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  • in reply to: Tumor shrinking #56172

    That’s great, Kris! Let us know what the surgeon says!


    in reply to: Asking for prayers #56147


    Consider it done. Best wishes for an improved scan!


    in reply to: Genetic Testing #56055

    I have never had genetic testing.

    Best wishes!


    in reply to: My Introduction #56004

    Derin, welcome to the site and congratulations on your successful surgery. I’m sorry to hear of the complication post surgery, but at least it seems you are getting better. Good luck with chemo. I am 32, had a liver resection with clean margins and got 3 cycles of gemzar/cisplatin, then 6 wks of chemo radiation and am about to begin more gemzar/cisplatin. Chemo was not so bad on me at all, no side effects, so I wish the same for you. Best of luck to you and keep us posted on your progress!!


    in reply to: Chemo: Maybe maybe not. #55992

    Best of luck, Pam! I hope the platelets cooperate! I know how frustrated Lauren must feel when she can’t get chemo so I am hoping everything is a go.

    Have a safe trip and hope you had a very Merry Christmas!

    That is so awesome Gio posted on here! I was happy to “hear” from him!


    in reply to: My Beautiful girlfriend of 7 yrs ! #44212

    Giovanni!!! I’m so glad to see a post from you! I am 32 with CC. I’ve read all about Lauren’s situation. Pam is on here often and although I wish this wasn’t happening to Lauren, I always look forward to Pam’s updates. Lauren is always in my prayers and I wish you all the very best.

    Take care and tell Lauren she has a bunch of people cheering for her!


    in reply to: anniversary #55823

    Congratulations, Bob!!!! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!


    in reply to: Acupuncture/nausea #55855

    That’s great!

    Best wishes!


    in reply to: New hepatic or perihepatic cyst #55596

    Best of luck Kris! I’m sure waiting for a plan is really difficult.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: question about no surgery #55809

    I had an oncologist at Mayo tell me they have a patient who has been alive 10 yrs and has metastatic cholangiocarcinoma. He said the patient responds to everything they give him.
    Take care!


    in reply to: 27 and advanced inoperable spread to liver lungs :s #54780

    Hi Christine and welcome to the site. Sorry you had to join us and sorry it took me so long to welcome you. It seems we are getting so many new members I can hardly keep up with writing welcome posts!! Don’t get me wrong, I love this site and everyone on it is great, but it sure would be nice to not have anyone else diagnosed with this cancer. I don’t know why it seems to be rising.
    Best wishes with your treatment. I am 32, had a big intrahepatic tumor, got a resection, chemo with gem/Cis, Chemo radiation with Xeloda and now back to more chemo. It is not a fun journey and I could name you a million other things I would rather do with my time, but I am so very thankful I am here. I hope your treatment goes well and keep us posted!


    in reply to: New around these parts #55717


    I never had liver issues, meaning no jaundice or abnormal LFT’s. Just a big tumor. And yes, sometimes I do treat it like it’s a patient I’m caring for and not myself. It is difficult because I work as a case manager now, but my clinical back round is in liver transplant/liver tumor. I’ve taken care of lots of CC patients, but they were never my age and I never thought about CC in much detail. I only had experience dealing with surgical patients, never dealing with the chemotherapy/radiation part. I figured, if they are older they get whipples, if they are younger they are males with PSC and get resections. Who knew there was so much more to it than that!
    Best of luck to you. I enjoyed reading your blog, especially the part about what not to say to cancer patients. It’s so true.

    Best wishes!

    in reply to: New around these parts #55709

    Hi Janine.

    I am a 32 you female, also a nurse, diagnosed with intrahepatic CC in May 2011. I had abdominal pain after eating that sent me to the ER. I thought it was my gallbladder. They did an US and found spots on my liver. The spots turned out to be a large mass which I had removed in May. I went into surgery thinking it was an adenoma, a benign growth caused by birth control. After surgery, I was told it was cancer. I never got a biopsy before surgery, because my surgeon said the treatment plan is the same regardless if it’s benign or malignant, it needed out. I got 3 rounds of Gem/Cis. 6wks of chemo radiation with Xeloda. My last scan was questionable for mets. I see the oncologist today and will probably proceed with 3 more cycles of Gem/Cis. Good luck to you and keep us posted.
    There seems to be a few of us younger girls on here that are nurses. I wonder if there is some sort of connection. Probably not, but I’m always looking for some reason why this cancer has been increasing in young girls.

    Best Wishes!

    in reply to: Latest scan #55634


    Stupid ct scanners. Why can’t they show good things? I am thinking of you and wishing you the best. Let us know what your next treatment plan is.

    Take care!

    in reply to: 2- year anniversary #55725

    Great news! Very happy for you!

    Take care!

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