my story…… #54909

    Well, the first part of December I had 1 more round of chemo (gem/cis) and then they took new abdominal MRI with contrast. The surgeon told me that there were 3 new spots (tumors) in my liver and that I was now officially inoperable. The onc said there was not much difference between September and December in the scans. They both agreed, however, that the chemo was not doing what it should and could. Then, the week before Christmas I was really feeling lousy……half dead. One day my chest started pounding and hurting. My lower back was also pounding and hurting (bad low back). I went to my primary care doctor thinking it was connected to the high blood pressure medicine I had just started. After getting me checked out, they sent me via ambulance to the ER (standard heart protocol). They did blood tests, ct scans and blood tests again after a few hours. Could find no heart problems. The ER doc said it was probably pericarditis and I should schedule visit with a cardiologist. Next day I reported this to ONc’s office. They ordered all lab and scans from the other hospital and immediately identified the problem…………
    Severe low white counts (I had neutropenia) and low red counts as well. All the symptoms fit. I had informed the ER that I was a cancer patient and had been through chemo but they never even mentioned the low blood counts. They were SOOOOOOO focused on finding a heart problem.

    Anyway, white counts came up quite quickly but it has taken the red counts several week to finally approach normal. Onc suggested a 2 months chemo holiday since I had such a bad time after only 5 chemo treatments. At that time we will scan again and then possibly do a chemo embolization to the liver and then possibly radiation to the large cyst/enlarged lymph nodes in the perihepatic area.

    So, for the next 2 months I’m very anxious to show me (and them) what some alternative modalities can accomplish in a few weeks.

    Meanwhile, my wife wants to take me to Hawaii for 2 weeks later in the spring. (Tahiti was too expensive). :0)

    in reply to: Introduction #56357

    Welcome, Lisa. You have sure been through a lot the last year and a half. Just know that we, on this site, understand the truly maliciousness of this cancer. We also understand that the folks on this site are second to none when it comes to caring and sharing.

    God bless you and our prayers are with you as you undergo chem + radiation. Let’s get the last tumor under control.

    in reply to: Introduction #56083

    Cedar City is a few hours south but he is being treated here in the Salt Lake area.

    in reply to: Introduction/Helping Mom #56131

    Sharonlee, welcome and know that there are a lot of pretty amazing people here pulling for your mom and for you.

    Moms are special to us and we would do anything for them.

    in reply to: Introduction #56081


    Glad you found this board. It’s alway good to hear from fellow Utah folks. I’m actually kind of jealous in a way…… that you are operable and are on the transplant list. My CC in inoperable.

    Just want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you.

    in reply to: My Mom #56217

    Shar, I just want to pass along my love and prayers to you and your mom. It has got to be tough on you. I am dealing with this cancer but I think I would be a complete basket case if it were my mom. That love and bond we have with close family members is just amazing. We would do anything to take away their pain and problems.

    Stay strong and positive for Mom. Planning something in the future is what keeps me going. Something to look forward to and work for.

    in reply to: My Introduction #56001

    Derin, welcome to our sight and congratulations on finally getting better. You are indeed lucky in that it seems they have removed all of the cancer. I hope and pray that is the case and that you will enjoy life for many years to come. The challenge now is to get checked often to “make sure”.

    in reply to: My Beautiful girlfriend of 7 yrs ! #44210

    Welcome, Giovanni. I appreciate your prayers and know that mine are right there as well for Lauren.

    in reply to: Latest scan #55646

    Bob, thanks so much for the reply. You brought a big ‘ole grin to my soul. Last week was really tough for me. On monday I was at work and shortly before lunch time I started having a pounding in my chest and in my back (accompanied by pain). I really thought it was because of the blood pressure meds I had just started. I called my primary care doc for an appointment and left work to go see him. They started checking me over thinking I was having a heart problem. (eee gads, like I need 1 more thing) and their protocol for heart problem is to get me to the E.R. So, I get this ride in an ambulance to the E.R. They scan my chest, do 2 separate rounds of blood workups trying to find the problem with my heart…………and they find nothing. All the doctor told me was that I probably had pericarditis and I should call a cardiologist and get checked out by them. I called my Onc’s office the next day and told them what I had been through. (keep in mind, it had been 2 1/2 weeks since my last chemo infusion) The onc’s office ordered all the records/scans from my ER visit and shortly called me back saying my White counts were way down in the cellar.
    Neutrophils count was .3 or 300. Anything below 500 is considered Neutropenia. I googled Neutropenia and found that everything I was experiencing was related to that. Heck, the ER people didn’t even mention I had low blood counts. They were too focused on my heart. The next few days before Christmas were the worst experience to date with the effects of chemo. I couldn’t walk across the street without exhaustion. Anyway, Christmas went well and I’m feeling better and back at work today.

    in reply to: First Post #55752


    I also wanted to just chime in and welcome you here. It’s an awful way to have to make friends, but we are grateful we have it.

    in reply to: Introductions #55859

    Eriq, you poor young man. anti-nausea medicine nauseating you, anti-anxiety medicine causing you panic…………hopefully when you get an antibiotic you won’t……… get my drift. (feeble attempt at humor). I have found that being able to laugh at yourself and your condition is highly therapeutic….for me anyway.

    Here’s praying that you find a path through all of this.



    As I’ve recently found out, the minute you have metastses, docs won’t consider surgery. However, if you are determined, it pays to keep asking around. I’m sure others will chime in here. Keep fighting the fight and just know that there are a lot of people on this site who are pulling for you. Keep us informed how things are turning out. This is a hard thing to go through but together, we can lighten the load somewhat.

    Prayers coming your way.

    in reply to: Update on me #55877

    Wow, Susie. Talking your doc into more chemo. What a trooper.

    Have a great week!

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