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  • in reply to: Brought home #56818

    I am so glad you got to know your brother without the alcohol before he died. I also had the return of my mother the last few years of her life when she was too sick for alcohol. It is hard to see good people we love fall into the deadly spiral of alcoholism.
    How beautiful for your brother to experience family and love again before he passed. He is at peace. You are a wonderful sister. Nancy

    in reply to: 2 months since my Tom passed #56754

    What a beautiful relationship you had Margaret; Tom is with you forever. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: The end of my story #56727

    For all of us out there who have lost our mothers:

    “I am reminded that what I adore, admire, and draw from Mother is inherent in Earth. My Mother’s spirit can be recalled simply by placing my hands on the black humus of mountains or the lean sands of desert. Her love, her warmth, and her breath, even her arms around me – are the waves, the wind, sunlight, and water.” Terry Tempest Williams

    in reply to: Doing well after 2 years! #56763

    Love hearing good news stories! Here’s to hearing more! Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: The end of my story #56711

    Dear Maria, My thoughts are with you and your family. Don’t feel bad about playing along with your mom’s denial. Everyone approaches death differently and if that is what she needed that’s okay. Sounds like her last hours were peaceful and how special for both of you to be able to hold her as she left this world. She is with you forever and you with her.
    Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Recap of My Dad’s Journey #56625

    My thoughts and prayers for you and your family for a peaceful journey. Nancy

    in reply to: One year without Kris #56139

    Hans, Not only was Kris full of hope, she filled so many of us with hope. It is what keeps me going – hope for the future- hope for a cure for the many still suffering. Kris truly was/is a special soul. She is not forgotten; her many inspiring, heartfelt, sometimes painfully real, full of humour posts are still read as she continues to give hope.
    I understand your “embracing the pain”. I too have lost my spouse and I use the pain to strengthen myself and bring understanding. Like Kris I find laughter in each day. Wishing you a peaceful 2012. Nancy

    in reply to: 1st Christmas without Mom though she is still here with us! #55963

    How wonderful the messages from beyond! Merry Christmas. Nancy

    in reply to: Lisa #52907

    Lisa was one of my first inspirations on this board. I miss her already. Hugs to her family and friends. Nancy

    in reply to: Ben’s “amazing” scans… #50045

    Tom and Ben, Love hearing your good news. Keep kicking butt! With that much shrinkage could Ben be a canditate for resection now?
    Keep enjoying life!

    in reply to: 6 yrs post diagnosis and still hanging tough #52259

    Hi Rob, I am a caregiver looking after my husband Doug as we face the final stages of stage 4 cc. I understand when you say it is hard to put one foot in front of the other. Just yesterday my daughter asked me how I do it and stay strong. I told her I am not always strong and I do it for love; for better for worse through sickness and health, till death do us part. He would do the same for me if the roles were reversed. This is the toughest journey we have ever been on and we try to take one day at a time. We try to laugh each day and hold each other close. Doug choses not to talk about his illness and that he faces death, so we don’t. I too understand about the thoughts and fears running through your head; sometimes I think I might go mad, so I push the thoughts out and go back to living day to day. There are too many of us out here fighting this disease. We will continue to fight until the day a cure is found and no one else will have to suffer the way we do. Fighting with you in Revelstoke B.C.

    in reply to: not sure effects of chemo are worth it. #52594

    Hi Devastated. Is chemo worth it is a tough question. Some have found great benefit in doing chemo – prolonged life, better quality, etc. Others have not tolerated chemo well and in the long run it probably wasn’t worth it. Has his cancer progressed since the chemo? Like PCL said maybe there is an option for different chemo. During my husband’s chemo he was on naturopathic support (still is) which we believe lessened the side effects of the chemo.
    I totally understand how devastating it is to watch your husband suffer and fail. My husband was vibrant, healthy, very active, before cc – it is so tough…
    Fighting along side of you in Revelstoke B.C.

    in reply to: Mom just diagnosed #52450

    Hi Trish, Will be thinking about your mom and your family tomorrow and will pray for good results. Stay strong. Nancy

    in reply to: Persistent cough #52200

    Hi Simon, I was saddened to read about Moira’s progression to the lungs. I totally understand how you are feeling because I am in the same situation with my husband Doug in that his bone mets are progressing. I agree that this is a cruel disease. I am not sure how I make it through some days; I have to dig so deep for the strength. I try to find something to laugh about with Doug everyday and concentrate on enjoying the moment while I push the sad thoughts away.
    On a positive note, people have had success with getting rid of lung mets with chemo. Keep us posted on what the ONC says. All the best to you and Moira. We are with you here in Revelstoke B.C. Nancy & Doug

    in reply to: looking for solution #52568

    Hi Mojgan, Like Lainy I would suggest that you seek out a doctor who knows cholangiocarcinoma well. Find out if she is a canditate for surgery. Has she done any chemo? Wishing you all the best. Nancy

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