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  • in reply to: End of the Road #54531

    Crystal, my prayers are also with you and your family. Losing a mom is really tough. Just do what you can to stay positive and loving. You’re allowed to have your bad days. Just keep doing those things you know your mom would have done.

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32406

    I appreciate reading about you and your Mom. Thanks Carlos. Give my regards to you mom. It must feel wonderful to have the news of clear scans.

    in reply to: 27 and advanced inoperable spread to liver lungs :s #54774

    I also want to add my best wishes. I had started Gem/Cis myself and had 3 treatments before other health emergencies interrupted. (I had a small stroke followed by surgery to remove a blockage in my right carotid artery). I expect to restart with chemo soon. Just want you to know that my prayers are with you and your family as you roll up your sleeves and join this fight. Just give it everything you’ve got.

    in reply to: Update on Ben #53415

    Tom, haven’t been introduced before now, but all my love and support to you and Ben.

    in reply to: More aggressive options for recurrence? #53793

    Yes, the hurry up and wait is indeed the most annoying.

    in reply to: Abuela (grandma) just diagnosed! #52549

    If Abuela is ready and you are preparing to be ready, then the final moment becomes a very special, peaceful thing. I remember sitting at my mom’s side during her last day last February. She wanted to pass so much. How could I, as a son, refuse to see it her way? It became a very humbling and spiritual experience to see our mom finally get what she had wanted for quite a while. We were sad, to be sure, but joyful at the same time.

    God bless your family at this time, Senaida.

    in reply to: For my wife #54054


    I can’t say that I know how you feel, because losing one’s spouse has got to be one of the hardest things to experience. I have just begun my fight with this cancer and I look to those who have been there (families included) for the strength they have developed.

    Jeff, my prayers and thoughts are with you and your children as you now begin a new challenge in life.

    in reply to: 2nd Opinion #54032


    Welcome to our family and please express our love and concern to your father. We are really in this together.


    “Unusual” would be putting it lightly. Sally, this is a very rare cancer compared to most others you hear about. Most people think Pancreatic cancer is rare at approx 30,000 new cases in the USA each year, but Cholangiocarcinoma only has 2 to 3 thousand new cases each year. Very little research done on it and it is only in the beginning stages of being understood. I went and found the post by Jennifer. She apparently had a hard battle. Wish she could have posted more but I understand how hard it is sometimes to even want to turn the computer on. Fortunately for me, I have it on in front of me every day 8 hrs a day at work, so I leave this webpage open and just visit every now and then. Those on this sight will confirm that there is no “standard” connected with this form of cancer. The only standard, so to speak, would be it’s ability to be totally unpredictable from person to person. It is wonderful that you are so determined to learn about it.

    in reply to: Can’t worry about the time #50186

    Way to go Julie. “Amazing” is truly a gift. It is a time to celebrate. Regards and many prayers to you and your family.

    in reply to: Well, it’s finally time to get started #53388

    Yes, Margaret, I was given a list of “call if any of these things happen” items. The biggest reason to call, is of course, any temp of 100.5 or more. Because I don’t have a colon, I was told to call if I experience unusual activity in the bowels (mine are always different than normal folks :0)). I did start getting extremely gassy (not a real word) and I knew immediately what that meant. I am always at risk for getting a bacterial overgrowth inside the bowel so I called on that and told them what the gastro doc does, and they went along with that and prescribed some Flagyl to knock down the overgrowth. Within a day you could see a big difference. Certainly didn’t want that to get out of hand with lowering blood counts. This week is going so much better leading up to the 2nd round. I was out last evening shoveling road base (dirt and gravel mixture) in front of the barn.

    Lainy, we have quite a cute little petting zoo here for the grandkids. Horses, dogs, chickens, and a couple of pygmy goats. They are a delight to just sit and watch.

    in reply to: Well, it’s finally time to get started #53384

    Well, I passed through the 2nd infusion and the week following that was a little rougher than the 1st. I stayed home from work 2 days that week. Just could not shake the flu-like feeling……achy body, headache, very tired. This past weekend was wonderful, though. I was able to go to the football game and get things done around the mini animal farm. The weather was picture perfect as well, which always helps.

    in reply to: What next? #53928


    How wonderful it is to have a strong dad. Let him know that we are all pulling for him. My prayers are with you and your family. Sounds like Mom needs lots of extra care and support as well.

    in reply to: The Endgame #52883

    Great to hear from you again Adam. One day at a time and squeeze every ounce of good from each one. Some days I feel really terrible, but I just think of what I was able to accomplish that day. There is always something I am able to do that I didn’t think I would.

    in reply to: My Father Richard. #54019


    Just wanted to add my very sincere condolences to you, your mom and brother. Your dad fought a great fight. We never know but what his experiences will provide the needed experience for doctors, nurses and other caregivers enabling them to be better with their next group of CC patients. This experience will give you an amazing amount of strength that you will carry the rest of your life. Prayers are with you.

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