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  • in reply to: My Poem TO Teddy #45331

    Lainy – Thank you for sharing this poem with us. Mostly thank you for sharing such a beautiful love. You truly touch our hearts and inspire us. God be with you. Love, Susan

    in reply to: Mom diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma #45256

    Acuevas – Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Each invasive procedure brings its own set of potential complications. Hang tough, push the doctors, and don’t wait to seek care. You will do the very best you can. Give mom lots of hugs and keep us posted. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: No insurance and not old enough for Medicare #45266

    Christine – We were in your same position. We ended up paying out of pocket for the chemo. Due to the expense, this was not something we could continue for a long period of time but we did complete 3 cycles (6 treatments). Then our state (CA) implemented one of the new health care requirements and established a state insurance program – it is expensive at $567 a month – but is a good, comprehensive PPO plan. This is not required until 2014, but checking with your state can’t hurt. Another option is to call the American Cancer Society and see if they have any help they can provide. Some of the drug companies will also help supplement payments so a check with them can’t hurt. The only other thing we did was to negotiate cash prices for doctor appointments and tests.

    Hope this helps some. It is so hard to need care and have no insurance. My husband is also too young for Medicare and we don’t qualify for any public programs. There are non-profit hospice programs that can’t charge either. When you are ready, you might look into that.

    It takes a tremendous amount of patience to do the legwork. We contacted insurance brokers, but of course were denied. Denial from an insurance company, no insurance for 6 months were conditions of qualifying for our state insurance which is called PCIP – Pre-existing Condition Insurance Program.

    Please keep us posted as you may come up with some great options that we need to know about as well.

    Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Thanks Mom #45271

    My dad died over 20 years ago, but the one thing my son (aged 31) says is that he wishes he could hear Grandpa’s voice again. They didn’t have those Hallmark books back then. Even our movies are in a video format. My husband has CC and he will be recording a couple of Hallmark books for our grandchildren so they have the “voice of Papa” in the years to come. Thank you for sharing. I think it would freak me out a little to hear the voice of my loved one after they were gone. hahaha. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: TEDDY IS HERE! #45289

    I am a believer! My dad has visited at my mom’s house many times. I am not crazy and I am sensitive to others worrying about spiritis, but all I can say is more than one person has had the experience and I, for one, am not limiting God’s ability to allow our loved ones to bring us comfort and peace. I am so glad that Teddy winked at you and you have already experienced him watching over you. Love you, Susan

    in reply to: Teddy #45281

    I have an increased appreciation for Teddy and for that song. Wow – he could sing too. God blessed him in so many ways! It has been an honor to even know of this story of love and passion and commitment. Thank you God for Teddy and Lainy and their family. Please hold Teddy in Your loving arms for awhile and then let him go do all that is planned for him – he has things to do, like saving places at the Italian restaurant for friends. Love, Susan

    in reply to: Visitors #45150

    Cherish that you have another birthday to spend together and it looks like Christmas will be good too. So happy for you and your family. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #45236

    It is so wonderful to hear a success story. Thank you for sharing and giving us hope. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Treatment Centers/Physicians #29933

    What a blessing that you had someone who recognized or suspected the tumor immediately and sent you down the right path. Many are not so blessed. Thank you for sharing those who have supported you on your journey. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Teddy is at PEACE #45183

    I am so glad for Teddy. I just knew in my spirit this evening. Something I sensed. I am so glad that you had such wonderful years with T and those memories will carry you into the future. You have been an example to all of us and a strength and support. Glad you have Robin and the rest of the family to support you during this time. My heart aches for your loss but celebrates the life you were privileged to share. Prayers and blessings. Love, Susan

    in reply to: How chemotherapy works. Cancer Research UK. #45181

    Gavin – Informative link. Thanks. Susan

    in reply to: Father In Law Diagnosed with CC #45170

    Dear Nehaak – Whether a year or 10, make the most of whatever days you have with your loved one. One good days, celebrate and dothe things he wants to do. One the rough days, hold his hand and tell him of your love. Thanks him for whatever he has done for you in your life. These are all precious days. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: HOSPICE Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm #45042

    Lainy – You are taking care of business, as always. You will get everything straightened out for your love. I agree that he should not have pain and not have to ask for medication. Bless him and you. I am so glad that you are in his corner and fighting for him. I think every patient MUST have their advocate. T doesn’t have the strength to fight this so God has you there to fight for him. I love you for that. Hopefully you had a good night’s rest and are ready for the challenges of today. We are with you in spirit and in prayer. Love you, Susan

    in reply to: Mom diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma #45158

    Michelle – Take a nap whenever you can. You have a lot on your plate and the only way to be good to others is to take good care of yourself. You need support right now and a healthy body. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: New with Questions #45094

    Dear Isellure – How wonderful that you can give your mom such support in her decision re: treatment vs. no treatment, information vs. no information. What a great way to honor her. Let’s hope that she remains symptom free. Keep posting and letting us know how she is and how you are doing. Blessings, Susan

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